Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2145890-Dear-Me
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Comedy · #2145890
A letter to myself (for the competition).
Dear Me,
Hello. I'm you.
I can hear you saying 'What? Someone's playing a joke on me.' And getting ready to throw this letter away. But you just read that one sentence, and now you're sinking into that big soft armchair in the corner.
I know exactly what you do, since I was there.
I was there, in the past, and now I'm here, in the future, with three kids, a tiny house and a husband who walked out two years ago.
And I'm writing to give you tips for the future, so that you don't end up like me.
A list of resolutions, if you will.
1. Get that gecko you've been thinking about. That gecko will change your life.
2. WRITE BACK TO GRANDAD. You still want Christmas presents next year? Write back to Grandad.
3. Remember that milk jug? The one you hid under your bed until Christmas so you could give it to your mum? The one you completely forgot about, and it's still under your bed? Yep. You're wincing slightly. Well, give it to her.
These small things might change it. And I might never happen.
Here's to a better future,
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