Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2152686-Andrews-Past
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2152686
A Dr Quinn Fanfiction story
A cold Autumn rain fell on the streets outside Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church in Boston. Inside, the wealthiest gathered to say good-bye to Anne Langton. Two young children, sitting in a front pew, were being comforted by an elderly nun. Both were dressed in black, holding back tears as the Priest began the service. The older of the two, a little girl no older than seven or eight looked around at the people gathered there, socialites she had been used to seeing as she grew up in her Grandmother’s mansion. Now she and her brother were orphans to the cruel world that had taken their parents years earlier. She didn't know what would become of them.
She put a comforting arm around her little brother as the tears he'd been holding back finally fell down his cheeks. He was so young, had just turned five a few weeks earlier.
Afterwards, the family and friends attended a traditional wake at the Langton Mansion, now being run by their cousin and his wife. Kendra, and Andrew said their goodnights, and went to bed early, not wanting to socialize with people they hardly knew. Kendra tucked Andy in bed, and then climbed in her bed, whispering a prayer before falling asleep.
The next morning, Kendra was called down to talk with her oldest male cousin after the attorney had left.
"Kendra darling...I have some good news to tell you..." he began.
Kendra stared blankly at him. She hadn't talked much since her grandmothers death. What could be good news...did they find an orphanage that would take them both? She looked at her cousin with questioning eyes.
"You and Andrew are going to go live with your father..." he finished.
"My father is dead..." she objected.
"No dear, he's alive and well..." he answered. "He lives just outside of Boston...he's a doctor."
"No, my father and mother were killed in a train wreck when Andrew and I were younger." she argued, than stood to go upstairs.
"Jenna and I will take you and Andrew to them later today. Be sure you both get packed properly." he said.
Kendra sighed, than slowly nodded her head.


Twenty-six year old Andrew Cook sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee while reading the Boston Globe. Colleen played on the floor with ten month old twins Andre` and Becky.

"Did you hear that Anne Langton died? I guess her husband owned half of Boston, now everything they owned is being auctioned off." Colleen said.
Andrew froze. "No...I didn't hear, when did that happen?"
"The funeral was yesterday." Colleen said picking up a wooden block and handing it to Becky. "I guess she left behind two young grandchildren..." she added.
"Grandchildren?" Andrew asked.
"Yes, a five year old boy, and a eight year old girl...the lawyers are discussing custody of them."
Andrew looked at Colleen, he hadn't heard that Anne Langton had taken in any young children. Hearing the doorbell ring, he folded up his paper and looked at the kitchen door as Shannon came in.
"There's a family here to see you, Dr. Cook, they're in the parlour."
"Thank you, Shannon,” Andrew said getting up.
Andrew walked into the parlour to find a young woman, a middle-aged man, and two children sitting comfortably on the sofa. They all wore black.
The man stood. "Dr. Cook, I'm Joseph Langton, great nephew to Anne Langton. This is my wife Jenna, and our little cousins, Kendra and Andy."
Andrew's face went white. Could it be? “I had a daughter and son with the same names...” he said.
“These are your children, Dr. Cook,” Joseph said.
Andrew shook his head in disbelief, “My children died in the train wreck that took my wife."
"No...they survived. Aunt Anne took custody of them, letting you think they had been killed. She confessed everything to the priest the night she died." Joseph explained.
Andrew sat down on the couch, shocked at this revelation, “Hannah and Noah..?" he asked of his other children.
Joseph put his head down and shook it sadly. "They died with Ari."
Andrew swallowed hard. "Do you know that for sure? Maybe Anne kept her a secret from me as well?"
"I'm sorry, Ari is dead, Andrew,” Joseph said.
Andrew nodded,” Anne never approved of me and Arianna's union...how would I know she'd have been so cruel as to take my children from me...”
Andrew looked up to see Andre` come in the room with Becky following after. Colleen giggled as she came running in the room and picked up Becky. Andrew snatched up Andre`. Both twins had learned to walk incredibly early, and so kept their parents busy.
"Joseph...Jenna, meet my wife Colleen, and our children Andre` and Rebeckah,” Andrew introduced. "Hello,” Colleen said.
"Colleen, this is Joseph and Jenna Langton...and Kendra and Andrew Joseph,” Andrew replied.
“Your children are beautiful,” Colleen said to Joseph and Jenna. She put Becky down and sat down on the couch.
Joseph looked at Colleen, than at Andrew in disbelief, "Andrew was married to my cousin Arianna Langton shortly after he started Medical School. They had four children together. Kendra was their first, than Noah, Andrew and Hannah were born last. During a family trip to Canada by train...Arianna and two of their children were killed in a train wreck. Andrew was injured and when he recovered, my Aunt told him that Arianna and the four children had died. Andrew went on with his life, while Anne raised Kendra and Andrew Joseph...keeping Andrew thinking that he had lost his family. " Joseph explained.
“Oh Andrew, that’s terrible!” Colleen exclaimed. She looked at the two children who sat quietly on the couch between their cousins.
Andrew put Andre` down and walked to his office. He returned with a photo album. He sat beside his wife.
"This is Ari." he said opening the album to the first picture and pointing to a curly haired girl, “It was taken the day before she died."
Colleen looked at Kendra and noticed she looked very much like her mother.
Andrew turned the page, "These are our children, Kendra was four in this picture." he replied pointing to a picture of a little girl with her doll.
“Here's Noah and Hannah...” Andrew said sadly pointing to two separate pictures. He paused to trace their images on the page, as Colleen put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
“And Andrew....” he added finally, pointing to the last picture.
Colleen sat quiet. She saw the hurt in his eyes. "Andrew, why did you never tell me?" she asked.
"It was too painful,” he answered.
Colleen nodded, then smiled at the two young children sitting on the other couch. They had a lot of Andrews features, “Are you hungry?" she asked the children.
Kendra stared at the floor. She absent mindedly played with her curls.
Andrew Joseph nodded his head, “I'm hungry."
Andrew sighed, as he looked at his children. Kendra reminded him of his Ari. She used to play with her curls in the same absent minded way.
Andre` giggled as he attempted to climb up in Andrews lap. Andrew picked up his son, and handed him to Colleen.
"Excuse me,” Andrew said walking to his office to return the photo album.
"Well...it must be a shock to Andrew to find that his children are alive," Jenna said. Colleen nodded. Something was bothering Andrew. He seemed distant from her.
"Excuse me, please,” Colleen said putting Andre` down. He sat on the floor with his sister, and played with the wooden trains Uncle Brian had given him.
"Andrew?" Colleen replied upon seeing her husband sitting at the desk with his hands over his face. She heard him sniffle, and realized he was crying.
"Oh Colleen...." Andrew sobbed as Colleen knelt on the floor in front of him and took him into her arms. "Shh...what's the matter?" she asked as she combed her fingers through his hair.
"Why would Anne do that to me? I'd already lost my wife and Hannah and Noah....but Kendie and Andy were alive...." he cried.
"Shh...they’re here now Andrew,” Colleen comforted.
"It took so long for me to heal from Ari's death. She was my best friend...the mother of my children. Why?" he cried out, tears running down his cheeks.
"I don't know Andrew...but you have your children here now," Colleen said.
"Kendie looks so much like Ari...how will I live with seeing her everyday, and knowing that I'll never see my Ari again?"
Colleen swallowed hard, "I'm here, you'll see me."
Andrew wiped his tears and looked into Colleens hurt filled brown eyes,"Oh, I'm sorry Colleen. I love you, and I know I have you....but it hurt so bad when I lost Ari, and now having the children back, it's like..." Andrew didn’t finish what he wanted to say, that he wished Ari hadn’t died. “I’m sorry for never telling you about them,” he said instead.
Colleen nodded. "Think about the children, love them...they need their father right now."
Andrew nodded.
"And I'm here and I love you!" Colleen said before kissing him passionately.
"I love you too, Colleen,” Andrew said once their kiss had ended.
Colleen stood up and took Andrews hand, leading him into the parlour.
“Would you join us for lunch, Joseph?" Andrew invited.
Joseph looked at his wife, and then smiled at Andrew. "We'd be delighted."
Great!" Andrew said smiling back.
"I'll tell Shannon we're having guests for lunch," Colleen said.
"My Love?" Andrew said stopping Colleen.
"Mmm?" she asked.
"I'm going to take Andrew and Kendra outside to meet David," he replied.
"Alright, I'll entertain the Langton's while you're outside,” Colleen said before walking into the kitchen. She returned soon after with tea. "Shannon was kind to put on some tea while we were talking....I hope you like tea?"
"Oh yes, thank you," Jenna said smiling.


Andrew Joseph and Kendra walked beside their father as he led them to the stables. Both were quiet, not knowing what to say.
"Do you like horses?" Andrew asked, breaking the silence.
“They're pretty." Kendra said.
"Do you ride?" Andrew asked, looking at the curly haired strawberry blonde.
Kendra laughed, "Ride a horse? Me? No."
"Do you Andy?" Andrew asked turning his attention to the sandy blonde haired boy to his left.
"I'm scared of heights." Andrew Joseph answered.
Andrew sighed. "We'll have to fix that."
"Do you have horses here?" Kendra asked.
"Yes, we do." Andrew said looking back to Kendra. "David takes care of the horses for us,” he smiled as he saw his good friend David Anders walk out of the stables.
"Well hello, Andrew." David said smiling.
"Who do we have here?" David asked looking at the little ones beside Andrew.
“David, these are my children Kendra and Andrew Joseph."
"Remember the socialite Arianna Langton?"
"Hmm...vaguely, yes." David said.
"She and I were wed nine years ago. We had four children. She and our other two children were killed in a train accident. Kendra and Andy were injured. My mother-in-law Anne Langton led me to believe that Kendra and Andy had died as well. Anne confessed everything to the priest the night she died. Kendra and Andy were brought to me today,” Andrew explained.
David looked at Andrew with surprise on his face, “Wow.” He squatted to the children's level. "Nice to meet you two, I'm David...your father and I grew up together,” he said sweetly.
"Do you have any children?" Andy asked.
David smiled, "No, not yet....my wife and I are expecting a baby."
“How old are you?" Andy wondered aloud.
"Twenty-Seven....how old are you Andy?"
David smiled, "You're a big boy for five."
"Grandma used to call me fat." Andy said looking at the ground.
Andrew sighed, "You're just a growing boy, that's all."
"He eats too much," Kendra said looking at her little brother.
"Do not!" Andy said angrily, "At least I eat...you're really small cause you don't eat."
Andrew was taken back by Andy's comment. "That's going to change,” he replied looking at Kendra.
"I eat....." she said looking at her feet, "Sometimes." she added quickly.
"So David, shall we show them the horses?" Andrew said.
David smiled, "Of course, follow me."
Inside the stables were seven horses.
"We keep acquiring horses, don't we David?" Andrew laughed.
David laughed back, "We do."
"That ones pretty," Kendra said pointing to a Chestnut Thoroughbred.
Andrew smiled, "That's Boston. Colleen's mother gave him to me when I first arrived in Colorado Springs."
"How did you get that one?" Andy asked pointing to a gray and white Paint.
Andrew laughed, "A wedding present from Cloud Dancing."
Andy and Kendra looked at their father, "Who's Cloud Dancing?" Andy asked.
"A friend of Colleens family. He sent the horse to Philadelphia shortly after Colleen and I were wed,” Andrew explained.
"Does Colleen have any horses?" Kendra wondered aloud.
Andrew smiled, "She does, however she doesn't ride them."
"Why?" Andy asked.
"Well...she's going to have another baby, so it wouldn't be good to ride a horse right now,” Andrew said.
"She is?" Andy asked.
“Yes, she sure is,” Andrew said.
"Do you ride horses, David?" Andy asked.
"I sure do, that Arabian is mine,” David answered pointing to a pure white horse next to Boston.
"You have kittens?" Kendra asked hearing a kittens cry.
Andrew smiled, "Yes, up in the loft. Did I tell you David, that Buttermilk just hid herself up in the loft and gave birth to 6 kittens the other morning?"
"No, but I overheard Shannon and Colleen talking about it last night while they were making dinner,” David said smiling.
"Can I see them?" Kendra replied.
"They're too small right now Kendie." Andrew answered, using the nickname he used when Kendra was a baby.
"Please...just bring one down?" Andy asked, wanting to see a kitten himself.
"Grandma never let us have kittens,” Kendra said.
Andrew laughed, "Buttermilk would have fit if I messed with her babies right now...in a few weeks they'll be up playing in the yard, then you can see them."
Kendra sighed, did she dare throw a fit like she used to for her Grandmother. That always got her what she wanted...no, she decided against it.
Andrew smiled at his daughter, “Come on, lets go inside and get some cookies and milk,” he said leading the children into the back door. David followed. He wasn't going to miss out on Colleens cookies.
Andrew poured each a glass of milk, and gave them two cookies. He left David to pour his own milk, and take as many cookies as he wanted. Andrew sat across from his children.
"I don't drink milk,” Kendra protested.
"It's good for you Kendie." Andrew answered.
"And I don't eat cookies either," Kendra said pushing the treat aside.
Andrew sighed. "Why don't you eat Kendra?"
"I'll take this outside....why don't you come with me Andy?" David said walking to the back door with a glass of milk and three cookies.
Andy nodded, and followed David outside.
"Food doesn't like me," Kendra said.
"What do you mean by that?" Andrew asked.
“It makes me sick."
"How does it make you sick?" Andrew wondered.
"I get sick to my stomach, or sneeze a lot, or cough, sometimes I can't breath....a few times I fainted."
"Hmmm....I see." Andrew replied, "Did you ever tell your grandmother?"
Kendra nodded, "She said it was all my imagination, and that I didn't want to eat because I was playing a game to get my way."
Andrew sighed, "I see....do you have any other symptoms?"
Kendra looked at the table and nodded her head. "Can't sleep at night, get really bad cramps in my stomach, can't concentrate."
"This sounds like a serious problem Kendie, I can't believe your grandmother didn't deal with it,” Andrew replied.
"She always thought I was playing a game. Hardly saw her anyways, we had a nanny when we weren't in school...and I lived at a boarding school during the school year."
Andrew sighed.
"One year I was too sick to go to boarding school, she found a school that would be willing to take me in place of the other."
"I'm sorry you had to live that way."
Kendra nodded. "I don't eat cause I wanna stay small...one girl at school thought that's why I did it."
“I understand....and I know how to help you."
Kendra looked up at Andrew, "You do?"
Andrew nodded, "I'm a doctor, remember?"
Kendra smiled.
"I need you to write down a list of all the foods that make you feel that way."
Kendra nodded, "Okay."
"We'll get to the bottom of this,” Andrew said taking her milk and plate of cookies and taking them to the counter..
"Does milk make you feel that way?" Andrew asked.
"That's one of them that makes it so I can't breath."
"Well, we'll avoid milk then."
"Alright...out of my kitchen,” Shannon teased coming into the kitchen.
Andrew smiled, "We're going back outside actually." he said leading his daughter out to the big yard. "There's a swing in the side yard,” he replied smiling at Kendra.
Kendra grinned.
"Your mama used to love to swing," Andrew said.
"Does Colleen?"
Andrew nodded as Kendra sat on the swing.
"Will you push me?" Kendra asked.
Andrew nodded, "Of course."


Colleen looked out the window to notice Andrew pushing his daughter on the swing. She smiled and sighed contentedly.
"Everything okay Colleen?" Joseph asked.
Colleen turned around and smiled, "Everything is fine," she said while fixing the curtain; "Look outside,” she added.
Joseph got up and walked to the window, "How wonderful." he said smiling at the picture he saw.
"Yes." Colleen replied.


Colleen and Shannon worked preparing lunch while Joseph and Jenna kept them company at the kitchen table and Andrew got better acquainted with his children. Andre` and Becky played on the floor in the kitchen while Colleen cooked.
"Andrew seems very happy." Shannon commented smiling at her friend.
“Yes,” Colleen nodded in agreement.
"Kendra is very small, how old is she?" Shannon wondered aloud.
"Eight, I believe,” Colleen said looking up at Joseph.
“Yes, she is eight,” he replied.
"Well, we'll try to fatten her up,” Shannon laughed.
Colleen smiled, "Andrew said she's allergic to foods."
"Oh dear."
"He's going to try and work with her to find out what she can and can not eat."
"Well that's good," Shannon said.
"It is." Colleen agreed looking at the door as Andy came bursting in. "Can I have some water?" Andy asked.
Colleen smiled, "Of course."
She poured some water into a glass and handed it to her young step-son.
"Thanks," he said running out the door with the glass.
"Wait, aren't you gonna drink it?" Colleen called after him.
"No, it's for your dog Colorado," he yelled back.
Colleen giggled.
"Can see he has a heart like yours, and he's not even your son." Shannon said.
Colleen nodded.


After lunch, the children said goodbye to Joseph and Jenna.
“Thank you for helping us find papa,” Kendra said giving Joseph a hug.
Joseph smiled, "You're quite welcome, little cousin."
"You be good for your father now, Andy,” Jenna said.
"I will be,” Andy said hugging Jenna.
"We'll see you out," Andrew said leading his family out the door. "Thank you again,” he said shaking Joseph's hand.
Joseph pulled Andrew in for a hug, "I don't care whether hugging isn't the society, take care of them Andrew."
"I will,” Andrew said smiling.
Joseph climbed into the carriage, and smiled at his wife.
"We should stay in touch,” Jenna said to Joseph, smiling back at her husband.
"Yes," Colleen said smiling.
"Bye Andy,” Jenna said ruffling Andy's hair.
"Bye Jenni,” he said fixing his hair.
"Can we still visit you?" Kendra asked.
"Of course, anytime your papa wants to bring you into town,” Jenna said smiling as she got into the carriage, "You're most welcome."
Kendra smiled.
"Thank you for lunch, it was lovely." Jenna smiled.
"Anytime." Andrew smiled back as Joseph slapped the reigns on the horses and they took off down the drive.


That night the family sat down for a quiet dinner together, and then Andrew played checkers with Andy and Kendra while Colleen put the twins to bed. It was past eight when Kendra fell asleep on the floor beside her father. Andy yawned as he jumped his fathers last checker piece. "I win." he said tiredly.
"Yes, you did....way to go son." Andrew said enthusiastically.
"I'm tired." Andy yawned again.
Andrew smiled at his daughter asleep beside him. He stood up, and lifted her into his arms. "Let's go to bed Andy." Andrew said carrying Kendra to her room while Andy followed.

After putting Kendra on her bed and showing Andy his room, he quietly walked into the nursery.
"After you get Becky to sleep, can you get Kendra in her night clothes?" he whispered to his young wife after kissing her.
Colleen smiled, "Yes." she whispered back.
"I'm going to go into our room." Andrew said kissing her again.
"I'll be in soon." Colleen said after their kiss had ended.
"Okay." Andrew smiled.


Colleen tiredly walked into Kendra's room and gently woke her. She moaned as she woke.
"Hey beautiful, you need to get into your night dress." Colleen said.
Kendra yawned, and started taking off her clothes and handing them to Colleen.
"You have such pretty clothes Kendra." Colleen said as she opened her step-daughters suitcase to get her night dress.
"I know." Kendra simply said.
Colleen smiled, knowing that Kendra was overly tired and didn't know what she was saying.
Colleen walked over to Kendra and helped her get on her night dress.
“Thank you." Kendra said yawning.
"You're welcome sweetie." Colleen said smiling as Kendra climbed into bed.


Kendra woke early the next morning to the babies crying. She opened her eyes to see Colleen walking past her bedroom. She stretched, and yawned before touching her feet to the cold wood floor.
She walked to the nursery, finding Colleen holding Becky, while Andre` played on the floor with wooden blocks.
"Good morning sweetie,” Colleen said upon seeing Kendra.
"Hi,” Kendra said rubbing her eyes.
"How was your sleep?" Colleen asked.
"Okay...." Kendra began, "The babies don't look like papa,” she observed.
"You're right..." Colleen started, patting her lap for Kendra to sit, “You know how I'm not your real mama?"
“Uh huh,” Kendra said as she climbed on Colleen’s lap.
"Well...Andrew isn't their real papa,” Colleen explained.
“You were married before you married papa?"
"Yes, I was."
"Did he die like my mama?" Kendra wondered aloud.
“No, he was a very bad man...he's in jail now."
"Are you hungry?" Colleen asked, changing the subject.
"I am,” Andy said coming in the room.
"You're always hungry,” Kendra said, climbing off of Colleen’s lap.
Andy smiled, "Papa says it's cause I'm a growing boy."
Colleen smiled, "Want to collect the eggs with me?"
Andy smiled, "Yeah!" he exclaimed.
"Will the chickens bite?" Kendra asked.
"Not if you do it right," Andrew said standing in the doorway.
Colleen smiled.
"Good Morning my Love,” Andrew said as he came over and kissed her.
"Good Morning,” Colleen sighed.
He kissed Kendra on top of her head, and tussled Andy's hair, then kissed the twins on top of their heads... "Good morning my little ones."
"Morning papa," Kendra said smiling.
"Morning papa," Andy said.
"Shall we go get us some eggs?" Andrew asked leading his family out of the nursery.
Kendra smiled, "Yes!"
"I've never gathered eggs before," Andy said.
"Well...there's a lot of things you've never done, but that's the past,” Andrew said smiling.

The End
© Copyright 2018 Sarah Heard (sarahcheard at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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