Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2148297-Dear-Writers-Block
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Writing · #2148297
Good-bye Writer's Block
Dear Writer's Block,

Perhaps I should address you as my partner in procrastination, because that's what happens when you show up. I put off writing thinking that writing or editing, and, instead play solitaire or some other inane game. We can no longer be partners, and I'm breaking off this relationship right now. Valentine's Day is approaching, so I think this is the best time to break off this relationship.

I don't want you around any more. You encourage my inner critic to put down my efforts at writing and editing. My inner critic doesn't need your encouragement to criticize me because it is doing a good job without your help. Therefore, I suggest you go willing out the door. If you don't want to go without some help, I'm quit capable of dragging you out forcefully. Don't let this walking fool you because I can be a spry old women when I get my dander up.

Good-by, Writer's Block, I wish you an unhappy Valentine's Day.

Your Ex-partner in Procrastination,

Word Count: 173
Prompt: Write a break up letter to Writer's Block
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