Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147125-Money-Talks
Rated: E · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #2147125
Money sometimes attracts unwanted attention, and it doesn't always pay for silence.
         "Hey! Excuse me lady. This is for you."
         "What? I assure you young man, I am no lady. Is that a fistful of money you're waving at me?"
         "Ya, of course it is. Frankie said I was to deliver this to a lady ,at the bus stop, wearin' red high heels. That's you, right?"
         "Well, I'm certainly guilty of choosing to venture forth in heels today. I love the look of them, but I'm sitting here regretting that decision. My dogs are barking if you know what I mean. I guess I'm a slave to fashion."
         "Me, I like a woman in heels. Pops always said heels showcased the curves of a female's legs."
         "Why I do believe I am blushing, sir. Are you still insisting I take that cash?"
         "Sure, it's yours. Frankie wants you to have this."
         "But I'm confused. Who is this Frankie, and why is he giving me money?"
         "Are you kiddin' me? Everyone knows Frankie. If he says these bills are yours, then they are yours. You musta done him a favour, or somethin'. You earned it."
         "I'm not sure I know this Frankie character. Maybe you should verify this with him. I just cannot accept money from a stranger. In my experience, there's always a catch. Nothing is free."
         "Come on, lady. I don't have all day to stand here arguin' with you. Just take it. Frankie's waitin' for me back at the pool hall. I'm just tryin' to do my job for cryin' out loud."
         "Pool hall? I walked past that establishment earlier today. So, is this where this Frankie does business? You say you work for him?"
         "Ya, I already tol' you that. I'm Albie his currency courier. So, here, take this delivery, okay?"
         "I'm still not understanding this, Albie, is it? You claim a Frankie pays you to run cash to people. Is this above board? You know, is this legal?"
         "Lady, you're yankin' my chain, right? Frankie don't leave a paper trail. Take the money. Frankie don't trust no banks, and money talks so you won't."
         "So, you're shrugging and shoving this wad at me because it's hush money? Am I supposed to keep quiet about something for this Frankie?"
         "Look Lady. Why are you bein' so difficult? Ya, Frankie expects your silence. Now here, take the cash."
         "Why thank you, Albie. Here, I have something to give to you in return."
         "What? Whoa, what're you doin'?"
         "Could you please turn around and press your wrists together behind your back? Yes, like that, thanks Albie. I have a shiny pair of handcuffs for you. I did warn you that I was no lady. You're under arrest. Oh, by the way, Frankie is also being arrested as we speak. I guess his money wasn't quiet enough. It attracted too much attention." (470 words)
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