Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2132485-Fun-at-Work-Married-Heat
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2132485
A married, home cleaning team steam up their work lives while their clients are away.
Ralph Campbell pulled his white work van into the driveway of Mr. and Mrs. Reyes’ home - one of the more posh neighborhoods in the city. Ralph parked, got out of the van, and then walked to the passenger side to open the door for his wife, Hope. He then began to untether and retrieve his work ladder stored on top of the van which he used to clean and do maintenance on the outside of the house.
Hope Campbell walked to the back of the van where she opened its double doors. She then began collecting her cleaning supplies and equipment to be used on the inside of the house. She also gathered her husband Ralph’s tools and supplies.
Ralph removed his ladder from the roof of the van and secured it on the side of the home. He then helped Hope gather the last of their equipment from the van, including a cart she used to move her supplies around the home. Hope finished loading up her cart. She then looked up at her husband who, smiling, said to her, “You look good in that outfit.”
Hope smiled. She was wearing plain linen pants and a simple, thin, long-sleeved, v-neck cotton shirt that fell well past her waist. Regular work clothes for her, though the pants were tight around her bottom. Hope turned around, lifted the back of her shirt, and stood on her toes - briefly showing off said bottom to her husband, causing his smile to widen.
She then moved toward him. The couple shared a tender kiss before Hope began moving her cart toward the side entrance of the house. Ralph watched his wife for a few seconds as she walked away - he loved her walk - before gathering his equipment and setting up shop at the front corner of the home.
Hope rang the doorbell. After about a minute the side door was opened. “Hi, Hope!”, she was greeted by Amanda Reyes. “Ralph is here?”
“Yes, Ma’am. He is in front preparing to clean the roof.”
“Nice! You two don't waste time, do you?” Amanda said.
“No, Ma’am. I'll start in the living room.”
“Thanks, Hope. You two always do such amazing work.” Amanda said. Hope then wheeled her cleaning cart into the home, moving it swiftly toward the living room in the front of the house.


Hope Campbell spent most of the morning cleaning the ground floor of the Reyes’ two story home. She had made her way into the kitchen, her last stop before heading upstairs, when she again saw Mrs. Reyes.
“Hope, I have to go run an errand. I shouldn't be long. I'm not expecting anyone but if you could listen for the doorbell in case anyone stops by that would be great.”
“Of course, Mrs. Reyes.” Hope said as Amanda searched through her purse for the keys to her vehicle.
Mrs. Reyes left as Hope stood still. She listened as she heard the garage door go up, the car engine purr, and then the garage door come back down. Hope smiled ever so slightly while pulling her cell phone from her back pocket. She sent her husband a text:
Come inside.


Ralph had long since finished his work cleaning the roof. He had also mowed the front and back lawns and was trimming the bushes bordering the front of the house when he received Hope’s text.
Ralph took off his work gloves. He placed them, along with his shears, under his ladder with the rest of his equipment. He made his way inside and to the bathroom where he washed his face and hands. He then went searching for Hope.
After entering and exiting a few rooms Ralph was about to go upstairs to continue his pursuit of his wife. He then spotted her. She was sitting in the middle of a plush light gray couch in the living room. She was still wearing her long sleeve v-neck shirt but she was no longer wearing her shoes...or pants.
Ralph smiled as he admired his wife’s thighs, partially obscured by her lengthy shirt. Her legs were also crossed, making him anxious to know if she had also removed her panties while partially disrobing.
“I saw Amanda leave.” Ralph said as he stood at the entrance to the living room studying his wife's body.
Hope nodded, seductively staring at Ralph. “Yeah.”
“How long will she be gone?”
“Not long.” Hope said while softly shaking her head and continuing to bewitch Ralph with her eyes.
He then began to slowly move toward Hope. “So we shouldn't waste time.” Ralph said.
Hope once again shook her head. “No.” she said as she slowly sat up and uncrossed her legs, though she was still obscured by her shirt.
Ralph was within a couple of feet of Hope when she raised her hands in front of her body to stop his progress. She unbuckled his belt. She then unfastened and unzipped his jeans.
Hope slowly pulled down on the ribbing of Ralph's underwear until his stiffness slid out. She wrapped her right hand around the base and began to slowly stroke him, making him harder.
“I thought we didn't have time to waste.” Ralph said, all the while enjoying her hand movement.
“We don't.” Hope said. She then licked her lips and slid them over his tip, taking half of his shaft into her mouth.
She slowly moved him in and out of her mouth, swirling her tongue around his ever-hardening erection. Just as Ralph's head began to fall back, she slid him out of her mouth.
Stunned by the sudden halt in pleasure, he looked down at his wife. “Now you're ready.” She said, smiling and looking at how wet she had made him. Hope then motioned for him to get on his knees.
Ralph obliged as Hope slid the bottom of her shirt up to reveal that she had, indeed, removed her panties. With Hope still sitting up straight, Ralph placed his hands onto his wife's petite hips and butt and slid her closer to the edge of the couch.
He then positioned his wet tip on her wetter lips. Ralph very slowly slid himself into his wife, watching, as always, her facial expression as he filled her up.
She quickly inhaled as he reached her spot. She then wrapped her legs around his hips before he could slide back out. “I told you…” Hope said. “...we don't have a lot of time. Fuck me.”
She then allowed her body to fall against the back of the couch. Ralph, tightening his grip on his wife's hips and bottom, began swiftly sliding in and out of her. Firmly pumping her, she began to grunt and tighten her legs around her husband as beads of sweat began to form on his and her forehead.
Ralph’s force began to first rock and then move the couch on which Hope sat. He began to notice something on the carpet underneath him. He began to slow down.
Hope's head was back, her eyes were closed, and she was thoroughly enjoying her husbands attention. And she wasn't happy it was waning. She opened her eyes and looked at Ralph. “What?” she asked.
Ralph paused and pointed at the floor. “There's a stain here on the carpet. Looks like coffee.
“Really?” Hope said.
Ralph looked at his wife. “Sorry.”
Hope then used her legs to begin pulling her husband back inside her. As Ralph returned his focus to Hope she once again relaxed and closed her eyes.
Ralph then moved his left hand around to the top of Hope's butt, pulling her to him as he continued his long, quickly thrusts into her. That freed his right hand to slide under her shirt.
Just as his hand reached her bra the couple heard the garage door open. They froze.


Amanda walked through the garage entrance to her home and into the kitchen area. She looked around and listened for Hope. She then heard a bump.
She swiftly moved toward the staircase in the open foyer which was right around the corner from the living room. When she got to staircase she saw Hope and Ralph. They were carrying Hope’s cleaning supply cart upstairs.
Amanda smiled. “You two are amazing.” she said as they reached the top of the stairs. They sat the cart down and both looked down the stairs at Mrs. Reyes.
“Hope, I can't believe you are already done with the downstairs. It looks great. And Ralph, the roof looks fantastic.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.” Ralph said as they both smiled.
Amanda walked back toward her office as Hope and Ralph waited for her to be out of their line of sight. Ralph and Hope then looked at one another for a few seconds.
“I’ve got to get back outside.” Ralph said.
“OK.” Hope said as they still gazed into one another's eyes.
Ralph then reluctantly left his wife and descended the staircase as she watched him walk away. Hope then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and with a soft smile reminisced about their brief tryst.


Hope received a text from Ralph just as she was finishing cleaning the master bathroom:
Wrapping up
It was good timing as she would soon need his help bringing her cleaning cart back downstairs.
“Amazing, Amy. The house looks amazing.” Hope could hear Amanda say in a hushed but increasing tone. “The Campbell's keep our house looking incredible. They are so worth every penny.”
Hope smiled to herself as she realized Mrs. Reyes was on her phone talking to a friend. Hope placed the last of her supplies on her cart and began to push it out of the master bedroom.
Just before she reached the top of the stairs she could see Mrs. Reyes with her phone held to her ear and walking downstairs toward the living room. Hope's heart jumped. She then discreetly slid her hand into her pants to ensure she had put back on her panties from her earlier rendezvous with her husband. She had.
“Oh, wow, Amy…” Amanda continued on her phone with her friend, “...she even got out that coffee stain I was trying to hide in the living room when I repositioned the couch. I can't believe she even saw that!”
Hope giggled quietly as she continued to overhear Mrs. Reyes’ conversation. She then heard the side door to the house close. Seconds later Ralph appeared and helped her move the cleaning cart back downstairs.
Amanda emerged from the living room as they were heading back toward the side entrance. “Here they are.” Amanda said loudly as she spotted Hope and Ralph. She then began swiftly walking toward the Campbells as she wrapped up her phone conversation. “Hey, Amy, let me talk to them and I'll call you back.”
Hope and Ralph slowed down as they reached the side entrance and looked at one another. They then paused completely and turned toward Mrs. Reyes.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you two something.” Mrs. Reyes said. “By the way, magnificent job on the house as usual. Hope, how did you even know there was a stain under the couch?”
“Uh...vacuuming.” Hope said as Ralph's eyes bugged for a moment.
“Well, thank you for taking care of it for me. Everything looks great. And the outside as well.” Mrs. Reyes said, turning to Ralph. The yard and hedges look immaculate.”
“Thank you.” Ralph said.
“I wanted to speak to you about something if you have a couple of minutes.” Mrs. Reyes said, motioning toward the den.
Hope nodded. “Of course.” she said as they all went to sit down.
“I have a friend, Amy Martin, whose regular cleaning crew is out of town. She is having a rough time finding someone to clean her home...” Mrs. Reyes said. “...and I was just raving to her about what great work you two do for me here.”
Hope began to slowly shake her head. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Reyes, but our schedule is already pretty full.”
“Are you sure you can't possibly squeeze her in? She is a good friend of mine and I promised her I would try and connect you two with her.”
Hope looked at Mrs. Reyes for a few moments as she thought about their packed schedule. She then reached for her phone to access her digital calendar.
“Any time you could find for her would be great.” Mrs. Reyes said. “She is a really good friend and I'd love to help her out. I told her how marvelous you all are.”
Hope looked up from her phone and smiled at Mrs. Reyes. She then continued to look through her calendar, periodically shaking her head.
“If you could just meet with her?” Mrs. Reyes said. “Maybe you all could figure something out?”
Hope nodded. “Sure, Mrs. Reyes. We’ll meet with her. Do you know what would be a good time for her?”
“Umm…” Amanda said, “...what are you doing right now?”


Amy Martin's home was several streets away in the same neighborhood as the Reyes home. The Campbell's had no evening plans other than going home after they left Mrs. Reyes, so they didn't mind spending a little extra time to do their best client a favor.
Ralph and Hope pulled into the Martin's driveway and were immediately greeted by a smiling, waving Amy Martin standing in her front lawn.
Ralph parked beside the lawn. He then looked at Hope and smiled. “Remember when we were the ones wanting to make a good impression for our clients?”
Hope turned her head away from an approaching Mrs. Martin to conceal her laugh.


“As you can see...” Mrs. Martin said while walking the Campbell's through the hallway of her home that connected the foyer to the den, “...our home is about the same size as Amanda's. She just raves about the work you two do. I had a crew of three that regularly cleaned for me but they are on vacation.”
Amy then stopped walking and turned toward the couple. “I know Amanda mentioned that you are already pretty booked but it would be great if you could squeeze me into your schedule. I’m throwing a big party and I am desperate. I'd definitely make it worth your while.”
After a few seconds Hope asked, “When are you having your party?”
“The day after tomorrow.” Mrs. Martin answered.
“Oh.” Hope said. “So you need someone tomorrow.”
Hope looked at Ralph who signaled his displeasure before turning back to Mrs. Martin. “I'm sorry, Ma’am, but that's our only day off.”
“Well, I'd be willing to double your fee.” Mrs. Martin said.
“It's not an issue of money, Mrs. Martin...” Hope said.
“Look.” Amy Martin interrupted. “Tell me what it will take. I'm desperate here. This party is in a little more than 48 hours and it could be a huge boost to my husband's career.”
Hope and Ralph glanced at one another as Mrs. Martin continued. “Plus I'm going out of town tomorrow and I need someone I can trust to be here without me or my husband here. With my cleaning crew gone I don't know anyone else.”
Hope and Ralph once again glanced at one another. Hope smiled as she looked back at Mrs. Reyes and nodded. “What time do you need us here tomorrow?”
Amy's face brightened. “Oh my god, you will do it?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Hope said.


Amy Martin gave the Campbells an extra copy of keys to her home and her security code. Mrs. Martin was leaving town that night and not returning until the morning of the party so Hope and Ralph were on their own time frame as far as when they would be cleaning the next day.
The couple then went home and discussed their plans for Amy’s home before sitting down to dinner. After dinner Ralph continued to contemplate all that had been discussed earlier with Mrs. Martin.
“I wonder if she is really going to pay us double our fee.” Ralph said to Hope as he placed their dishes from dinner into the kitchen sink.
“Does it matter?” Hope asked.
Ralph shrugged. “Not really. But it wouldn't hurt.”
Hope smirked at him. She then began washing all the dishes. Ralph stood close behind her, making her smile. “May I help you?” she asked.
Ralph moved his lips to within a couple of inches of her ear before saying in a low tone, “You sure can.”
Hope smiled a little bigger. She then looked over her shoulder at Ralph. “I have to finish these dishes.” she said before turning back toward the kitchen sink.
Ralph looked over her shoulder. “You only have a fork left.” he said. He then gently placed his hands on Hope’s waist and softly kissed her several times from the base of her neck up to the back of her ear.
Hope went limp and her body fell back onto Ralph’s. He wrapped his arms around her and began licking her ear, which made her body shudder. After a few seconds Hope stood straight up and turned around to face Ralph, wresting herself from his embrace.
“Nope.” Hope said with a slight smile she was trying to suppress. “ I have to finish the dishes and we have to get ready for tomorrow.”
Ralph looked playfully surprised. “So we can't…?” he asked.
“No, Ralph. We can't.”
Ralph smiled as he watched Hope walk from the kitchen toward the bedroom. He loved her walk. He then called out to her just as she turned the corner to go into the master bathroom. “Not even a little?”
Hope leaned around the corner, still smirking. “No.” she said before disappearing back into the bathroom.
“Why not?” Ralph asked, walking toward his wife. He turned the corner to the bathroom and saw her cleaning her face.
“We have work to do tomorrow.” she said as she looked at him through the mirror.
Ralph moved toward Hope to put his hands back onto her waist but she quickly turned around and placed a hand on his chest to stop him. “No, Ralph.” she said with a growing grin. “Tomorrow.” she then kissed him on the cheek and said softly in his ear “Be patient.”
Hope then turned back around to face the sink as she and Ralph gazed at one another through the mirror.


Hope sat quietly on the passenger side of the work van as Ralph drove them to Amy Martin’s house. She sleepily watched the scenery pass by her window as she questioned the wisdom of voluntarily starting work at 6am. She then noticed a faint but pleasant familiar scent tickling her nostrils.
Hope looked suspiciously at her husband who was concentrating on the road. A small smile came upon her face as she said, “Polo Red? Really?”
A sly smile of his own crept on Ralph's face as he kept his eyes forward. “Yeah. What about it?”
“You know that's my favorite cologne of yours.”
“Is it?” Ralph said.
“Since when do you wear cologne to work?” Hope asked.
Hope then leaned toward Ralph, putting her nose within an inch of his neck, and inhaling deeply. She then sat back and closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before exhaling. She looked to be in Heaven.
Ralph, still grinning, quickly glanced at his wife before again facing the road. “Guess I forgot I was going to work.” he said.


Once the Campbells arrived at the Martin residence Ralph helped Hope pull her cleaning cart out of the back of the van. He gathered all of his supplies out of the van and sat them at the corner of the house. He then looked at Hope. “Did you need some help getting everything inside?”
Hope smiled seductively. “You wanna help me?”
Ralph grinned. “Of course.”
Hope and Ralph carried the cart over the concrete path that lead from the driveway to the front door. Hope then disabled the alarm and unlocked the door.
The front door opened to a staircase similar to the Reyes’ home. Hope and Ralph pulled in her cart and supplies and left them at the foot of the stairs.
“OK, I'll see you in a few hours.” Ralph said. He then turned to go back outdoors and begin his work.
Hope reached out and grasped his hand, pulling him back toward her. She then walked up to them until their bodies were pressed together and her forehead was almost touching his lips. She then looked into his eyes and asked, “Don't you want to stay inside and...help me some more?”
“I'd love to, baby.” Ralph said. “But there's a lot to do outside.”
“You have something to do in here as well.” Hope said, rubbing her hand up and down the inside of Ralph's thigh, noting that she was turning him on.
Ralph smiled. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to say no to you?”
Hope, still looking Ralph in the eyes while rubbing his inner leg, let out a soft moan. “You shouldn't have worn your cologne.”
Hope then moved her hand from between Ralph's legs to his chest. She rubbed it for a few seconds before kissing it. “See you at lunch.” Hope said. She then pushed her cleaning cart around the stairs and out of sight as Ralph watched her walk away. It took him a couple of minutes before he could walk back outside.


It was around 10:30am and Hope had finished cleaning the lower level of the house. The Martin's second level was about half the size of the Reyes’ so she didn't have much work left to do. Still, she couldn't stop thinking about Ralph and how he smelled wearing his Polo Red cologne.
Hope reached under her cart and pulled out a hand-held luggage bag. She then slowly walked upstairs and into the master bedroom. Once she reached the bedroom entrance Hope tossed her small luggage bag onto the Martin’s bed. She then kicked off her work sneakers and pulled off her socks, letting them fall haphazardly to the floor.
As she walked slowly past the foot of the bed she ran her fingers along its silk sheets. A few more steps and Hope pulled her shirt over her head and off her body, dropping it to the floor as well.
She then walked slowly toward the open bathroom as she unbuckled the belt on her work jeans. She stopped at the wall separating the bathing and sleeping area of the master suite. She then pulled her jeans off and let them rest on the floor.
Hope entered the bath area of the master suite, past the jacuzzi tub, and stood in front of the glass door to the shower. She then pulled off her panties and bra before adjusting the water temperature to her liking.
Hope opened the door to the shower and entered it, immediately relaxing under the feel of warm water soaking her hair and cascading down her body. After a minute or so of enjoying the subtle massage the falling water provided her body, Hope reached for her shower gel and poured it over her breasts and stomach and back. She then took the bath sponge she had packed, coated it with soap, and began lathering her entire body with it.
As Hope began softly soaping between her legs her middle finger inadvertently slipped past the sponge and onto her clitoris causing a jolt through her body. She didn’t realize she had gotten so sensitive. Hope then watched as large patches of soap lather cascaded down her smooth, light caramel thighs. She imagined the gliding soap was Ralph’s hand as she continued to tease herself with her finger.
Hope’s breathing became labored as she increased the speed with which she stimulated herself. She was imagining Ralph coming in from working and placing himself beneath her in the shower, both of his hands on her thigh and his tongue poised to stroke.
He was always sweaty from being outside, which she loved. The Polo Red would only increase his naturally manly scent. He wasn’t naturally super dark so the outside work provided, for her, the addition of a pleasant shade to his skin. He often joked that she would leave him if he ever lost his work tan. She wouldn’t have. She would have just made him stand outside several hours a day until she was satisfied.
Hope’s knees began to buckle as she slid the first two fingers of her other hand between her legs and lips and inside her. As she continued to swirl her fingers around her ever throbbing clit she began to stroke herself as well. She could feel her body convulsing. Begging to release. She forced herself to slow down and then stop. She wanted to save her fevered pitch of horniness.
Hope finished washing and rinsing herself, stepped out of the shower, and then toweled off. As she packed away her belongings she glanced at her cell phone which was inside an outer pocket of her bag. She smiled as she retrieved it and sent Ralph a simple message:
It’s time to come and eat
Ralph paused from trimming the hedges as he felt his phone vibrate. He read the message from Hope. “Lunch at 11?” He said to himself. They never ate lunch earlier than noon and usually closer to one. They both liked to get as much work done before their break so that after lunch they had as little as possible left to do before their day was done.
Ralph put his phone back into his pocket, put his tools away, and headed inside to search for Hope. Ralph walked through the laundry room and into the kitchen which overlooked the den. It didn’t take him long to find his wife. Hope was sitting, legs crossed, in the middle of the love seat in the den. She wore a very thin, black, floor-lengthed lace robe. Ralph always loved the way the material of that robe rested over her breasts, partially obscuring her erect nipples.
Ralph’s white short sleeved work shirt was clinging to his broad chest and his hair was still sweaty as he hadn’t had a chance to get cleaned up for lunch. It didn’t matter. He realized what his wife was serving for a pre-lunch appetizer. And he knew she liked him sweaty.
Ralph softly grinned as he moved toward Hope. “Lunch, huh?”
“What? You aren’t hungry?” she said.
“For your pussy?” Ralph said. “Starving.”
Hope’s heart raced and her mouth hung open at her husband’s bluntness. Ralph then swiftly finished closing the distance between himself and Hope. She just as quickly uncrossed and spread her legs, careful to untie her robe and move it out of the way. Ralph grabbed her by her calves and, in one quick motion, slid her bottom to the edge of the couch. He then lowered his head between her knees as she blissfully ran her fingers through his sweaty hair.
Though Ralph could tell by the force and direction of her hands that she wanted his tongue working its magic as soon as possible, he resisted. He, instead, started by kissing along the length of Hope’s inner thigh. With his lips first contact he could feel an involuntary twitch of her thigh muscle. He could also see that his wife was already wet with anticipation, the moisture between her legs clearly not from the shower.
Hope, her eyes closed and her head back, forcefully tugged Ralph’s hair with both hands. “Please.” she moaned as he looked up at her.
Ralph waited until his wife made eye contact with him. “Are you in a hurry?” He asked her.
“Lick my pussy, baby.” Hope said, begging with her eyes as well as her voice. “Please.”
Ralph smiled and shook his head. He then, once again, grabbed Hope’s lower legs. But that time he pulled her until her bottom was off the couch and her head and back were on it. Her hands came untangled from her hair and her head fell between the two couch cushions.
Ralph grabbed his wife’s butt with both his hands as her legs fell spread before him. He then began slowly flicking her clitoris with his tongue. He could feel the pulse of her vagina as she came almost immediately. He continued to swirl the tip of his tongue around her clit as he positioned one of his hands so that he could slide that hand’s thumb inside her.
She moaned deeply as he began stroking her pussy at the same time as he continued to lick her. Hope’s hands made their way back to the back of Ralph’s head as she began to control the pace of his licking. After so many years of marriage they had learned very subtle ways of communicating to one another what they each wanted. When Ralph felt the way Hope was moving his head he knew exactly how she wanted his tongue to react. He was sure he got it right as he could feel her tighten and pulse around his thumb as she came once again.
Ralph eased up and slightly back away from his wife as she caught her breath. She looked at him - her hair disheveled and her heart pounding. Ralph smiled. “Do you need a second?”
She nodded, her body finally finishing it’s intermittent convulsions. After a few seconds Ralph asked her, “Are you ready for me to stop?”
Hope, her mouth hung open, shook her head.
Ralph then lowered his head back into position and again cupped his wife’s petite but round and plump ass cheeks with his powerful hands. This time he eased his tongue onto the bottom of her lips, slowly running it up to the tip of her clit, which caused her to shiver. He then brought his tongue halfway down her lips and then suddenly thrust it inside her. He pushed his tongue inside her as far as he could, over and over, for a few seconds before tracing from the bottom of her lips and again back to her clit. He then put his lips over her clitoris and began, at the same time, softly sucking and licking it.
Hope’s eyes rolled back until her eyelids closed. Her thighs suddenly and tightly slammed against either side of Ralph’s face. Her hands came off of his head and froze over it, her fingers stiff as her thighs squeezed as tightly as they could until Ralph almost couldn’t breathe. Still, he kept his lick/suck tandem going until she finished cumming for the third time. Finally Hope’s thighs released their grip on Ralph’s head as her entire body fell limp. Ralph then rose from his knees and stood over his wife.
Hope’s eyes opened to Ralph smiling. “Ready for lunch?” he asked.
Hope nodded. “Just give me a minute.”
“Take your time.” Ralph said. He then moved toward the bathroom to get cleaned up.
Once Hope mustered the energy to rise from the couch she slipped on her black thong panties and then guided Ralph upstairs and toward the same shower of which she had earlier availed herself. Once he was done cleaning up he rejoined her in the den where there were two lap trays resting on the ottoman in front of the main couch. They each carried a large roast beef sandwich, sliced carrots, an apple, and a bottled water. “Nice.” Ralph said as he examined his lunch. “I’m starving.”
“I bet.” Hope said as they both smiled at one another.
Ralph and Hope sat down on the plush main couch with their lunch, which they enjoyed with their feet up along with a movie on Amy’s 75 inch television. “I love ottoman’s.” Ralph said.
Hope giggled. “What do you suppose they watch on a TV this size?” she asked.
“Football.” Ralph said. “What else?”
Hope rolled her eyes. “I guess. Though I doubt Mr. Martin is around enough to enjoy it.”
Ralph shrugged. “Then we should enjoy it for him.”
Hope laughed as they began to eat.


Once the movie ended Ralph took their dishes into the kitchen and sanitized the lap trays. Hope followed him into the kitchen, pointing out where to store the trays as she began washing the remainder of their dishes. Ralph then leaned back on the kitchen island directly behind the sink, folded his arms, and watched as his wife’s body moved provocatively to the rhythm of her dish washing. Her bottom could be seen very well through the thin black material of her robe and he was thoroughly enjoying the view.
Hope looked over her shoulder at her husband staring at her behind and smiled. “See something you like?” She asked before returning her attention to the dishes.
“I love to watch your hips sway.” Ralph said. “It’s hypnotizing.”
“My hips sway?” Hope said. “I’m just washing dishes.”
“Poetry in motion.” He said.
Hope again looked over her shoulder and smiled. She then dried the last dish and put it away before turning to face her husband while leaning against the sink counter. She studied her husband’s pleasant but wanting expression for a few seconds.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked.
“Like what?” Ralph said in a very low voice, continuing his intense gaze.
“You want me. Don’t you?” Hope asked.
“Since the day I met you.” Ralph said.
Hope then took the very few steps to close the gap between she and her husband. They dove into a passionate kiss, his hands immediately finding, caressing, and then squeezing her bottom. Hope paused their kissing so that she could pull off Ralph’s t-shirt. She then ran her nails down his full, broad chest. They then continued to explore one another’s mouths with their respective tongues as Ralph lifted Hope by her butt, turned, and sat her on the kitchen island.
After a few more seconds Ralph backed away slightly to unbuckle and unzip his pants - while he watched with eagerness his wife open her robe and expose her nude body to him. Hope then asked him, “So, you’ve been trying to fuck me since the day you met me?”
Ralph mulled the question for a few seconds as he allowed his pants and underwear to fall to his ankles. “Pretty much.” He finally answered. “Is that a problem?”
“Not at all.” She said as she moved to the edge of the counter so that Ralph could more easily reach her. “I wanted to fuck you that first day, too.”
Just as Ralph’s tip began to part Hope’s wet lips, he pulled back and paused. “What?” Ralph said. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Hope looked at her husband sarcastically. “Really? And have you thinking I was some kind of slut?”
“I would have had your panties over my head that first night if I had known.” Ralph said.
Hope laughed. “Oh, no you wouldn’t have.”
Ralph looked confused. “But you said…”
“I said I wanted to fuck you that night.” Hope said. “I didn’t say I would have. I didn’t have sex with people I barely knew.”
Ralph again pondered her words. “OK. I can live with that.” He then put his hand behind Hope’s neck and once again pushed his tip just enough to part her lips. He then looked her in her eyes and dropped his voice. “So...do you know me well enough now?” He asked.
Hope, panting from anticipation, nodded slightly. Ralph then slowly began pushing his entire shaft inside his wife until her body was jolted by his length.
“God, you have a big dick.” Hope said through quickened breaths.
Ralph smiled as he grabbed Hope’s ass with his other hand and continued to slowly stroke her pussy with his length. “You’ve been telling me that for years now.” Ralph said. “You aren’t used to it yet?”
“No, baby.” Hope said. “Give it to me, baby.”
Ralph then took his hand from the back of her neck and grasped her hips with both hands. He sped up his strokes, still filling her up over and over from tip to base to tip as she began to slide a little on her robe.
Ralph pumping his wife as he enjoyed the methodical rhythm of her breasts softly bouncing together. Hope first began to perspire on her forehead and neck, her hair beginning to stick to her forehead. There was then a soft glow of perspiration between her breasts which made Ralph that much harder.
Hope placed her hand on Ralph’s chest once again, non-verbally instructing him to slow his pace. She kissed and licked his chest for a few seconds before leaning backward onto the kitchen island, her hair a sweaty mess. She then placed one hand behind her head as she began to grind against Ralph.
Ralph’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he held his wife’s hips firm and enjoyed the feeling of her lips sliding up and down on the base of his shaft while the rest of it was buried inside her. He then took control and began sliding in and out of her again, much to her delight. He chose short, firm strokes that made his wife’s breath catch and her breasts jiggle as she lay completely - blissfully - under his control on the island counter top.
Ralph then began massaging Hope’s clit with his thumb. Her entire body jolted several times in succession at the sensation of him touching her there. Her butt muscles began to tense and lift her off the counter as she tried to control her body’s involuntary spasms. All of her movements drove Ralph closer and closer to orgasm, himself.
“Baby.” Hope called out to Ralph as he continued to work his wife’s body.
“Yeah.” He said, his breath labored as well.
“Baby...Baby...Don’t make me cum again, baby.” Hope said.
“Why not?” Ralph said as he continued to stroke his wife and massage her clit with his thumb.
“I still have to finish cleaning.” Hope said. “You’ve already worn me out today.”
Ralph continued his sexual ravaging of his wife, which she continued to thoroughly enjoy. Her eyes closed as she concentrated on the sensation of Ralph’s dick against the walls of her pussy and her clit throbbing with delight. Ralph, still touching his wife’s ever-throbbing clit, was beginning to speed his strokes as he was finding it difficult to control himself.
Just when Hope was seconds from exploding she opened her eyes and looked accusatory at her husband. Barely able to talk, she mustered the breath to say, “Ralph...you’re not...supposed to...make me....”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Ralph said as he intensified his stroking even more. “I can’t stop. You shouldn’t be so fucking fine.”
Hope gasped, her husband’s compliment sending her over the edge. She began to explode which sent Ralph over the edge as well. With each thrust he released inside his wife as they soaked one another - and the countertop...and Hope’s robe - with their passion.
As Ralph came down from the high he grabbed the countertop for balance. Hope lay sprawled in front of him completely spent, her entire body limp. It took them both a minute to catch their breath.
Ralph finally composed himself enough to begin easing himself out of his wife.
“Baby.” Hope said barely above a whisper. “Towel.” She said, pointing to a neatly folded towel lying on the island beside them.
“You brought a towel?” Ralph asked. “You knew we were going to be doing this here?”
Hope shook her head. “It was the towel I used to dry the dishes.”
Ralph laughed as he grabbed the towel and slid himself out of Hope, leaving the towel for her. Her body jerked at the feel of fluid coming out of her and onto her bottom.
“Told you not to make me cum.” Ralph said to her.
Hope cut her eyes at Ralph. “Shut up.”


Ralph loaded his work ladder onto the top of the van as Hope began removing and securing the cleaning supplies from her work cart. Ralph then joined her at the back of the van, helping her place her cart in the van before they both finished putting away their equipment. Ralph closed the door to the van and then watched his wife as she walked toward the passenger side door.
She turned around and caught him looking at her bottom. Hope shook her head and smiled. “Don’t even think about it.” She said. “I barely got through work today because of you.
Ralph, wearing a sly smile of his own, said, “You’re welcome.” He then kissed at Hope.
Hope laughed. “You’re insatiable.”
“Only because you are my wife.” Ralph said.
Hope’s eyes lit up. “Are you trying to get me to jump you tonight?”
“That would be nice.” Ralph said.
Hope shook her head slowly. “We won’t be able to walk tomorrow. I’m not sure I’ll be able to as it is.”
“That would be nice.” Ralph repeated.
Hope laughed again, Ralph laughing with her as they both got into the van and headed home.
Hope’s garment bag sat in her lap. She pulled her robe halfway out of the bag, which she regretted. “Ugh. This thing is soaked.”
Ralph glanced at the robe. “That was going to happen. You looked too hot in it to not send us both over the moon.”
“Well, I’m glad you liked it.” Hope said. She then searching inside her bag. She pulled her robe completely out and shook it. She then began frantically combing through the other objects in the bag as well as its interior and exterior pockets.
“What’s wrong?” Ralph asked, noticing his wife’s panicked search.
“My panties.” Hope said. “I can’t find my black panties.”
“You aren’t wearing them?” Ralph said.
Hope stared at Ralph. “Really? You think I was working all day in a black-lace thong?”
“That’s what I pictured you wearing.” Ralph said.
“Do you have any idea how uncomfortable that would be to work in?”
Ralph shook his head. “It’s been a few years since I’ve worked in a thong.”
“Ralph.” Hope said. “This is serious. I think I left the at the Martin’s.”
“Then let’s turn around and go get your panties.” Ralph said. “We still have the alarm code.
“But we don’t have the key anymore.” Hope said. “I left it under the mat inside the laundry room.”
After a few seconds of silence, Ralph said, “Uh, oh. That could be an embarrassing find.”
“Ya think?” Hope said.
“Do you know where in the house they are?” Ralph asked.
“I don’t remember.” Hope said as they continued to drive toward their home.


Amy Martin called the Campbells once she returned to her home to thank them for doing such a wonderful job. Hope suggested - strongly - that she and Ralph come back and do a walk-through with Amy to ensure they didn’t miss anything. Amy was very pleased with the job they had done and didn’t see the need, but at Hope’s urging she relented.
As Ralph pulled into the Martin’s driveway Hope began instructing him. “OK, make sure you keep your eyes peeled. Those panties could be anywhere.”
“Yeah.” Ralph said.
“And they’re black. And tiny. So really be looking.” Hope said.
“Yeah.” Ralph said.
Ralph opened the driver side van door and began to exit when his wife grabbed his arm. “Ralph, do you think we will find them?”
“We’ll be fine, baby.” Ralph said. “We were only in so many places. At least sexually.” He said as Hope rolled her eyes. “We’ll find them.”
“I hope you’re right.” She said.
They were greeted at the door by Amy who immediately began heaping praise on them even before they could start their ‘inspection’.
“I cannot believe the job you two did.” Amy said. “I had a crew of three that used to clean my home. And I was very happy with their work. But you two...I haven’t seen this house so clean since we first moved in three years ago.”
“Thank you so much.” Hope said as she very conspicuously looked around and through every inch of the Martin’s home.
“I really appreciate your professionalism but, like I said on the phone, I am more than satisfied with the job that you two did.” Amy said. “As a matter of fact, here is your fee. Doubled, as we agreed.”
Ralph smiled and looked at his wife as Amy extended the envelope to them. He took it as Hope was still preoccupied with finding her panties. “Thanks. You’ll have to excuse my wife. She can be...intense about her job.”
“Well clearly from the results that has served her well.” Amy said.
Ralph nodded as his wife continued her inspection tour. After looking through the entire downstairs she and Amy moved upstairs without Ralph as he feigned double-checking his job outside. Hope was silently wishing to find her panties in Miller’s master suite, though she was sure she had them on once she came downstairs.
Hope stretched her search as far as she could but just couldn’t locate her tiny black thong. When she and Amy headed back downstairs Ralph was waiting for them. “Everything good up there?” Ralph asked as Amy and Hope approached him.
Standing slightly behind Amy, a severely panicked Hope raised her palms and shook her head rapidly at Ralph. “Everything looks amazing.” Amy said. “You two really have to let me know if you can work me into your schedule on a more permanent basis. I could really use the help and I’d love to give you all my business.”
Ralph nodded as Hope still stole glances all around the kitchen and den. “We will look at our schedule and see what we can do for you Mrs. Martin. Thank you for your time.”
Hope looked up at Ralph shocked. “Thank you.” Amy said as she walked the Campbells back out to the driveway.
Once Amy closed the side door to the house Hope snapped her head toward her husband who was walking toward the van. “What is wrong with you?” She asked in a hushed tone as Ralph opened the driver side door. “We have to get back in there. We have to find those panties.”
“Come on, Hope.” Ralph said. “There’s nothing else we can do. Let’s go.”
Ralph then climbed into the van, closed his door, and started the vehicle. Hope continued to stand in the driveway as the van idled. After several seconds, and no practical plan forming in her head, she reluctantly joined Ralph. He backed out of the driveway and headed home as Hope sat beside him nearly hysterical.
Hope sat in her seat fidgeting and trying to think of something to do to solve their dilemma. Ralph turned on the radio and began to hum. Hope was incensed. She angrily turned off the radio. “How are you so calm about all of this?” Hope said. “We could lose most of our clients behind this. You know how people in these neighborhoods talk.”
“Talk about what?” Ralph said.
“Ralph!” Hope said, staring at her husband as he calmly drove down the street.
Ralph then reached into his pocket and then tossed Hopes panties into her lap. Hope looked at her black thong and then back at her husband. “Tell me you didn’t have these the whole time.”
“Nope.” Ralph said. “I was pretty nervous, too. When you and Mrs. Martin went upstairs I kept searching downstairs. On a whim I checked the couch cushions. That’s where I found them.”
“The couch cushions.” Hope said, disgusted at herself for forgetting where she had put the panties. “When you took the dishes into the kitchen I slipped them off before getting up to wash the dishes. I’m such an idiot.”
Hope’s phone then rang. It was Mrs. Ferguson. A client they would be servicing in a couple of days. Hope spoke to her briefly and then ended the call. “Is everything OK?” Ralph asked.
A smiling Hope said, “Yes. Mrs. Ferguson won’t be home most of the day so she is going to email us instructions on how to get into her home so we can still clean it the day after tomorrow.”
Ralph nodded. “Nice.” He then glanced into Hope’s lap at her lace panties. “Are you going to wear those for me again?”
“NO.” Hope said quickly and defiantly, folding her arms and pursing her lips. She then looked at her husband as a smile crept upon her face. Ralph then glanced at his wife as she said. “I bought something new to wear for you.”
Ralph then smiled as the couple headed home.

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