Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160439-When-pigs-fly-a-letter
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Folklore · #2160439
The most incredible, illogical and rightly impossible day! A letter for when pigs fly...

Dear John,

How are you? I hope you are well! I apologise for not writing in such a long time, but you know how things get - busy. So much has happened since you went away. Incredible, illogical and rightly impossible things have come my way. Just yesterday, I was in the kitchen baking sugar cookies. A normal, everyday and common activity you say? Well, I pulled the golden cookies from the oven and took a bite of a particularly large one. As I chewed on the delectable sweetness, I looked out the window and saw a pig fly across the sky! Yes! A pig! With wings! Right under a vibrant rainbow! You know what they say about pigs flying... it means that anything possible. And oh boy how true that is! After the pig flew by the window, I raced outside to see where it was headed.

Right by my feet a little green-coloured man whisked by, his red hair sticking out from under a green cap with a black buckle and a red beard trailing behind him. Of course, having an intimate understanding of all things unlikely, I followed the little man through my garden hedges and out over that little decorative bridge. But alas, before I could place one foot on the tiny stone bridge, a troll popped its head out from underneath and demanded payment to cross. Unfortunately, in my rush to leave the house I had taken nothing with me except the delicious golden cookie that I had already taken a bite out of. I generously stuck out my hand in the direction of the tiny yet grotesque troll and hoped he would take my offering. The little grey troll snatched the cookie from my hand and seemed content as he crumbled it up and gingerly bit into it. I placed one foot on the little bridge and was across it by the next.

I couldn't see where the little green scamp had gotten but decided to follow the direction of the rainbow which seemed to end just out on the other side of the trees which surrounded the yard. I made my way under the branches and came out the other side to the most glorious and colourful vision. Right there, under the colours of the rainbow was a gleaming pot of golden coins! Sitting by the pot, facing away from me was the little leprechaun counting his coins. I stealthily walked up to him and grabbed him by the scruff of the collar of his little green outfit. He promised to give me his gold if I let him go. So, I did what any decent person would do and let the little guy go. Unfortunately, he wasn't too keen on keeping his word and with a poof, he and his pot of gold disappeared. However, luckily for me, he had forgotten about the little pile of coins which he had been counting next the now-gone pot. I gathered my spoils of fourteen golden coins and hurriedly stuffed them into my pocket.

I made my way back home, came through the trees, passed the little troll gingerly licking his fingers in happy enjoyment and sat down in the kitchen to pen this letter to you. I must wrap up for now as I think the goose has laid a golden egg and a boy has come to the door to sell me some beans. I will write again soon!

With love,


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