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Rated: E · Serial · Entertainment · #2150607
You just wanted to relax for once...

3. Unwilling Lesson

You take a sip of your drink; the cool liquid soothing and refreshing.

You look up as the music starts.

It's different this time. Slower. Calmer. Not the usual energetic sounds that lead to such exuberant dances.

Movement catches your eye.

You turn to see your Ego lean back in his chair and smile at you.

As couples start to dance a slow, intricate dance, Irritation flares and you frown at him.

"Another lesson? Can't I just come here and relax? Just once, I don't want to think about this stuff. Just once I want to enjoy myself."

As you talk, you watch the smile slowly fade from Ego's face. To be replaced with Hurt and Disappointment.

Feeling Guilty, you turn your gaze from him and stare at the dancers on the floor.

You sigh deeply, suddenly tired.

Softly, Ego says, "Every moment. Every experience. Every thought. Every conversation. Is a learning experience. Is a lesson. I am sorry if your conversations with me are a burden to you."

You watch the dancers for a long moment.

You frown as you realize this dance is different. The dancers swirl around each other and bow to each other, but they never touch. The movement of the dance, causes partners to constantly change.

Irritation with Anger, they step around each other. Irritation twirls away and bows to Patience who curtsies in response.

They raise their hands and turn in a slow circle around each other before Irritation spins and exchanges a bow with Fear.

They both place their left hands behind their backs and their right hands across their stomachs and turn a stately circle around each other.

Your attention is drawn to another couple, Anger and Love. Turning a slow circle around each other, they bow before they twirl away to bow to different partners, now Anger is partnered with Despair and Love is with Amusement. You watch as the bow and curtsey and twirl away to different partners.

Intrigued now, you watch closely. Love with Confusion, Amusement with Hostility, Despair with Hope, Anger with Disappointment. Everyone dancing around each other, not touching, but comfortable and in sync with each other.

Ego smiles politely, but sadly to you, a mere courtesy.

"I've watched the Emotions dance together on several occassions. But never like this..."

You trail off, there is something important in the way they are dancing, but you can't quite grasp it.

Neutrally, Ego replies, "Yes, this dance is quite different from the usual one on one dances that they do."

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