Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2179561-The-Story
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2179561
An age old story with a new ending.
Julie lit up with a big smile as her husband entered the kitchen.

"Welcome home darling."

"Hi," Jonny replied in a distracted way.

"I've made a pitcher of martinis for you to unwind with," Julie said as she opened the fridge and removed a good sized pitcher. "Stirred, not shaken, just as you like."

She placed the pitcher on a tray that had a large martini glass, a glass bowl filled with olives, a smaller pitcher filled with a cloudy liquid, and a whisky sour glass with a heavy bottom.

"Whisky sours for me," Julie added. "Let's relax in the family room. "I've got a story to tell you."

As they settled down in their lounge chairs, Jonny poured himself a healthy sized martini, added a couple of olives, and turned on the evening news.

"Oh, let's just mute that for a minute," Julie quipped, pouring her sour. "I think you'll find the story fascinating."

"The gals at the hairdresser's were talking about it," Julie began. "They'd all heard it, but it was new to me. A local husband has been seen multiple times, stopping at 'Electric Blue', the strip club out on Route 41."

Jonny took a good sized gulp of his martini.

"He doesn't stay long," Julie continued, taking a sip of her sour, "before leaving with one of the 'entertainers'."

Jonny took another gulp.

"Going on for a couple of months now," Julie added, no longer smiling, she replaced her glass on the tray. "The girls finished the story by reporting on how a wife in Ivory Town dealt with the same situation. She fixed her cheating husband a special drink ."

Jonny was choking. Some of his martini dribbled out of his mouth as he slumped to the floor.

"Bye Jonny," Julie concluded, her smile returning.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2179561-The-Story