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Rated: E · Short Story · Opinion · #2143556
A dream to be a star!
The stars

I want to be a star! When i look up and i see all the different stars i dont feel like an such an outcast. Explanation in this world everyone is trying to be like everybody else. they are all trying to be the same and if your different theyll sure as hell let you know it. but up there in the sky its like everything is trying on purpose to be different. i mean there is bright stars and dull stars, ones in straight lines and some that seem to make out shapes of certain things, there is even big ones such as the sun and ones that are so small you dont notice the poor things much! but they all have one purpose to light up the evening sky! i often wonder why the world cant be just as simple! we are all different why cant we accept it and continue on with our purpose! you know that we all have only one purpose right?And thats to serve god. now we all might have our own ways of doing or showing it but still in the end all that counts is the outcome of your service for god on earth.

life is crazy! and thats not an opinion that is most definetlly a true fact! i dont think too many people would disagree with my statment. my name is sierra. im 15. i want to be a star. now when you think of star you think of shawn mendes, justin bieber, taylor swift, and beyonce and trust me i would love to be a singer ive wanted to be one since i was 3 but in this case im not talking about those stars. Look up yes im telling you to look up! did you do it? Ok so you saw stars right? yeah im talking about them stars. i wish i could be up there and flicker and shine and hey even shoot across the sky once or twice! Even though im human i fit in with the stars better than i do people! wanna know why? well three words for ya! PEOPLE ARE JERKS! Shocker huh? everytime i get close to a human they stab me in the back. if i tell them a secret they tell the secret to someone else. if i help them with something they leave me in the dust in my time of need. i accidentally do something they dont like they start rumors (something i dont like)! but the stars i can tell my secrets. they are good listeners and they dont interupt with their problems cause they think their problems are worse than yours or because they dont care about yours! they dont judge you if you do something wrong on accident or on purpose! you can take all of your anger out on them and they let you you can scream and yell and swear and cry until your blue in the face and they stand there waiting to see if it helped any. If it did then they glimmer and shine in celebration and if it didnt then they stand back and wait for more!

The stars are my friends. They have been ever since people started to reject me ! im okwith only having the stars they are good to me! that is why i want to be one! So that one day i can be that shining star that brightens someone else night!

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