Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2179542-A-Matter-of-Confusing-Problems
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2179542
You awake in a room, you can't hear and you don't know who you are. With plente
You wake one morning in a locked room. As you struggle to get your bearings, you realize you can’t remember your name. The room is a smooth, seamless room. As you look around you spy a small door. You rush towards the door, slipping on the smooth floor. Reaching the door, you pound your fist on the door. You think you’re yelling but realize you can’t hear anything. As you walk back to the area you were in before, you spy a small camera on the ground. The camera seems to follow you around. As you walk away, you hear a voice inside your head, Hello. You jump back, the voice replies, Oh, scared you pretty well. You’ve read about diseases like this before. Are you going crazy? The voice speaks again, Well, at least you’re smart. No, you’re not crazy. And the place you’re in is called HighDesert Omega. Catchy name right? Well, you’re kept in a secure cell for some reason. There’s a guard coming for you in tenish minutes. Be ready. Then the voice cuts out. You stand there, staring. What was that voice? Are you really not crazy? You head back to the floor and sit down. Ten minutes later, the room’s lights go off. Dark shadows run by and you are scared. Bits of your memory comes back. Your name is Shezing Pi, you’re twenty years old and you live in the Tenth district of Eastern Jijing. You were arrested by the Seventh Guard of the Royal Shen Matrix. As the guards run by you, you feel a familiar presence. You reach out and the presence flows through you. The guards immediately fly backward the voice calls out, Great! Now through the door fast! The Class one will only last for a minute or two. Already you can see the faint outlines getting up. The door is visible in the dim light, you race towards it. Dimly aware of the growing sound of boots after you. As you round what seems to be a door, you smash into a wall. Not this way you bloody idiot! You did this on purpose, now you are able to try to figure out who this voice is. You start up again and sprint towards the next doorish thing. SMASH! Turns out the door thingy was nothing more than a wall. The wall suddenly glows, strange markings fly from the door.
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