Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2133346-hogwarts
Rated: E · Other · Contest Entry · #2133346
contest for party

1st September


Wow, what a day to be alive. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I'm off to the best wizard school ever. Dad freaked when the letter came. He didn't have the money to attend when he was a nipper but he was determined to send us boys. I'm the first to catch the train, though. Our kid is envious as hell but serves him right. He usually gets all the good stuff. Mum is trying to compensate I guess as he is the middle child. Good god, is that the time; must dash.


Dad cried when he put me on the train. He said he had something in his eye but he shed a tear, I'm sure of it. Mum couldn't see me off as little Davy's got the sniffles. Two years without my kid brothers, only seeing them on holidays; sheer blitz. They both played up rotten this morning until Dad yelled at them. I had to hide my smile as usually it is them getting me into trouble. The train sped through the countryside and the fields and houses disappeared in a blur. It felt like we were flying. A few other children entered my compartment and we got chatting. I hope we end up in the same house as they seem rather nice.


The boat that takes us to the gates of Hogwarts looks magnificent with its seahorses at the front and a coachman in sparkly top hat and tails. We climbed aboard and it shot off like lighting. The girl on the train told stories about her heroic family. Apparently, they fought alongside the three heroes but I don't know whether to believe her or not. Even if she is telling stories, she tells them well and no one seems to mind. I asked the caretaker why the lake was grey. He said it was the souls of the followers of the he who must not be named, well, they had to put them somewhere. Not sure I believe him either but I took my hand out of the lake just the same.


The hall was laid out with all the colours and the headmaster snapped his fingers and the most wonderful feast appeared. I couldn't eat anything until my name was called out. The hat told me off for fidgeting too much as it couldn't read me. I know a lot of good wizards have come out of Slytherin after him but when the hat yelled out Hufflepuff my heart started to beat again and I sighed with relieve. The young wizards on the train also got picked for the house team and the girl with the stories waved to me as she sat back down. I think we are going to be great friends. I hope so, she looks like fun.


Finally, the day is over. I am so tired. Class starts early here and, although I've got a map, I know I will get lost. Can't wait for morning, though. I think I will be happy here.

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