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Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #2169575
Niala is the CEO of several business, but her 24th birthday will threaten her cozy life
(At dinner table with Jenny & Kia Zyang, Zuri, Niala and Joe Lin)

Joe Lin: Jenny, how is Levi doing?

Jenny Zyang: She’s fine. She flies in tomorrow morning.

Niala Lin: Have anything special planned for her?

Jenny Zyang: Not really, I’m just going to keep it simple.

Niala Lin: noooo, come on let's plan something she’s been gone for 11 months.

Joe Lin: Plan how to get a boyfriend.

(all the girls except Niala burst out laughing)

Kia Zyang: You stepped right into that one.

Joe Lin (annoyed): You’re no different from her, Niala can't get into a relationship and you can't stay into one.

Jenny: Two peas in a pod.

Joe Lin (annoyed): This is not a joking matter. You all should be having a family by now.

Niala Lin: (clears throat) Dad, we will. Just at the right time when were ready to settle down.

Joe Lin: Is the right time when I’m dead like your mother?

Niala Lin: (stares at Joe) Excuse me, I think it’s time for me to go home now. (leaves the table angrily)

Zuri Lin: Dad, that was way too far!

Joe Lin: I said nothing wrong or false (cutting steak)

Jenny Zyang: (clears throat) Well, Joe thank you for dinner. We’re going to leave now too. Good night

Kia Zyang: Good night guys.

(Jenny and Kia leave the house)

Zuri Lin: Why do you keep treating her like that.

Joe Lin: How am I treating her.

Zuri: You’ve been treating her like she not your daughter ever since she was in a coma

Joe Lin: (To self: she’s not) The day that boy died, so did she.

Zuri Lin: So, comfort her, not force her into some relationship. It didn't work with me, why would it work for her?

Joe Lin: She should be trying to have kids not run business. A husband should work a wife at home with the kids safe not trying to make her business her kids.

Zuri Lin: wow dad. The older you get the more you seem to be losing empathy.

Joe Lin: Its patience I’m losing.

Zuri Lin: (stands up) Whatever, just remember dad, Niala Lin isn't Jazmine Cur-Lin.

(Joe puts down his utensils, Zuri goes home)

(Niala’s office in the pc building)

Jenny Zyang: (knocks and opens the door) I got donutssssss!

Niala Lin: Thanks, but no thanks most definitely not in the mood.

Jenny Zyang: come onnnnn, you know he does that every time there is a relationship talk. Do let it get to you.

Niala Lin: It's not even that. I'm used to it, but it just bothers me that he thinks he knows what's best for me.

Jenny Zyang: great so eat this.

Niala Lin: (opens box) Mhmm you know my heart so well. Ooouuu triple dark chocolate donut. You really do know me.

Jenny Zyang: Of course, I do duh, but you know we have a meeting today right.

Niala Lin: Mhmm (wipes corner of mouth) yeah. Kristen wanted to have a brief meeting with her husband and his boss

(knock on the door)

Niala Lin: Come in, good morning Mrs.Cha

Jenny Zyang: Good morning Mrs.Cha

Kristen: Good morning, CEO, Head Manager Zyang

Niala Lin: So, remind me why we were having this meeting

Kristen Cha: so, with the extra time you gave me in the Pub* I was working on programming chip

Jenny Zyang: You're not the Head Director of Programming for nothing Kristen. (walking out the office)

Niala Lin: True

Kristen Cha: Thank you.

Niala Lin: And your husband, how is he involved?

Kristen Cha: (Clears throat) Um. He makes the game the whole game aspect. He is the Head Director of the Graphic and Gaming Designer

Niala Lin: Wow. (looks at watch) Do you know when they get here?

Kristen Cha: His boss is um unpredictable.

(knock on the door)

Jenny Zyang: Ma’am, they are here.

Niala Lin: let them in please

(Lance and Nick Cha walk into the office)

Lance Young: (shocked and stunned) Good morning, Lance Young of Lysoft Studios

Nick Cha: Nick Cha Head Director of the Graphic and Gaming Designer of Lysoft Studios.

Niala Lin: Good morning, Ms. -

Lance Young: Excuse me, but I think we know who you are

Niala Lin: Well it's a pleasure that Mr. Lance Young knows who I am.

Lance Young: How could I not. You personally make clothes for my mother.

Niala Lin: (smiles politely) So, what brings you gentlemen here?

Nick Cha: My wife and I have created a game and a device.

Lance Young: Device?

Kristen: we created a remote that could connect different consoles to play together.

Niala Lin: How is it different from other remotes?

Kristen: from remote to remote you can play the game together without having to be on the same network or server.

Niala Lin: (writes something down) and the game?

Nick Cha: It's a love adventure game.

Lance Young: Why does it need the remote

Nick Cha: if it’s a single player playing the game they won't need it but if me and Mrs.Cha were to play she would do the story for one main character and I the other.

Niala Lin: how many characters will your game have?

Nick Cha: two main character and 6 supporting characters

Kristen: Ms. HT*?

Niala Lin: okay.

Kristen: the things we need to make our game and device better are within the companies we work for.

Niala Lin: Mr. Young, how would you feel about a partnership for our companies?

Lance Young: With a new game and device, sounds like a deal to me. (Looks straight at Niala’s eyes)

Niala Lin: Alright then, I'll contact my lawyers to contact yours and then we can start planning.

Nick Cha: (reaches to shake Niala's hand) Thank you.

Niala Lin: No thank you Mr. Cha

(Nick Cha and Kristen leave the room)

Lance Young: It was an honor to meet you Ms.

Niala Lin: Same here Mr. Young

Lance Young: You can call me Lance.

Niala Lin: (smiles politely) In that case you can call me Niala.

Lance Young: That name suits you very well

Niala Lin: (confused) thank you Lance.

(Lance stares at Niala for a bit then leaves)

Niala Lin: (Picks up office phone) Can you come to my office please.

(Knock on the door on the door)

Jenny Zyang: everything okay?

Niala Lin: Yea I'm fine I just wanted to know if I have anything else to attend to today?

Jenny Zyang: Well there's paperwork that needs to be signed for all the departments.

Niala Lin: When isn't there. Okay. Thank you.

Jenny Zyang: uhhhhhh

Niala Lin: what?

Jenny Zyang: Sooooo you had a meeting with Lance Young. The maker of A Queen’s Revenge.

Niala Lin: And we make dresses for his mother

Jenny Zyang: We make dress for everyone and their mother

Niala Lin: Who’s the only person I make personal dresses for?

Jenny Zyang: Wait the Madame Caine is his mother

Niala Lin: Yup, which mean-

Jenny Zyang: You will fall in love and dad can shut up.

Niala Lin: If you weren't dating Levi I would tell you to hop on.

Jenny Zyang: (sits in chair in front of Niala’s desk) Come how can we do quad date nights if you and Kia Zyang are hell bent about not being in a relationship.

Niala Lin: ugghhhhhhhhhh,

Jenny Zyang: How about a blind date

Niala Lin: How about you get me that important paperwork from your desk, so I can sign them please.

Jenny Zyang: I'm going to do magic to make you fall in love

Niala Lin: Yea yea.
2 weeks later

(In Niala’ s office)

Niala Lin: Good morning everyone. Here is a plan that I came up with to help bring in attention to both companies as well as the game.

Lance Young: why you cut down people fast.

Niala Lin: To make up for that I think we should make social media accounts to display the work of the people who submit their work.

Michael: But won't people start making things ahead of time and submitting it all in.

Niala Lin: No, they won't

Lance Young: Because each round won't be revealed until the previous one is finished.

Nick Cha: Like a game

Niala Lin: exactly

Kristen: This actually fits really well with what we have planned.

Nick Cha: It does and the 2 people who win will get to see their work in the game.

Lance Young: Well since that is settled why don't we finish this up.

(Everyone signs the contracts, copyrights and NDA forms)

Kristen: Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity Mr. Young and Ms.

Lance Young: Don't worry about it

Niala Lin: Your welcome Mrs.Cha

Cole: Okay, this wraps it up.

(Later in the afternoon at a cemetery)

Niala Lin: I partnered with another major company Johnny. It's your favorite company too. (Starts crying) I still can't get over you, no matter what I try to do. I bet you don't want me here but Even though your gone i-i-i still love y-

Kia Zyang: You have to stop doing this to yourself.

Niala Lin: (still crying) But it was my fault that it happened. If it weren't for-

Kia Zyang: (shakes Niala’s one good time and yells) Hey look at me, for the last time you had no control over what happened.

Niala Lin:(wipes face) how did you know I was Here?

Kia Zyang: Because it's the anniversary of his death, now come on we’re going home.

(In Niala’s driveway)

Kia Zyang: I know, I never experienced what you have but I also know that you’re just hurting yourself.

Niala Lin: But he's hurtin-


Niala Lin: Your right. I’m sorry, and can you not tell anyone about this. I think I just need some time to myself and breath.

Kia Zyang: Okay

Niala Lin: (smiles) text me when you get home

Kia Zyang: okay

(Niala walks into her house and enters the kitchen)

Niala Lin: I need to let loose. Let's see what's in here. Hmmm nope I need something harder than wine and champagne.

(Niala’s showers and changes and heads to an expensive club)

Bartender: What can I get for you tonight miss?

Niala Lin: Do you make the no shots?

Bartender: yes ma’am, but we make it a little harder than other bars

Niala Lin: Keep them coming until I say stop

(After 3 shots)

Niala Lin: I love the music here (gets up and starts dancing)

(From VIP box Lance Young see Niala’s dancing)

Lance Young: I never thought I would see her dance

(Back on the dance floor)

Random guy 1: (into Niala’s ear) Hey, are you calling me baby

Niala Lin:(turns around) No I wasn't. Sorry if it seems like that. (To self) Why do feel like this (Moves to another spot and keeps dancing)

Random guy 1: Come on don't be like that!!

Niala Lin: I don't want to dance with you

(Guy grabs Niala arm)

Random guy 1: I know what you are, so let's go talk somewhere private

Niala Lin: hey, hey get the fu- (passes out)

Lance Young: Excuse me, but I will be taking her

Random guy 1: Who the fuck do yo- (security guard knocked him unconscious)

Security 1: sir?

Lance Young: throw him by the dumpster

Security 1: yes sir

(Lance Young takes Niala to his apartment, and lets her sleep on his bed)

(Next morning)

Niala Lin: what the, (Looks down at self) I need food! Ahhhhh. (Finds some chips that weren't open) Omggg whoever owns this place thank you. (Continues soon)

Lance Young: So, you just like going through people's cabinet huh? (Smirks)

Niala Lin:(screams and turns around) I'm sorry! Wait Lance Young?! (Quickly hides behind counters)

Lance Young: what are you doing?

Niala Lin: Did we do anything?

Lance Young:(smiles) why does it matter

Niala Lin:(starts to cry and gets up to run out but slips and ends up falls flat on her face)

Lance Young: (serious) wait wait wait, calm down. we didn't do anything let's get you back to the room.

Niala Lin: I'm leaving, I have to go home

Lance Young: Niala stop, I’m not going to do anything or tell anyone.

Niala Lin: Why?

Lance Young: I just wanted to help you. (Sighs) what's the last thing you remember?

Niala Lin: This guy was pressuring me for a dance and then my head started to hurt, then I'm blank from there.

Lance Young: You passed out and I didn’t know where you lived so I brought you to the safest place I know. (Looks her straight in the eye) Is everything okay with you Niala?

Niala Lin: (pauses for a few, the tears start coming out) (smile and wipe away tears) I'm okay. I'm going to go back in the room.

Lance Young: Your purse and phone are in the room

Niala Lin: My phone!!

(Runs and looks for phone) oh shitttttt

[28 missed calls

89 text messages

16 snapwits]

Text group chat on snapwits.

Nini: Hey I just woke up, I passed out from drinking too much😱😱

DoctaKia: Are you okay? 😫😥

Zee: Where are you? 😯😯

Jenster: Did you sleep with anyone by chance🙃🙃??

Nini: Yes, I am fine😏, I’m safe🙂 and Nooooooooooo'™'™'™'™'™

Jenster: Just curious lol😂

DoctaKia: Where are you? '"

Nini: Did we forget I am also a grown woman right now!?'"'"😐

Jenster: She has a point'-

Zee: Shut up Jenny and Nini act like one and tell us where you are😕😕

Niala Lin: I'm am fine😌😌

Docta Kia: I'm going to call Joe Lin 😡

Nini: I'm with Lance Young 😧

Zee: Lance Young? '"

DoctaKia: Like there is only one Lance Young in the world''''

Jenster: Lance Young, Lance Young

Nini: Yes😳

Jenster: 😏ohhh look at you

DoctaKia: Excuse us!

Jenster: Lance Young??

Zee: Lysoft Lance Young?

Jenster: Yes

Nini: yes

Zee: Why?

Nini: I passed out at a club and he helped me

Jenster: Don't you think you too old for rebellious acts like this😂😂

Nini: It's not like that 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😣😣

Zee: Be careful!!

DoctaKia Zyang: And tell him thank you

Nini: Okay

Niala Lin: damn I didn't say thank you.

Lance Young: (sitting on balcony) (to self) Wth have you gone through woman. And what they hell did I say?!

(Hour earlier)

(In the car)

Niala Lin: (wakes up and starts crying)

Lance Young: Wtf, What's wrong with you

Niala Lin: I can't love anyone

Lance Young: why?

Niala Lin: Because I can’t (Starts crying harder)

(Stops at red light)

Lance Young: (Looks Niala in the eyes). you can lean on me. I will do whatever it is to protect you. I promise

Niala Lin: (still crying) you know nothing about me, how can you make that promise?

Lance Young: Because I'm a man of my word.

(Car honks behind them, Lance Young drives)

Lance Young (Looks at her again) thump thump thump thump (blushes) huh, you're even prettier when you sleep.


Niala Lin:(clears throat): Um, Lance Young. Thank you

Lance Young:(stares at Niala) ((to self) damn she looks so good in my shirt) Um yeah yeah, your um welcome.

Niala Lin: what's wrong

Lance Young: (turns arounds but is blushing) Um nothing. You can make yourself at home. (Turns back around) and I promise I won't do anything to you.

Niala Lin: okay

(early morning)

Lance Young;(walks in yawning): oh, wow it's smells like bacon (walks into kitchen) wow, this looks amazing.

Niala Lin: I just wanted to show my appreciation

Lance Young: mission successful (looks behind here sees everything is cleaned) and you even cleaned up

Niala Lin: out of respect and habit

Lance Young: (Starts eating and then stop) Wow, this is the fluffiest pancake I’ve ever eating

Niala Lin: (burst out laughing) that's a first, enjoy your food and the last time you will ever see me like this (walks out to the kitchen)

Lance Young:( eating and too self) Mhmm, we'll see about that (smiles and looks at the rose she made with bacon. Breaks a piece off) Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm Ms. Niala Lin

(Niala is in Lance room and Lance is on the couch) (bad thunderstorm)

Lance Young: (hears glass break and Niala scream. Runs to the room) Turn on lights (lights turn on)

Niala what's wrong!

Niala Lin: (shaking violently and about to cry) please stay in here with me please

Lance Young: sighs alright (brings out a sleeping bag and lays on the floor)

Niala Lin: thank you,

Lance Young: no prob.

Niala Lin: you must think I’m childish

Lance Young: No, everyone fears something

Niala Lin: (smiles) yea. Falls asleep.

(WAKE UP ALARM) (9:00) ughhhh, where am I?? (gets up and sees tea and a note) don't worry door looks on their own and I'm sending someone to buy you clothes and bring your car. Niala: Wow he really is nice guy.

(Turns note around) we are best friends now. (Blushes) okay, if you say so

(Knock on the door)

Woman: Ms.

Niala Lin:(opens door a little bit) who's asking?

Woman:(smiles politely) Mr. Young sent me

Niala Lin:(opens it all the way): oh, thank you

(Niala Lin gets a gets text from snapwits)

Jenster: I’m moving back in with you & Levi broke with me for her ex

DoctaKia Zyang: Why???

Jenster: I’m eating everything in your fridge Ni

Nini: I don’t blame you

Zee: I’ll bring over more

Nini: thnxs

(After the meeting Niala walks to a healthy bar)

(Niala writing something and listening to headphones)

Lance Young:( sits in front of Niala and watches her)

(Niala looks up started)

Niala Lin: How long have you been sitting there

Lance Young: Only a few minutes

Niala Lin: Can I ask you a question?

Lance Young: (gives her a sly grin) ask away

Niala Lin: well first I should say thank you, and if you have a way that I can repay your kindness I will gladly do so.

Lance Young: How about be my date for the ball.

Niala Lin: Then we would have to pretend to be into each other.

Lance Young: You can bring your secretary.

Niala Lin: (sits back in chair) That's my sister. Why don't you really tell me what's going on.

Lance Young: Come back to my house A

Kia Zyang: (slides in beside Niala smiling widely) back to his house huh

Niala Lin: (puts head on the table)

Kia Zyang: (reaches to shake Lance Youngs hand) Doctor Kia Zyang

Zuri Lin: And I’m Zuri Lin, the eldest

Niala Lin: They are all my sister's. Kia and Jenny are twins and they are also our God sister.

Lance Young: Nice meeting the both of you. (looks directly to Niala Lin) Maybe we can talk-

Kia Zyang: Oh no, you can finish what you were saying

Niala Lin: guys stop it

Zuri Lin: What did you walk into

Kia Zyang: He wants her to come back to his house (raises eyebrows a couple of times)

Lance Young: (Starts laughing) wow, Niala, you have my number, (looks down at the phone.) Plus, you still didn't ask you question. (Smiles a handsome smile)

Niala Lin: (Blushes then clears throat) yea, your right

(Zuri and Kia starts giggling)

Lance Young: have a good day ladies.

Kia Zyang: so, what did you guys do at his house

Niala Lin: Nothing

Zuri Lin: oh please. The way he kept looking at you and smig

Niala Lin: Did we just forget that he likes to play with women like toys?

Zuri Lin: Lord have mercy on your brain girl.

Kia Zyang: Did you see how she melted when he smiled at her.

Niala Lin: I'm starting to think I need to move again.

Kia Zyang: like we won't find you please girl, anyway what are you doing here

Jenny Zyang: rough plan for a new game i've been thinking of.

Zuri Lin: Like sleep with our new business partners and hide it from your sisters?!

Niala Lin: why must I go through this with you guy and dad?

Kia Zyang: Girl you know why, stop playing, and btw birthday plans?

Niala Lin: We have like 3 months to prepare

Zuri Lin: come on your about to be 24 do you really need birthday plans

Niala Lin: Seriously, we just need couple of friends and drinks food

Kia Zyang: and sex

Zuri Lin: you still haven’t had sex yet?

Kia Zyang: Yea, with all my little t-

Niala Lin: On that note, I’ll see you guys Sunday.

Zuri Lin: I’m not going.

Niala Lin: why

Zuri Lin: Jenny isn't going to be there and honestly, I’m tired of him talking about us getting married.

Kia Zyang: toooooo true

Niala Lin: well. “That” house then?

Kia Zyang: yea. Nd let's invite people over

Niala Lin: like who

Kia Zyang and Zuri Lin: Lance Young

Niala Lin: alright later girls.

Kia Zyang: see ya

Zuri Lin: Bye Mrs. Young

Niala Lin: your making me sick

(Niala goes home)

(Niala just came out the shower) (phone dings)

From: Lance Young

What are you doing right now?

To: Lance Young

Nothing really. Are you okay?

From: Lance Young

Oh, yeah, I’m fine 😏. What was your question.

To: Lance Young

How did you find me in that club?

From: Lance Young

I just happened to be there

To: Lance Young

Well thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there.

From: Lance Young

Don't worry about it. Do you mind if I called? Texting isn't really my forte.

(Niala calls Lance)

Lance Young: That was pretty fast

Niala Lin: and you answered fast

Lance Young: (chuckles) Ms. Niala you're very silly

Niala Lin:(rolling eyes) what are you doing right now

Lance Young: Looking at dresses

Niala Lin: are you into cosplay

Lance Young: that would have to depend on who I’m doing it for or with

Niala Lin: At least your honest. About this ball, why do you need me to come, I know you could take any girl you like.

Lance Young: I’m trying to but she's making it quite difficult

Niala Lin: how so?

Lance Young: she hasn't answered my invitation

Niala Lin: well you and her must be alike since you haven't answered my question either.

Lance Young: it's hard to answer that honestly

Niala Lin: When is the ball?

Lance Young: In a couple of weeks, are you going to come?

Niala Lin: I mean I don't know. I don't want anyone getting any ideas about us

Lance Young: Like, us dating?

Niala Lin: kind of

Lance Young: why?

Niala Lin: it's hard to explain.

Lance Young: how about I take you somewhere?

Niala Lin: huh?

Lance Young: As a friend.

Niala Lin: to where

Lance Young: it would be a surprise for you

Niala Lin: I mean what about all the other females in your life

Lance Young: This is just a friendly trip. Nothing less

Niala Lin: Or more

Lance Young: (chuckles) or more.

Niala Lin: Why do you so much interest in me

Lance Young: I’ll tell you the real reason one day, but a tiny reason is because you have a-, nah never mind

Niala Lin: I have what?

Lance Young: Friend it's getting late.

Niala Lin: okay obviously you don't want to talk about it soooo, okay friend. Goodnight Lance Young

Lance Young: (in a gentle soft tone) Goodnight Niala Lin (he hangs up)

Niala Lin: (hearts beats quicken)

Jenny Zyang: (walks into Niala’s room) wow your blushing.

Niala Lin: No, I’m not.

Jenny Zyang: you are.

Niala Lin: (sits up in bed). You okay?

Jenny Zyang: I could lie and say no I’m not, but I found out she has been cheating on way more then I knew.

Niala Lin: what are you going to do about the apartment.

Jenny Zyang: (lays on Niala lap) obviously leave it. Send all her things to her mom.

Niala Lin: what are you going to do?

Jenny Zyang: to be honest I don't know.

Niala Lin: Want to run fashion or Cosmetics?

Jenny Zyang: What about Tech?

Niala Lin: Um no

Jenny Zyang: Because of L-A-

Niala Lin: why is it that you guys are stuck on me and him getting together

Jenny Zyang:(gets up and rolls over) maybe because we can see all that sexual stress Illuminating off your body.

Niala Lin :( rolls eyes) we going to That house this Sunday.

Jenny Zyang: (looks at Niala ‘s phone) yeah Kia told me everything

Niala Lin: (gets up walks to her room door) I think it’s time for bed

Jenny Zyang: (looks serious now) You're doing all of that because of Jonathan but think about this. If you died and he was alive, would he avoid relationships because of his dead girlfriend? (Walks out Niala ‘s room)

(Pops head back in) and I’ll take cosmetics please

Niala Lin: (laughs & slams door in her face) After you agree to take classes for it

Jenny Zyang: WHAT!!!!! WHY????

Niala Lin: Good night

Jenny Zyang: Your heart use to be so nice to me


Kia Zyang: how long has it been since we been here??

Zuri Lin: Since Niala last coming here

Kia Zyang: You know she's still not over Johnny boy right.

Zuri Lin: If Lance Young is persistent she will.

Jenny Zyang: (walks up beside them) he is…. Caught her blushing after she got off the phone

Niala Lin: (Walks into the kitchen) I was not blushing.

(Ding Niala gets a text) From: Lance Young

Pleassssssssssssse be my date to the ball

Zuri Lin: (lifts one eyebrow) who’s that

Niala Lin: no one

(Ding Niala gets a text) From Lance Young:

You can bring your sisters too.

To Lance Young:

I was going to any ways

From: Lance Young.

So that means you said yes as soon I asked

To: Lance Young

Anything else Mr. Young?

From: Lance Young

I bet your smig right now

To: Lance Young

Why would I be smiling Mr. Young

Zuri Lin: what are you smiling about?

Niala Lin: Nothing!

Kia Zyang: Lance Young

Jenny Zyang: Lance Young

Zuri Lin: Why don't you admit it.

Niala Lin: He invited us to a ball

Jenny Zyang: I told you

Zuri Lin: food is ready.

Kia Zyang: what’s it for?

Niala Lin: I don-

(Ding Niala gets a text)

From Lance Young:

You’re going to model the dresses that you made for my mother, and you can't say no because I told my mother already.

Niala Lin: we’re modeling the dresses for Madame Caine

Kia Zyang: which ones

Jenny Zyang: Not the ones you made for her?

Zuri Lin: What ones you made for her.

Niala Lin: I made her a couple of dresses for her

Kia Zyang: Like 2 years ago.

Niala Lin: She gets like the rarest material for the dresses and tells me how she wants to feel in her dress.

Kia Zyang: When were you going to tell us, and by the way Zuri, this dish is awesome

Zuri Lin: Thanks.

Jenny Zyang: let's invite some people over and have a house party.

Niala Lin: I’m up for it

Kia Zyang: me too.

Jenny Zyang: Just like old times.

Niala Lin:( to self) Maybe I should invite Lance

Zuri Lin: Are you going to invite Lance

Niala Lin: Maybe

Jenny Zyang: (chokes on water)

Kia Zyang: Shit are you okay

Jenny Zyang: Yeah. Maybe?

Niala Lin: (gets up and washes plate. Walking out the kitchen) yea maybe

(All three girls look at each other)

(After Niala gets out the shower, her phone rings)

Niala Lin: hello?

Lance Young: I'm bored friend

Niala Lin: Then come to our house, friend

Lance Young: You’re really warming up to me

Niala Lin: Do you want to come or not?

Lance Young: Send me the address

Niala Lin: Just did.

Lance Young: I’ll see you soon then

Niala Lin: okay. (To self) he's just a friend

Jenny Zyang: (passing Niala’s room) friends don't smile like that

Niala Lin: whatever.

(2 hours into the party)

Kia Zyang: wassup Lance?

Lance Young: Hello Kia

Kia Zyang: she’s by the pool (grabs his arm before he walks away) this is a warning, hurt her and we will make sure your hurt

Zuri Lin: (passing by with drinks) Fact

Lance Young: I don't plan on doing anything that Niala doesn't want to do.

Zuri Lin: I pray you don't

Kia Zyang:(smiling) you can go

Lance Young: you have a house full of people and you’re out here.

Niala Lin: (smiles) Most of the people here for Jenny

Lance Young: (sits down beside Niala) Why?

Niala Lin: Jenny Zyang is an underground DJ

Lance Young: (surprised) For real?

Niala Lin: yea

Lance Young: Is there anything you girls don't do?

Niala Lin: Our mother wanted to make sure that we had a bit of experience in just about anything

Lance Young: She sounds amazing

Niala Lin: Yea, she was

Lance Young: You’re different

Niala Lin: what do you mean

Lance Young: I mean at work, you give off this super strong aura but here, your all fluffy

Niala Lin: nah, its whatever's in this cup.

Lance Young: (looks at Niala) Your wearing makeup

Niala Lin: I’m not

Lance Young: seriously?

Niala Lin: I wear makeup when I got to work or have an outing.

(Lance Young phone rings)

Niala Lin: Going to answer that?

Lance Young: (rejects call) Not really. This is my personal time, and I’m slowly learning about my friend. And for someone who can’t hold her drink, you sure drink a lot.

Niala Lin: (looks at her cup) Use to be worst.

(Lance phone dings 3 times for a text)

Lance Young: I have to go do something for a couple of months overseas.

Niala Lin: (chuckles looks at Lance Young) my new friend is leaving me already

Lance Young: Are you implying that you’re going to miss me?

(Niala and Lance walk to a hammock and lay opposite of each other)

Niala Lin: maybe

Lance Young: (looks straight into Niala’s eyes) I know, I’m probably getting head of myself but after I come back from this trip I want to be more than friends

From the bathroom window across the hammock

(Kia Zyang is standing on top of Zuri Lin and Jenny Zyang's hands)

Jenny Zyang: Thank god for cheerleading

Zuri Lin: Right.

Kia Zyang: holy shit

Jenny Zyang: what!

Kia Zyang: we were right

Zuri Lin: which part??

Kia Zyang: He totally likes her

Niala Lin: (to self) what that means he does really like me, but what if it’s a game and what ab-

Lance Young: I will leave every single female for you.

Niala Lin: but why, you don't even know who I am

Lance Young: But I know who you were!

Niala Lin: what?

Lance Young: I know your favorite color is red.

Niala Lin: duh says it on my social media profile.

Lance Young: But you never really liked red before right.

Niala Lin: I don't see what you’re getting at? And I think it's beginning to sound weird sound weird

Lance Young: (pulls out the same exact necklace) you know you can't find this anywhere else.

Niala Lin: You're not the person I gave this to.

Lance Young: so, you do know what I’m talking about. How about this, you do some research while I’m gone.

Niala Lin: you don't have to have to tell me that

Lance Young: I'll only be gone for 2 months.

Niala Lin: Who are you?

Lance Young: (smiles a charming smile) I’ll let you figure that out.

Niala Lin: (gets up)

Kia Zyang: hey hey put me down

Jenny Zyang: what happen?

Kia Zyang: wait

Niala Lin: I’m going to go inside and refill my drink

Lance Young: and I have to go (gets up and grabs Niala Lin softly and pushes her hair out her face) but I mean it, I want to be more than friends, but if you don't want to I’ll back off.

Niala Lin: (blushes and looks down) okay

Lance Young: (let's Niala go) okay?

Niala Lin: (Turns arounds and walks away still blushing) You heard me the first time

(Lance Young is doing an excited victory dance quietly)

Kia Zyang: Down now! She's coming.

Jenny Zyang: play the music

Zuri Lin: here put this on your toes in the corner

Jenny Zyang: why?

Zuri Lin: Just do it, Kia Zyang you stay here

Kia Zyang: great idea

(Zuri Lin quickly walks out the bathroom and into the hallway, everyone resumes partying)

Zuri Lin: you okay Ni?

Niala Lin: yea, (looks around) where's Jenny and Kia

Zuri Lin: Jenny dropped something on her foot, so Kia is patching her up.

Niala Lin: okay. I'm going to my room for a moment.

Zuri Lin: okay.

Guy 1: thanks ladies for the party but we got to go

Kia Zyang: okay thanks for coming. (Turns to Zuri) what's up with her?

Zuri Lin: she just wanted to go to her room

(In Niala ‘s room)

Niala Lin: Omg I can breathe, oh man my heart. (lays on bed) I forgot how this feels. Jonathan, if you can hear me, I want to move forward, start my life going. If you blame me for anything I hope you can forgive me. But we are on two different worlds, and it wouldn't work. But my heart beats so fast when I’m around someone else and I want to let you go. (Starts smiling thinking about Lance Young) For good.

(gets up and pulls the same necklace that Lance Young had). Where did he get it from?
© Copyright 2018 Tatiana (teetee99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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