Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2140703-Your-Center-of-Peace
Rated: E · Article · Business · #2140703
The source of your peace.

The worst thing about being self-published is the sense of going it alone. There are times you feel that you have no one to rely on. Family mean well but their feedback is not always helpful, though it is meant to be. Sometimes a writer needs the help and advice of another writer. At least, we need that person in our lives who may not be a writer but is completely interested in your success.

This person that you can rely on is your center of peace, as I like to think of it. They are there to bounce ideas off of. They are there to give their honest opinion, even when their opinion is unsolicited. This alone can ease a self published writer great peace of mind that they have been searching for.

The lucky writer finds a mentor in this person. This is something not to be wasted. The most important thing is to reciprocate. They have interests as well. Take an interest in what matters to them and what is going on in their lives. A truly reciprocal relationship can have so many rewards.

Four years ago I found my center of peace. I was looking for advice for writers. As I was surfing the Internet I came across Writing.com. It is an online community of more than 10 000 writers. We help each other along with helpful reviews of each other's work. We get to participate in activities like raffles and contests. The writing contests help get your work prepared for off site contests. As a member of Writing.com I have grown as a writer and hope to continue doing that.

If you haven't yet found that center of peace for yourself keep looking. Your center of peace might be right under your nose.

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