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Rated: E · Essay · Writing · #2154580
What scares us most
There was a survey that I once read that said that public speaking was the number one fear most people have. You can put things like snakes, spiders and clowns on that list. For me the biggest fear I have is publishing something and getting criticized for being me. I have sat here in front of my computer and have typed hundreds of words that I turn around and immediately delete. I chicken out and I can't hit that send button. I am sure there are a great number of people who tend to do the same thing. I am trying to be better and face my fear and not hit the chicken switch before I commit to posting something somewhere. My brain is filled with story ideas, thoughts that I would like to share and skills that I would love to teach to others. The only thing in my way is a wall that I call fear.

The root of my fear is in the details. First is what I am writing long enough. My tendency to keep things short and sweet is a technical writing class I took in college. I also don't tend to embellish things like I should. Second is my gauge of worthiness. I am a little overly critical of things that I do in life. This applies to everything I do. I just recently garnered the courage to put my photos for sale. It was a massive learning experience. I found that it wasn't that the photos rejected were not good enough, but there wasn't a current commercial outlet for those photos. This gives me a perspective on how to improve the type and quality of my photos in the future. I never had done this before because I was afraid my photos were not worthy of being sold or published. Right now that are the main reasons I have for not posting more of what I write. Fear can have a negative impact on what we do and what we put forward toward the public. There a many people out there that I am sure that have the same kind of fear that I do. Conquering these fears is a mountain that may of us must climb.

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