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Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #2184927
Life of teen me in this difficult country, found in Africa

Day 1.2019,

Actually, am writing this in my first day of this year 2019 because it is the year that am going to turn 18.It is a huge step of my life because I wished it for a long time. Okay, the first thing in this day one of this wonderful year is about the personality that I wish to achieve in 9th of March. A lot of people end up living their lives in way that they didn't wished because they didn't go in this step I think. Maybe it`s because they are not believers of this thing called personality, or maybe it`s because they don't understand the effective way to take to build a certain personality. But the only secrete behind this is determination and not only determination, but the one that takes place for a long time and precisely. And for me, I`ve done a very strong determination and I end up writing, what kind of a man I`m looking forward to become, which I didn't understand for a very long time until now. In fact in my past life I didn't really know what I had and where I was, I was this little kid who couldn't understand the ways of the World. I always thought that I`m the same as other kids, financially, mentally and in other ways because I was still blind to notice that people always differ. In some ways that made me be weak, made me walk through a fake life, life that was not my reality and it did avoid me to take progress trying to make it a better one. I wasn't able to understand that in terms of economic status of my family, we are poor and this comes because now am grown and it`s easy to understand and tell when people are poor. If your parents can't even complete their house in time, can`t eat anything they want to, can`t take you to beautiful places to enjoy your time, can`t even afford to buy you iPhone 5 it`s clear that your life is not normal. I know many of Africans live below those stupid and weird qualities and it seems normal to them enough to not understand they are been affected by poverty but am talking about my family and my life. I didn't chose to be born in such a situation and it`s not that I am not grateful for the family I have, no, I really love and always appreciate what I have but I think it`s not fair and not enough. Someone once said, it isn't your fault to be born poor but it`s yours if you die the same way. I understand that I was born poor and I hate this condition more than anything because it affects people I love the most in my life, that are my family and myself also. And from this reason is where my personality arise and the first of all is a man who is a hustler. Why a hustler? It`s because I was born in a poor family and I have no intention to die in the same family. I`m not talking about abandoning my blood but I mean I`ve got to work beyond my limit to rescue and build up a good reputation for my family. My dad, he even don't have a bike and I don't mean to offend him but I`ve mention it because one day I want him to be in one of expensive cars not for showoff but to offend this condition that we have at this moment. I know it`s easy to say but also I understand it`s bloodshed to accomplish those things and this is why I`m wishing to become a hustler. Also, I want to become a man with limits. Speaking of limits, I mean someone who understand his line including financial or income line, time line, talking line and other lines because too much of something is harmful. You can`t live your life the way you want and in a safe way if you don't know what`s your limit. Harts once said, he can`t hang out with athletes. He meant that he hangs out only with people of his class because one of upper class people once tried to make him buy a boat while he didn't even own a house. And there I also got a lesson that I need to live my life and with my limits and avoid walking in others` ways with their own kind of limits. There will be time for fun, yes we can`t avoid those interesting times in our lives but, who to spend with matters. People who can cause you to walk beyond your limits are not good to hang out with. Lastly, a man who follows what he loves. In my own experience, there is always a hesitation of its` kind when it comes to what to choose out of many available. Example, right now I`m in hesitation of what to choose between investing in basketball or in football and to be honest, I know that I`m better in basketball but I love football and thus I choose football. This is because, when you do something you don't love, you`ll always end up with failure because one will concentrate more and put enough efforts in what he/she loves. And the evidence of this is in my O-level results, in which I tried to opt for Agricultural Science in the beginning of my last year but my school`s management wouldn't let me to. As a result of studying something I don't like, I ended up scoring C which is the only subject with such low grade. So I will always follow and choose what my heart desire and love only because it`s has been always a key to my success and not what people tell me to do. Under this determination and understanding the kind of a man I`m to become, I`m also looking forward to bring changes in my life and my family`s because it`s my duty as a last born and a comforter of my parents to carry that legacy and adding more honors to our reputation. I will build my empire by understanding myself.

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