Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2184886-A-Grimm-Fate
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2184886
Blake's attempts to help a woman have consequences of the possession sort
Blake was furious. All she wanted to do was have a nice, relaxing day reading but her team-mates in RWBY seemingly couldn't let that happen, leaving her so frustrated she thought she might start pulling her black locks from her head. She started her attempts to read lying on her bed but that was until Ruby decided to challenge Yang to one of their old racing games and soon the room was filled with screams of joy from Yang and aguish from Ruby as the older of the two sisters once again begins to school the younger sibling.

"Guys! Can you be any louder?" Blake snapped.

"Oh yeah! We can be louder!" A sniggering Yang began only to be joined by her sister.

"Didja want us to crank up the volume?" The hooded girl added as she high-fived her sister.

"Ruby, you're supposed to be our leader couldn't yo-"

"And the leader says the Xtreme Racers 6 is too quiet!" Ruby giggled as she leaned forward and twisted the nob on the TV, increasing the volume of the blasting Eurobeats and accompanying roar of the engines.

With a shake of her head, Blake decided to not even bother with the chaotic pair, "No... You- Oh forget it..."

With a sigh, Blake relocated to the bathroom. It was quieter in the small on-suite that acted as the group's area to bathe and shower. This bought her about half an hour before she heard something; bangs on the door from Weiss claiming she "simply must use her new facemask immediately!" and "Whatever silly smut you're consuming is far less important!"

With a short and quiet angered growl, Blake got up and slowly breathed in and out to calm herself down. "Breathe in... Ten... Nine... Eight..." She started to mutter to herself, trying to block out the furious banging as she did so. Her golden eyes sliding closed to focus on what little silence she can find. "And out..." She burst out of the bathroom and pushed past Weiss who was yelling at the two sisters to turn off their "stupid game" and to start "Being competent human beings" much to the pair's dismay

Soon she was outside, sitting up against a tree until... Thump! A ball smacks into the tree and comes crashing down onto her head, colliding with her brow. "Ow!" She growled as she rubbed her head, one eye closed as the other glares angrily around for whoever threw the ball. Seeing no-one either asking for the ball back or even looking slightly embarrassed at possibly hurting the quiet faunus.

With a general yell of "Whoever did that is so rude!" The uncharacteristically frustrated Blake stormed off into the nearby treeline and began to crash through the undergrowth, book still in hand as she searched for a quiet place to finally read in peace.

Eventually she came across a large, open clearing with no signs of life anywhere. To the right, there was a large cave opening in the face of a steep, stony wall of a large hill, about the two people high and twice that in width. To the left was a clear, grassy expanse that only ended at a thick treeline about thirty feet away. With a sigh, Blake strolled forwards towards a small patch of rocks in the centre of the clearing and sits down at a large patch of rocks before opening up hear well-worn copy of "Twilight Samurai: Kintetsu's Blood-Fury" and starting to read, her golden eyes wide as she smiles happily, finally getting to read her book after many trials and trepidation for her patience.

Then she heard a scream. Loud. Shrill. Unmistakably human. She bolted to her feet and let her book drop to the grassy floor as she turned her head, already grabbing the hilt of her sword, towards the cave where she heard the scream come from. She saw a woman in torn clothes burst from the darkness of the cave, looking over her shoulder briefly. That small pause when she turned her head was all the time what was chasing her needed. A long, inky black and blood red coil bolted from the shadows and grabbed her leg, bringing the woman tumbling to the ground with a dull thud. She raised a clawed hand towards Blake as she saw her and let out a long, shrill shriek of "HELP!" as the tentacle dragged her back into the gaping mouth of the cave.

Blake was already running, blade drawn as her eyes squint slightly, trying to get them used to the darkness before she plunged into it. She felt the soft grass change to hard stone beneath her feet as she ran into the inky blackness of the cavern before her. With trepidation she dashed through the tunnel, following the sound of nasty, wet puckering and slurping with the occasional moan of fear or pain from the woman she'd seen. After a few seconds, she burst out into a larger room, her mouth dropping open as she saw the Grimm, a large glob of some kind of slimy, viscous mass pinning the woman to the wall as some of it was being pumped into her mouth through a long, tube-like tentacle. Blake felt the mass' focus change to her as it moved its whole body away from the woman, now only holding her in place with the tentacle on her mouth as it glared at Blake for interrupting it.
"This shouldn't be too hard..." Blake sighs slowly as she looks around and comes up with her plan. Thinking fast and not knowing what kind of filth had been pumped into the woman, Blake decided that it was more important for her to save the woman then kill the Grimm. She sprinted forward and, with impressive agility, jumped onto the wall and kicking off from it to dodge a lunge from the slimy foe. Her blade passed through the sticky mass with ease, letting the woman fall into Blake's arms as she retracted the blade. Firing off four rounds from the gun-like hilt of the sword into a stalactite that then fell onto the Grimm provided Blake with enough time to dart past it, unharmed, once more as she charged towards the exit of the lair-like cave. The woman started to stir and the Faunus carrying her let out a relieved sigh, now knowing the woman was at least alive for now. The woman seemed to wake up as the pair dashed through the entrance to the cave and so Blake ran a few more feet before putting her down onto her own feet as she looked around, clearly disoriented.

"Ma'am. I need you to listen to me very carefully. About three kilometres that way..." Blake points to the way she'd come from into the clearing. "... Is Beacon academy. I need you to run there and get some help for me. You'll be safe there." Blake finished as the woman seemed to nod to her.

Now with the civilian safe, Blake could focus on the monster. She got into a stance, readying her blade and reloading the gun-hilt as she heard the nasty, slapping movements of the foul beast emerging from the depths of the cave as it neared to showing itself once more. Then Blake felt something hit her, hard. She crumpled to the floor and rolled over, avoiding a second blow, to see the woman pulling back her fist. Her eyes were a bright red but out of focus and her mouth was hanging open. Her movements were large and clumsy, like a puppet being controlled by a puppet master, yet they were also hard and fast. Unusually so on both accounts for an average human. Blake's eyes widened in shock as a second blow smacked into her head, sending her reeling to the floor as she tried to get up. Then the woman's rough movements rolled her over and wrapped a firm arm in a chokehold around Blake's neck. Roughly, the woman held the Faunus in place as the creature finally exited the cave, slowly and leisurely moving towards the pair as Blake tried her best to break free of the tight grip on her neck, smacking the woman in any way she can but the now bloody-faced woman kept her grip tight as ever.

"L-Let go of m-me!" She managed to gasp out, only to feel the arm get even tighter around her neck, cutting her off.

Blake's eyes widened in fear as she saw the mass coming closer until it was inches away. With her mouth firmly closed, Blake jerked her head away only to feel the woman's other hand claw at her jaw until her fingers got a grip, only to wrench her pink lips open for the foul monster. The same tentacle latched onto the Blake's lips and the same pungent fluid poured down it and into Blake's mouth, making her gag as she tried to reject it. After a few more seconds, both the woman and slime moved back from Blake, making her fall limply to the ground. Her mind was racing, her eyes darting around in fear as looked up at the Grimm as it creeped towards her once again, seemingly only letting up in order to see if she could fight back anymore and upon seeing that she couldn't, it resumed. Now its main body came forward, slowly at first, before it began to press itself onto Blake's face. Blake's eyes widened in horror as thoughts rushed through her head but her body lay totally catatonic and unresponsive.

More and more of the slime rushed down her throat, spreading through her body slowly and methodically. First it took control over her legs, making Blake try once more to fight back fruitlessly as she loses all sense of feeling in her legs. Next it took over her arms. Each part twitching as control was assumed by the Grimm's foul method.

Blake's whole body started to shudder as the Grimm's body was now totally inside her. It continued to spread through her body, finally moving onto her head. Blake could feel the slime pumping into her brain, wrapping around it and fully assuming control over Blake's whole body as she looked out through the glassy panes that are her eyes as her body slowly rises from the ground, blinking as it looks to the woman, a smile on its face.

"M-m-me human... Now... No... Me.. Blake... Me F-Faun... Faunus..." 'Blake' slowly growled as she ran her hands over her newly stolen body, enjoying the feeling of her new arms and legs as she did so. Finally, her hands move on to grope her chest slightly. She squeezes again; this time harder than before as she feels the wonderful tingles of pleasure reward her efforts. The new Blake's focus is broken when she feels a hand touch her shoulder and looks up and sees the poor soul who'd been turned into nothing more than a mind-controlled puppet whilst Blake had become the main host as she'd clearly shown herself to be the finer specimen of the pair.

The two turned to look towards where Blake had gestured to earlier, an evil smirk spreading across their lips as they start to walk towards the unsuspecting Beacon with a plan to bring back the rest of that Team of Blake's to "investigate a possible nest of Grimm"...

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