Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2152819-Giantess-Girlfriend-part-one
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2152819
My life after accidentally shrinking myself and being taken in by my girlfriend
It was an average day for the three of us, I was chilling in my makeshift apartment that my girlfriend Cara made for me after I decided to shrink myself to two inches as a surprise for her only to find out it was irreversible. It was made from a re-purposed hamster cage with Lego furniture and custom made cushioning and sheets. My apartment had a network of tubes that go to every single room in our house. Me and Cara live with her sister Judith. Cara is 5'2”, 22 years old, blonde hair usually kept in a pony tail, nice ass but not too big, average sized tits, great feet, nice figure, kind, caring, fun, but is not to be crossed, loves riding her bike and going for hikes, nerdy, works in a hobby shop and Judith is 5'3”, 24 years old, blonde hair that is kept short in a tomboyish pixie cut, slightly bigger ass than Cara but not as nice tits still nice but Cara's are better, great feet, nice figure, energetic, fun, kind but also domineering, doesn't care too much for having me around half the time and the other half of the time loves ogling me like a puppy. Can be cruel if she had a bad day, fit, loves swimming and lounging, works at an In 'n Out.

Our house is rather large because of the law suit we won against the company that made the shrink ray for not saying that it was irreversible. We have three stories, a large yard with a hot tub, pool, and a fake lawn, four car garage and a workshop. My tube system has a series of Lego cars with battery powered motors that let me go around the house easier. I also have a word board that lights up words and phrases to make a sentence either telling me where to go or to stay way from, who's summoning me and why. My apartment has three stories itself. The main floor is on the ground with a view of whoever is in the room's feet is there, the second one for my recreation is crotch height and the top floor for deliveries and being taken out is stomach height to them. I have another smaller cage in Judith's room that is placed at about chair height because the shelves and furniture tops in her room are always too cluttered for my cage to be there.

Cara then presses a button on her smartphone that alerts me to her summoning me. I go to the word board and see that she is summoning me to the kitchen because she wants my help with making lunch. I hop in one of my cars and drive along my tube system up to the kitchen counter between the fridge and the toaster. She was at the other end of the counter so I would have to find a way across the stove top that was littered with dirty pots and pans. I decided to abandon the car and go on foot under the mess to her. By the time I got to her, she was getting ready to grate some sharp cheddar cheese for whatever it was she was making and I was unlucky enough to get stuck under the grater where all the grated cheese lands because she was oblivious to my arrival. Before I knew it I was buried under a pile of cheese. I could hear her giggling as she saw my leg poking out of the pile and noticed me.
“You ok James? You seem to have gotten your self into a bit of a pickle.” she says as she picks me up and sets me back on the counter clear from her cooking area.
“Yeah I am fine. What are you cooking anyway and how can I help?”
“I am making some chili and you can help by tasting it. I want to know if its too spicy or not spicy enough.”
“Ok I can do that. Just let me know when you are ready for me to try it.” A few minutes go by and Cara lowered a spoon of chili to me and gives me a taste. Right away I knew it was a little too spicy but not enough to have to start over. “It is a bit hot but I think its still good.” I tell her sitting back down on the counter as Judith walks in the room.
“Something smells great she says as she is handed a bowl of chili by Cara. “Home made chili with shredded cheese on top just how you like it.” Cara tells Judith with a smile. “Now come on lets go sit on the couch and eat. James why don't you go to the coffee table and hang out there as we eat for a little.” Cara continues as she carries me to my car then walks off to the couch in the living room.

Once I got to my spot inside the glass topped coffee table with little holes for air, smell and sweat to get in to the hollowed out area for me I sat down and watched as my monolithic girlfriend and her sister sat down and put their feet up on the table as the relaxed and ate their lunches.
“Hey bug boy! Get up here and rub my feet.” Judith barked at me. In fear I quickly responded and rushed up my ladder and began to massage her huge sweaty feet as best as I could. “Good bug bitch. This feels nice after a nice long workout session. I hope you don't mind the sweat because you are going to lick it off of my divine soles for me or you will find yourself under them during my next run. Got it?” she says.
“Y-y-yes Goddess Judith. A-anything you say.” I stutter before shutting up and doing as I am told. As I press my tongue to her soles I taste the overwhelming flavor of salt and lunge back in disgust. This angers Judith and she warns me not to do that again and to get back to work, or else. Again I do as I am told and against everything my body is telling me I keep licking her sweat drenched soles.

Cara became concerned but knew that since she was the younger sibling she had no power over her older sister and just sat there and tried to distract herself by turning on the television. Judith realized this and demanded that I now worship Cara's feet until she realized that my place is as a slave not as a pet. Reluctantly I crawled to Cara's heels and began to kiss and massage them. Cara moved her feet way from me but Judith just pushed me off the table and landed on the ground before her feet did and so they came right down on me. Her soles smothered and crushed my minuscule form as Judith sat in Cara's lap laughing.
“Sis when will you learn that your bug of a boyfriend is now our slave. He deserves it for being such an idiot by shrinking himself without reading the warnings. His brain was always the size of a cockroach and now his body matches.” Judith scolds Cara. “I guess you are right sis. I was blinded by my love for him that I didn't see how worthless he became. We are goddesses to him and should be treated as such. Now the question is what to do with him?”

...To Be Continued.
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