Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2168728-Five-reasons-why-you-should-love-who-you
Rated: E · Article · Activity · #2168728
Loving yourself is an infinity journey.You will never reach the finish line it.
1. it isn't up to others to love you, and not everyone will love you. therefore never mind about those who don't love you and keep loving yourself.

2. you will always remain the same no matter what happens.people will come in and out of your life, you will still remain the same.

3. people will love you for loving your self. when you love yourself you do everything to make sure everything about you is just right. and for doing your best people begin to love you for that.

4. you understand yourself better. when you love yourself, you become the best judge for your self and whatever others say don't matter.

5.its the best gift you can give yourself.loving yourself makes you happy with yourself and it makes everything about you is different, you feel different, look different, act different, etc and people begin to admire you for that
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