Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2161798-A-Love-Poem
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #2161798
Entry for Poetic Traditions Contest, July, 2019.
Form: The LaCharta, created by Laura Lamarca, consists of a minimum of 3 stanzas with no maximum length stipulation. Each stanza contains 6 lines. The syllable count is 8 per line in iambic tetrameter and the rhyme scheme is aaaabb ccccdd eeeeff and so on. "La" is Laura Lamarca's signature and "Charta" in Latin, simply means "poem".
Contest: Verdant Poetry Contest, Round 17, Summer, 36 lines

A Love Poem

Flowers fashioned by a child’s hand
Drawn there on the shimmering sand.
While we sunned and talked-even planned.
Our bodies, then were young and tanned.
So long ago, those carefree days
Have vanished like the sun’s last rays.

A lovely blissful summer night,
Beneath the moon, that shone so bright
A trillion stars, small specks of light,
I was your queen, you were my knight.
A love like ours could only grow,
Oh, how we loved each other so!

We worked and played, we built our life
With happiness and little strife.
You were my man, I was your wife.
Needless to say, our joy was rife.
Those middle years passed quickly by
Like the cliché, the time did fly!

Those golden years have long since passed
Yet many treasures we’ve amassed-
A family that’s unsurpassed
By close knit bonds and love to last
Still longer than forever’s seen
And all the time left in between.

Silver hairs cover my old head,
They were not there when we were wed.
Though we know not what is ahead
There’s no regrets, and no tears shed
For this incredible wild ride
Spent all with you right by my side.

And like the ageless old refrain
If I go first and you remain
Don’t mourn for me, nor cry in pain
For now, I rest in Christ’s domain.
I’ll wait for you at Heaven’s door
We’ll be together evermore!

First entered Round 17, Verdant Poetry Contest, Jue 24, 2018
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