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Rated: 18+ · Sample · Relationship · #2160967
A woman becomes trapped in a cabin with a tatted, bearded, bad boy author.
Take a spicy, sexy, hot ride in this erotic romance short story.

In her quest for a promotion, Gwen finds herself deep in the Colorado Rockies to retrieve the latest manuscript from best-seller, Jacob Masters. She counted on getting his manuscript and getting her promotion. What she didn't count on was him being so insanely hot or a series of snow storms to sweep in and trap her in his cabin with him. Burned in the past, Gwen has no intention of falling for any man yet alone a bad boy author. She just needs her body to get the message.

At the top of his game, Jacob can call the shots with any publisher he goes to so the last thing he needs is his pushy agent anymore. When Gwen shows up out of the blue, he's completely confused but appreciative of his old agent for sending the assistant. The woman is seriously sexy and has attitude to match. She lights him up like no woman ever has, and he knows exactly what he wants to do to with that mouth of hers.

A freak series of snow storms has them trapped in his small cabin with very little to do than run into each other, and spend every second together. The attraction between them explodes threatening to change everything they thought they wanted. Maybe all they were missing was a little, Cabin Fever.

Please come and check out my Erotic short story at Amazon. If you have Kindle Unlimited it's free.

Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: $ 0.99


         A thick blanket of snow pounded down on the windshield of the Jeep Cherokee. Leather creaked as Gwen tightened her fingers around the wheel. This was so not good.
         Her first official day of vacation, and she was driving up the Colorado Rockies in the middle of a snowstorm that hadn't even been on her damn weather app. Not that she could check to see if the report had changed because there was zero service. So much for calling for help if she needed any.
         Right now she was supposed to be in the Caribbean soaking up the sun and scuba diving. Instead, she was driving to bum-fuck-nowhere to meet with the reclusive and incredibly egotistical writer, Jacob Masters.
         Everyone wanted a piece of Jacob Masters and his best-sellers. Marjorie, her boss, had been representing him for the last four years. She wanted his latest book, refused to wait for it and needed someone to pick it up. Of course the task wasn't what Gwen had been expecting when she'd walked in demanding a promotion or she would be quitting. She was hoping to get the promotion but had been expecting to quit. When Marjorie told her if she got Master's latest novel then the promotion was hers, she jumped at the opportunity which was exactly how she found herself driving up the Rockies in the middle of a snowstorm.
         She groaned as she thought about having to deal with Jacob Masters. She'd only ever talked to him on the phone, and he wasn't exactly the most patient and polite man in the whole world. Arrogant was an understatement and talking to him was like...well she couldn't really think of anything worse than being saddled with talking to him when he was unhappy. She'd seen his picture on the back of his books and yes the man was insanely hot but the smirk on his face told her his ego was enormous, and not the one in his pants.
         A small cabin came into view, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She'd made it. Coming to a stop, she turned off the Jeep and prepared to face one of their most difficult clients ever signed.
         “You better be giving me that promotion Marjorie.” She groaned, grabbing her briefcase and getting out. Pulling her beanie down further on her head, she tightened her scarf and made her way up the snow covered walkway. Glancing around, she hurried a little faster because the snow was definitely coming down faster and harder. “There's no flipping way I'm getting stuck out here.” Stomping up the wooden porch steps, she nearly tripped on the carpet as she hurried across and pounded at the door. There was no answer. She knocked again and again. “Mr. Masters! Hello?”
         “Who is it?”
         At least that was what she thought she heard. The wind and the door made it difficult to hear much of anything. Loud barking followed as a dog skidded to a stop before the door. “I'm from Brown Literary Agency!” She yelled struggling to call over the wind and the yapping dog.
         His voice was closer, a good sign. “What do you want?! Quiet Molly!”
         “I was sent to pick up your manuscript.”
         “Your manuscript!”
         “I can't hear you!”
         “Well maybe if you'd open the door you,” the door flew open. “Arrogant jerk.”
         “What the hell are you doing out in weather like this?” He thundered, grabbing her hand and jerking her inside. Molly, she assumed, began jumping all over her. He slammed the door. “Molly down!” The dog listen instantly, retreating to a laughably small bed in the corner of the room. “Did you just call me an arrogant jerk?”
         Pulling her beanie off her head, she gave a nervous chuckle and raised her head. Her eyes widened. Holy shit, no freaking way did any picture do this man justice. Tanned skin, powerful jaw covered by a dark brown beard longer than she usually liked but on him it looked sinfully masculine. High cheekbones, straight nose, and a sexy top lip slightly fuller then the bottom. Black ink crawled up his neck from under the neckline of his thermal in intricate swirls and tribal patterns. Even his hands and knuckles were inked, and she just knew those tats went all the way up those large arms. A big, tatted man with a beard alone in a cabin was just about the sexiest fantasy she'd ever had. What were the odds she'd find herself in that scenario during a snowstorm? Meeting his eyes, she almost melted on the spot because the man had the most amazing pair of ocean blue eyes she'd ever seen.
         “Like what you see?” He smiled. No smirked. There wasn't enough cocky, self-assured sex appeal in a smile.

© Copyright 2018 M.A Gonzales (snoopyanne1980 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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