Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2187785-Bayou-House
Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #2187785
Old ghost story
A chilly wind swept through the campsite of the family of four. The all American family of four. Mother, father, brother and sister ( not including the cat and dog). Sat by the fire to cook their hot dogs, Smores, and also to ward off the occasional wind from the mountain's lake in the summer season. After eating, the mother thought it would be fun to tell a ghost story since the children were now old enough. I can't be certain if be told be before, here through story goes:

" There is an old mansion in the bayou of Louisiana. Mansion was built by a pirate who was reported to have hid some of his treasure in his house. The treasure was never know to have been found after the pirates death. The local believed the old pirate watched over his treasure even after death. Years passed, and the waters creeped further up the land causing damage not only to the land but also to the once beautiful mansion itself. One day a weary traveler came upon old mansion to rest for the night. He was sleeping soundly when he heard a sound, rap. He listened for a minute and heard nothing. He was just about to go back to sleep when he heard it again but louder, Rap, Rap. This time young gentleman, got up from the sleeping bag he laid down on a very worn, French coach and looked around the room a moment. Tired as he was give up soon and laid back down. Before he could lay his head down, he heard even louder Rap, Rap, Rap. By this time the young man was on edge and decided he would leave if the noise continue on. As before the noise stopped. He was just about to sit down, when he heard louder than ever, Rap..Rap.. "
The mother, looking at her two children, knew that had become drawn into the story and time was now.
She jumped at the Childern's at this time while saying "Raping Paper!".
Once the children hearts returned to their normal pace, the mother told her children that because of all moisture over the years that the wall paper had finally was coming lose from walls and making the raping noise. That the young gentleman tore out of house drove away, never to visit that place again.
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