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Rated: 13+ · Column · Community · #2163355
This column was published July 2007 in Art with Words and was ongoing on quarterly basis.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
In August Saturn makes a helpful link to Pluto which could capture your attention and you may develop a passion for studying and writing about foreign cultures. Jupiter will occupy your sector of travel, higher education and connections to foreign places will be retrograde from July until early August. Use this time to get a different perspective on life or to learn about other cultures, lifestyles and philosophies. In doing so you will find you have a whole new world to write about. Saturn the taskmaster of the zodiac will continue to occupy your sector of romance, children, creativity, speculation and the pleasures of life, up until September. So tune into that muse of yours and write like crazy!

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
In July Saturn will still oppose Neptune which could bring some heavy responsibilities in the home that interfere with your writing aspirations or your online writing profiles. Only time will sort out the problem, so try to be patient. In August Saturn makes a helpful link to Pluto which could bring some amazing new writing contracts that you could become involved in, especially ones that involve a partner. You may desire to enter into a writing collaboration and make some solid investments into that collaboration that pay off handsomely over the next several years. In September Pluto will no longer be retrograde which inspires in your writing a major shift in consciousness and the understanding of your muse and the points she wants you write about.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)
In July with the opposition of Saturn and Neptune you may go into a melancholic frame of mind, unable to see or write anything clearly. This is not an ideal time to start a new writing project, nor start any studies as delays and confusion can occur. In August Saturn links to Pluto which can stabilize your thought and writing patterns and help you to reach some writing decisions about the novel you have had in the works that require a great deal of clarity and vision. In September, Uranus, the planet of change, will continue to occupy your sector of career, reputation, status and how you are seen in the eyes of the world, during which time he will be in retrograde phase. Hang in there for the ideas that you brainstorm during this time will come together as you and your muse write in harmony after the retrograde period ends.

Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
In July you can get substantial income from a book of poetry you have been trying to get published. Put your windfall back for the rainy days to come and not be tempted to spend it on item you don’t need. Keep writing and submitting to your publisher so that you can reap the benefits of a large reward. From the end of July to September, when Venus is retrograde, if you are not ponderate, you might throw away everything you have earned so far. Be aware of your relationships with other writers too, because they could bring you financial loss! In July 2007, Mars will be in Cancer's Eleventh House, giving you more energy to write with and your heart and soul will be given over to these energies. You can lay the foundations of some common collaboration projects now, but when it comes to contracts and dollars, stick to your guns and listen to your muse and intuition.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)
July will bring you remarkable opportunities for your writing career, and this is due to the presence of Mars in Leo’s Tenth House. Your enthusiasm and determination will impress your editor. If you play your cards right, you will succeed in setting yourself in motion. Your muse will be stimulating your subconscious and your writing will be better than ever. Be aware, though, not to become too impulsive! In risky situations, don’t try to be the hero! In August and September, you will be very tempted to spend money and place your trust in the wrong publisher, and even if it seems like it will work, you need to be very careful while Venus is retrograde. Leave major revisions and publishing decisions for October.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
July through September you will remain very suggestible. Read all the writing contracts you have to sign very carefully and try to be as realistic as possible! Your writing and common sense is not at its best in this period, so you shouldn’t make long-term publishing plans because they might be idealistic or difficult to put into practice. In August and September 2007, Mars will be in Virgo’s Tenth House. Therefore, this is the best period of the year for your writing career as you listen to your muse. You will have a lot of energy and ambition to assert into your writing. Pluto will continue to be retrograde together with Jupiter during this entire quarter so unpleasant turns of mind sets and situations of others could interfere with your communications. Continue to write on and you’ll be fine!

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
Until the middle of July 2007, Mercury will be retrograde. The best thing now is to be prudent and reserved. Don’t make important decisions about your writing career right now and be very careful about the way you communicate with influential people in the publishing industry. You’ll be tempted to forget about diplomacy and be excessively critical. Writing projects you’re working on in this period could prove to be more difficult than you expected. Because Uranus will be retrograde, you should avoid making important changes in your writing genre in this quarter and into November. You could make the necessary "preparations" during this period. Remember where your inspiration to write comes from and when Uranus stops running backwards, you will be ready to hit the writing market with gusto!

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
Between July and September, Pluto will be retrograde (almost simultaneously with Jupiter). Therefore, you will be tempted to abandon any scruples with your writing and to act incorrectly about how you will submit it for publishing. You’ll be at risk of having problems with publishing authorities or of losing much money in contractual agreements. In this period you should lay low and take little risks. Be very careful in August and in the first part of September, when Venus is retrograde. Consequently, there is the danger of being involved in the wrong circles of writing peers. You are also at risk of sustaining great loss because of editors that want to take advantage of you. Don’t worry about publishing during this time and keep to your writing. Your muse will help you to stay creative.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
In July and into August, Mars’ transit in Sagittarius’ Sixth House will make you more energetic. You’ll be very enthusiastic at writing and you’ll feel capable of great literary accomplishments. If you want to finish writing projects in time, don’t waste your energy trying to multi-task server works at once, and try to be more organized! In the middle of July, Venus in Sagittarius’ Tenth House will bring you a great writing success. Both publishers and editors will appreciate you and you might receive a proposal for long term writing commitments. Be aware at the end of July, when Venus is retrograde! Some or your peers could envy your work and throw a monkey wrench in your path. In September, Saturn will be in Sagittarius’ Tenth House, giving you much ambition and writing capacity. Because you work very hard and very efficiently, you will gain everyone’s esteem. Write on, write on, write on!

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
In July, Mars’ presence in Capricorn’s Fifth House will lend you much courage for expressing your feelings through your writing and for taking the initiative to submit your work to the right publisher. You will be more loyal to your editor but also in search for more freedom. In August and September, Mars will be in Capricorn’s Sixth House and you will be full of energy and enthusiasm, willing to work on your writing projects in over time if necessary. Anyway, one of the many qualities Capricorn has is commitment: you can be very committed to your writing career as long as your need of independence is respected.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
In July, because of Mercury’s retrograde movement, you’ll be more apt to leave unfinished stories and more critical of yourself than you usually are. If you are in a position to publish, you may not want to make crucial decisions for editing or revising your current writing project in this period. During August & September while Uranus is in retrograde, be advised that you should be very careful about the way you use your idea and inspirational resources. You’ll tend to spend too much time revising and editing and you’ll risk losing the reason you wrote it in the first place. Wait until Uranus is done running backwards and your rewards will be many.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
From July through August, it’s recommendable that you are very careful, because retrograde Jupiter can cause changes of situation, affecting your writing career as far as your position and financial situation. While Venus is in transit through Pisces’ Sixth House it will endow you with much creativity while writing. In addition, your relationships with your editor and publisher will be excellent. Be careful from August to the middle of September, when Venus goes retrograde! In this period, you shouldn’t get involved in any writing projects that require your creative talent because your communication with your muse will be difficult. There could also be problems with your co-writers in any collaboration that you take on.

Author's Note: This column was published July 2007 in Art with Words and was ongoing on a quarterly basis, until 2008.
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