Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2180360-What-To-Call-A-New-Epidemic
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2180360
A green and yellow rash, and a new addiction.
"No idea what it could be John," Doctor Martin Edwards said to his colleague, Doctor John Michaels over the transatlantic line to Amsterdam. Each was studying a picture of a patient that the other was trying to help.

"The green and yellow rash pattern is certainly the same," John responded.

"I'd suspect a plant or animal based allergy," Martin said, "but reports are coming in from all over the world. Locations with no common flora or fauna."

This epidemic had broken out three weeks ago in the more developed countries, like China, the US, Japan, and Europe, but quickly spread worldwide. Noticeable symptoms were a green and yellow rash around the eyes and ears. Of greater concern was the growing number of reports that those afflicted were starting to display unusual behaviors.

"Does your patient refuse to get offline too," John asked.

"Yes," Martin responded. "They become disoriented unless they're on their smart phones and tablets, the same as reports from all over.

"I've been searching my medical dictionary, "John added, "trying to come up with the proper terminology for this outbreak. No luck so far."

"Hold on," Martin interrupted, "A call is coming in from Doctor Kyto Aisa from Japan. I'll conference him in."

"Martin, John, I have a possible cause," Kyto started out, "and a name for it."

"Go ahead Kyto," John intoned. "Any help would be good."

"I've observed that all those stricken are heavy users of electronic media," Kyto responded, "smart phones, and tablets. And I mean HEAVY USERS."

"So, I'm suggesting a term for this new epidemic," Kyto concluded, "Gadgetitius".

"Or," John said," we could call it the 'Revenge of the Gadgets".

"Since no-one will unplug," Martin suggested, "looks like green and yellow circles around eyes and ears will be the new normal".
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