Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2133456-Earth-20
Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #2133456
A short sci-fi intro describing a travel
The two silhouettes were marked out in the dawn of a new era.The darkness had now taken the will of the ocean and evacuation was the emergency procedure.The moon could for little longer bear the sight off the ruined Earth its glistening eyes had gazed upon for millennia.But now the time had come.From this night onward the planet Earth would be bare and never be seen by human eyes ever again.Very few would survive this long ordeal to another permanent planet,but very few were expected to survive.Hopefully just enough to preserve the human race.We would rest for days and gather supplies in a temporary habitat but here our technology would amount to nothing against the great devouring beasts the lived there.I wrapped myself warm under the duvet and I thought of home-a place where tomorrow I would no longer be.

The rockets were stationed towering like mobile skyscrapers and blocking my eyes from possibly my last view of the horizon.We set of but the next we landed only destiny would tell me if I would still be on that rocket
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2133456-Earth-20