Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2146989-Fiction-vs-Non-Fiction
Rated: E · Article · Career · #2146989
The difference between fiction and non-fiction.

We have an idea in our minds of what we want to write when we decide to make writing our living. Most people have a novel in mind, and the idea progresses from there. As our plans to write progress, writers decide on what type of writing to do. There only two general types of writing-fiction and non-fiction. What we decide to concentrate on depends on who we are as people and our personal preferences.

Fiction includes short stories, novels or novellas. The more imagination we have, the more likely we are to be successful at writing fiction. We have to create believable, vivid characters, the worlds in which they live, and engaging, full plots for our stories. It can take a great deal of work, but it is worth it. Genre is an important decision when one decides to dive into this type of writing.

Non-fiction includes books that impart knowledge, memoirs, and professional essays. This type of writing may be influenced by the work a person as done over the course of their non-writing life, their personal life experiences, and the message they wish to send to others. Non-fiction can further a business person's company, or bring an activist's message to the masses. Non-fiction can be very powerful and alter society. Poems are about the writer's feelings, usually, and fit, more often, in this category.

Most people decide to write for the love of writing, but this does not have to be the case. It depends on what you want out of life. Some, like me, want to make their money doing what they love. Others want to start conversations. What you want your writing to do will greatly influence what type of writing you choose to do.

A writer must look inside themselves to see what lies there. Look directly at what you want from your writing and your life. Take what you discover and write what helps you fulfill your goals for yourself and the world around you.

Most people see writing as a solitary career. I feel that this is not true. Your finished product will be seen by others, hopefully many people. As you write you reach out to other people with your story or your message.

Make your choice of writing deliberate. Then you will give the best of yourself to the world. Isn't that what we all want?

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