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Rated: E · Other · Cultural · #2161427
Just my Thoughts running wild for now.

Similarities and differences

From a very young age I was unbelievable innocent, I thought the world was filled to the brim with good people, that being, I thought everyone else thought exactly like me. Everyone did their best to help each other, love each other and use logic, compassion and reasoning to solve their problems.... Oh boy was I ever wrong.

It metaphorically blew my mind when my mother told that there are people out there who are violent towards each other for being different, that being, "gay, straight, black, white, man, woman", I was unable to wrap my mind around it, how could you hate someone you do not know, they aren't affecting you and they are living their life without harming anyone else? They have families and loved ones just like you and as a matter of fact they are more similarities between you and me than differences.

How could a "black" person disown their own son when their ancestors were put in shackles and chains, to disown your child is to become the oppressor which you're ancestors fought against?

We should be showing compassion and love towards each other, I mean there's no one on the earth who came out of the womb wanting to be a murderer or racist, homophobic or any other label that society has made up to divide itself. These labels literally make no sense as well, they take one aspect of someone's life and divide them by that one thing, so a gay man is only seen as a gay man, not a doctor or a lawyer, things he actually chose to be. A "black" woman is seen as nothing more as if she even chose to have lighter or darker skin, but she did choose to be the politician or the dancer or the singer or heart surgeon yet we don't address her as such, she worked for it and so did everyone else who achieved their level of progress.

I do have hope for humanity though, humans are very beautiful creatures who have become something more when given the chance, and they just take too long.


Tuesday June 19, 2018

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