Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2187612-Santa-James-Comes-to-Town
Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #2187612
An optimistic poem based on a true story in the LA Times About a man called"Santa James"

April 8th Poem for April submission

Santa James Came to Town

In this dark and dangerous time
That we live in
We seldom hear tales
Of inspiration, hope, and love

Yet when we do hear such tales
It fills us with wonder
And hope that somehow
We can do better

Life can be better
Love can conquer hate
And decency can prevail
Over the dark forces all around us

In Kingman, Arizona
An old blind homeless man appeared
Out of nowhere, he showed up
And started walking about

He was polite, friendly and not scary
Did not want anything from anyone
And somehow he conquered the town
Who adopted him

They called him Santa James
Because he wore a red Santa cape
And he was just so
filled with goodwill

Laughter, advice, and stories
Boy did he spin good stories
Poetic allusions
And just radiated goodness

Everyone fell in love with Santa James
He was given a job
Playing piano
Given a room to stay in

Spoke at the local schools
And churches
And to anyone
who stopped him

He remembered everyone’s name
And life story
Even though he was blind
He could see the good in everyone

And that is the moral of the tale of mine
There is goodness all around us
If only we open our hearts
To accept it

We have the power
To reject hate
To reject division
And accept love

If only Santa James spirit
Could spread across this country
We could heal our wounds
And become united again

That is my prayer
Perhaps Santa James
Is really a saint
The real thing

Who knows
All we know
Is that Santa James
Came to town

And the rest
Is the history
We will make of it
Long Live Santa James

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