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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2188363
Commission for Nikitozzer, about a transformation of a shy girl into, well, you can guess
"And he followed you all the way to your job ??"

The red-haired girl was incredulous. Sitting in Nellie's kitchen and sipping a beer while her friend was looking for a bottle of juice in her fridge, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Oh yeah," Nellie replied. She straightened up and, closing the door, threw back her luscious brown hairs that had fell in front of her face.
"He was trying to be discreet but, come on, it's Jonathan… He can't be something else than creepy."

"Especially when following his ex even tho she made it very clear it was over. Actually anybody would be creepy doing that but him even more…"

"And you can't even say I left a window for him ! ". Nellie's tone was just as incredulous as her friend's. " I especially told him, in all the possible and imaginable ways, that I WON'T come back with him. But no matter what I do, he just *can't* let go. Gosh, I wish I had never dated him."

"Amen to that sister," Emily grinned, "Amen to that."

The two friends were hanging out in Nellie's flat after an exhausting day at the hospital, consisting mainly on distributing drugs and meals, changing sheets and protections, answering every single call made by the patients and lavishing the cares the nurses hadn't had the time to do.

Exhausting. Which was why a drink at home and a chat between girls didn't seem asking too much to recover.

And talking bad about Nellie's exes wasn't a bad addition either, especially considering how unlucky she had been.

"Hey, what was the name of the next one you dated ? The one before your current Nikita ?"

"Hm, Kevin. G O D, him too I shouldn't have."

"Oh yeah, why was that again ?" Emily asked innocently

The chubby girl immediately blushed in embrassement before throwing the dish towel at her friend.
"Come ooon," she whined with a smile. "Stop pretending you don't remember…"

Emily threw back the towel with a hearty laugh. Of course she did. But she was taking a wicked pleasure at bringing out the shyness in her friend, and talking about her sex life was the most efficient way to do it.

"Hmbrf… well… he was really, really bad… in bed." Her cheeks were now the colour of a vivid sunset.
But Emily had to pour oil on the fire.

"Ooooh yeah I remember now". Her tone was pure playful fakery. "The guy who thought feminine pleasure doesn't exist and only fucked you to discharge."

"And who couldn't even last long enough for me to feel good…" Nellie half-grumbled.

Emily burst out in laugh and a few seconds later, Nellie chuckled as well.

" Two-pump guy and not the politeness of foreplay, between that and mister Stalker, you weren't really lucky my girl." Emily said with still tears in her eyes.

She raised her bottle: "Here is to a better luck with Nikita."

Nellie clinked her bottle against Emily's and hesitantly smile. That instantly raised her friend's red flags. She put down her beer.

"Something wrong sweetie ? He is not a two pump either is he ?" She was genuinely concerned.

"Oh nonono, nothing like that, " she promptly reassured, "No actually every time we did it it was…" She left her sentence suspended a blushed a little deeper.

Her friend's smile quickly reappeared. "Pleasant ? Delicious ? Orgasmic I hope…"

"Stop making fun of me…" she said reaching for the towel.
"Alright alright," she raised her hands in surrender. "So tell me, what's the matter ?"

Nellie seemed to hesitate a little, then:
"I-I want more. More sex."

Emily froze for a few seconds, dumbfounded, before losing herself in a rib-breaking fit of giggles.
For a whole minute she almost couldn't even breath because of how hard she was laughing. She couldn't even form a coherent thought, she was just making a wheezing sound and crying every tear of her body.

Nellie pouted, feeling vexed by her friend's reaction. She confided to her and that was how she replied ? By laughing so much she was gonna pull something ?

When the fit finally receded and she regained her composure, Emily breathed in deeply.

"Oooooh, my ribs… You want more sex ? And how is that a problem ? That's actually a really good thing !"

"Yeaah but…"

"But what ?"

"I-I don't know how to tell him."

For a dozen of seconds, Emily seemed to battle very hard against herself not to start laughing again. Finally, she croaked:

"Come on Nel, asking a man for sex ? That's the easiest thing possible !"

"Yeah but… how do I do ? I can't just walk in and blurt out that I do, it would be an instant mood killer."

Emily sighed, and pushing away her hilarity, went into mentor mode.

"Okay, listen to me. If you really want to make the message clear, you'll have to prepare the field, be teasing, alluring, progressively make his desire rise."

"And how do I do that ?" Nellie asked, completely lost.

A pause. "Well, in your situation, given how shy you are, I suggest sexting."

"S-sexting ?" She seemed both afraid and curious.

"Yeah you know, texting him how much you think about him, how much you wished he was with you… Telling him you are feeling very horny and you need him, that your pussy is very wet and you can't stop masturbating. Men totally love that."

"They do ?"

"Of course they do," she rolled her eyes, "and even more if you add some photos. Like just the outline of your boobs in your shirt, or maybe your hand in your panties, you licking your juices etc… Do that and I guarantee that tonight, he will be throwing yourself in your bed."

Nellie breathed in deeply before letting out: "Okay, let's do this."

She pushed back her chair and took out her phone, her hands trembling a little.

She just texted *hey babe*, before putting down her phone and biting her nails.
A few seconds later, a ding signalled the reply.

Immediately after reading it, she started to spell out loud her new message.
"I'm. thinking. about, you," she said out loud "Really, wished. You. were. here." and sent it.

She looked at her friend who raised her thumbs in encouragement.
Ding. She looked at the screen and smiled, then texted:

"Cause I'm feeling, reaaaallly, horny. I could use, your, help."

This smile was more mischievous, like a kid doing something forbidden but liking it.

Wider smile. "Yes. I'm sooo, wet. Can't stop rubbing myself."

Listening to her friend dictating her sexual desires, Emily's smile started to fade as she felt more and more turned on…
She shifted on her seat, trying to ignore the itch between the legs but the more Nellie talked, the hornier she was getting.

"My pussy is really really hot, but no one is here, to help, me emoji sad face."

That's not really true the red-haired girl thought as her hand approached dangerously from her skirt. Each second made the idea of having sex with her friend more appealing…

"Am I doing this good ?" Nellie asked looking away from her phone.

"hmmhmm" was all Emily could say without betraying her arousal. In fact if her sexting was arousing Nikita as much as it was arousing her, he must be having the strongest hard-on of his life.

Nellie then raised her phone and took a picture of herself, more precisely of her chest.
While sending it she was feeling incredibly thrilled. Not only was she sure this would work, she was getting horny herself !

The next reply asked for a little more, and she was happy to comply. She took off her shirt and then her bra, not noticing the gasp of her friend who was now looking flushed and sweating abundantly.

She took a picture of her boobs partially covered by her arm, feeling her pussy getting soaked up by the act of exposing herself like this.

The next picture, she slid her hand in her panties and gasped feeling how wet she was…

She then turned to her friend, oblivious to her gaze transfixed by her boobs hanging free.
"Hey, can you take a picture of my ass ?"

Emily almost choked but managed to disguise it as a cough.
"Hrmm… sure."

She took the phone and watched Nellie push down her pants, leaving her nearly naked if it wasn't for her pink panties.

Oh god she thought…

Her hands were trembling , her mind was clouded by her lust and she was feeling her own underwear getting drenched by her juice.

Then Nellie got on all fours on her chair, and it was the coup de grâce. She was raising her butt, presenting herself in the most erotic and lewd display imaginable, showing how wet her panties were while she rubbed her clit through them.

Emily nearly went insane, she was craving from grabbing that sweet ass, eating that juicy pussy and cumming all over her friend…
As best as she could, she took the photo and immediately handed the phone to her friend.

For a moment she hoped Nellie would dress again and spare her that excruciating temptation that drove her crazily horny, but it was crushed when she simply sat down and started texting her boyfriend, distractedly rubbing her crotch.

That was too much for Emily.

With a barely suppressed moan, she slid her hand in her skirt and began madly rubbing her crotch.
Instantly she arched her back and put a hand in front of her mouth to cover her moans.

It was so good, so good ! She couldn't stop it had she wanted to, she was rubbing her sensitive clit and fingering her slit as if her life depended on it.
In her mind, all was burned by the fire of her horniness. She was nothing but a slut, a desperate, sex-craving slut.

"Emily, does << I'm so horny I can only think of your hard cock ramming into my hungry pussy >> sounds good ?" the brunette asked without looking away from her phone.

"An-han" was the only sound Emily could make that sounded a bit like an answer.

She took of her hand from her mouth and started fondling her boobs, immediately sending her to sky-high level of pleasure. So lustful, so horny…
Her juices were gushing from her pussy and after saturating her underwear, streamed down to the ground.

Her legs were wide opened, her feet off the ground, she was living incarnation of lust and masturbation, she was-


The scream of Nellie wasn't enough to snap Emily out of her pleasure induced trance. She was too horny to care, she just wanted to get off in front of her friend.

"Can't… stop *moan*; too much… horny…need. Cum." she mumbled.

Nellie jumped out of her chair, realising for the first time what she had been doing in front of her friend.

"Emily…" she sounded almost afraid. Hell, she WAS afraid. And shocked. And worried. And really really deep down, turned on.

"Emily you need to stop".

Emily let out a dry laugh, or maybe it was a moan ?
"Maybe *pants* maybe you could… text him a photo… of us kissing uh ? " she panted in excitement. "Guys love seeing two chicks…making out"

Nellie put a hand before her mouth, scared by what was happening to her friend.

"Come here… eat my cunt… eat my sexy horny hungry cunt… and show him that. Come oooooooohhh."

Her squirming had thrown her off her chair and she fell on her knees, before throwing back her head in bliss.

"Please…" Nellie said with tears in her voice "Please stop"

Emily started gasping and wheezing.
She looked at her friend, her eyes full of distress: "Help…me" she groaned with a hoarse voice."…Can't…breath………; shirt, off, pleasssseee"

Nellie looked at her and noticed something weird. Her shirt, though usually a perfect fit, seemed now extremely tight around her chest.

She may being scared, but she certainly wasn't gonna leave her friend suffering without reacting.
Rushing toward the red-haired girl, she promptly grabbed the bottom of her shirt, and pulled it off just in time.

What she saw next, she couldn't comprehend.

Emily's breasts were swelling. They were actually, for real, swelling !! Inflating like balloons being blown up, they gained two cup size in just a dozen of seconds.
Her bra was now far too tight and they even started to overflow it.
Not losing a second, Nellie reached for her back and unclipped it, freeing the tits that could now bounce on her chest.

Judging by Emily's reaction, her cleavage didn't just increased in size, but in sensitivity as well. She was squirming and pinching her nipples, fondling her breasts while moaning lusciously.

She was still red and panting, but now it wasn't because of her constrictive bra, it was just because of her heat.
Between her thighs, her cunt was leaking true rivers of juice.
She started slightly bouncing up and down, as if fucking an imaginary cock…

Nellie was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe her eyes. What was it, what was happening to her friend ?

Suddenly, Emily started to increase her pace, fucking her hand faster and faster, moaning louder…
Then her hips started to widen.
Not only that, but it appeared her ass was growing too. Her cheeks started to inflate, getting bigger, rounder, firmer, stretching her skirt to its limits. In mere seconds she had developed a truly bimboic rack that matched perfectly her tits, now as big and round as basketballs…
Her hairs grew longer, all the way to the swell of her butt and her face started to become…more… sexual, there was no other way to describe it. It was still her features, but as if her slut side had come out for anybody to see.

Her pace became frantic, her breath shorter, her face contorted in an expression of pure sexual pleasure until…

With a powerful scream, the orgasm rolled over her. She screamed, screamed and screamed again, her mind washed away by the bliss.
Cumming in waves of juices she squirted everywhere, even spraying her friend, her body was spasming as if she was having a seizure.

Her features showed nothing but mindless pleasure. It was an orgasm as much as a tsunami was a wave. Technically true, but far, far stronger.

Finally she started to stop squirting and her scream died down, and Nellie thought it was at last over. But against all expectations, she started screaming again.
She threw her head back as her crotch began to heat up… Her pussy was burning, boiling, pulsing horniness in her veins. Then a pressure appeared and seemed to push to the outside, pushing, pushing, she didn't understand, she couldn't even think.
It felt so good…

A bulge appeared in the fabric of the skirt. Unnoticeable at first, but quickly moving the cloth until it was unveiled.

Nellie choked in horror and shock. It was… It was a penis ! Small for now, but obviously growing longer and larger.

Emily grabbed the alien member and the blast of bliss was so strong she almost came again.
Soon her both hands were entirely focused on her girldick. She ran them up and down, up and down, growing addicted at the intense sensations. Her pussy seemed accessory now, barely sending her any pleasure…
A small pressure appeared in her vagina but she didn't pay attention. Her cock was now 8 inches long !
Her vagina became tighter and tighter, gradually closing and pushing her ovaries that were quickly transforming too, until…

With a low slurp, two freshly formed balls left her cunt, definitely closing it, before they started inflating as well.

Emily locked her eyes with Nellie's. She was seeing sheer fear in it, and how could it be otherwise given the predatory look the red-haired futa had on her face ?

She stood up, her cock still growing but at a slower pace.

Nellie gulped. "Emily…"

She hadn't the chance to finish before her friend jumped on her knocking her down. She tried to stand up but only had the time to get on her knees before finding herself face to face with a massive throbbing cock.

"Emily, please fight it… You're stronger than this, you-" she was brutally interrupted by Emily shoving her cock down her throat.

She gagged, coughed, try to push it away but the curvaceous futa was very decided to have the chubby girl sucking her dick.
After a few seconds of struggling, she realised her only way of breathing was to comply, and start sucking it.

So burying all her reticence and her fear, she started the blow job. Shyly at first, then more and more confidently, she began running her lips along the big shaft. Her mouth could barely circle it but she tried to open wide to ease the sliding. It was better than having it forcing its way in her.

Emily moaned lewdly, discovering the incredible pleasure of having her cock sucked by someone. It was divine. She started thrusting her cock in and out, fucking Nellie's mouth with a feral pleasure.

She was aware of what she was doing, and she knew she should be ashamed. But she just couldn't think of something else, she couldn't feel something else than lust. Her mind was clouded by the need to fuck, getting fucked, have someone stroking her massive pole, sucking her breasts and fondling her ass, she needed to cum and pour down her infective cum in someone, she needed to fuck like the slut she was.

Nellie was beginning to feel dizzy and light headed. The scent of her friend was intoxicating, invading her nose and numbing her thoughts. She smelled good, so, so… she couldn't put a word on it. But it was starting to make her relaxed. And horny.

Unbeknownst to her, it was the bimbo pheromones working their way in her nervous system, lowering all her barrier and making her more and more attracted by her friend.

With a loud slurp, she took it off of her mouth but only to start consciously licking it. The taste. Why was it tasting so good ? Hr boyfriend's cock didn't taste this good. Was it how futa's cock tasted ? It was so good, she wanted more.
She started sucking the balls that had almost reached the size of oranges, and at the same time sneaked a hand down to her groin.

Without warning, Emily shoved her cock down her throat again, resuming her thrust to achieve the oh-so-needed climax.
This time Nellie let out a groan as she felt it ramming her. Her eyes were rolled back, she was beginning to sweat and her pussy felt so wet…

She started to finger it and moaned even harder when she felt how sensitive she was.

The cock in her mouth twitched a little, then without any more warning, started to spurt long and thick ropes of tasty cum down her throat ; she coughed and choked, tears in her eyes, her gullet struggling to cope with the flood, but managed to swallow the most of it. When Emily took off her member, Nellie without thinking started to lick her tip clean, needing to taste more of that seed…

She was dripping wet, her pussy throbbing with need…

Suddenly she realised what she was doing. Immediately, she threw herself back, desperately fighting the growing need between her legs.
She needed to get out, she needed to escape that madness…
She crawled away, got on all fours but Emily caught her before she could go far.

"Please Emily…" she started sobbing, 'don't do it, please, don't, please."

Emily pressed the tip of her cock against her folds. "Nononono please nooooOOOOOO"

Her begging ended in a long and brutal moan as Emily pushed her dick in.

Nellie's mouth was wide open, her tongue sticking out but no sound came out. She was just trembling, speechless, trying to managed the massive cock stretching her soaked up cunt.

This was rape. She was getting raped by her best friend who had turned into some kind of bimbo futa.
This was horrible, she was supposed to feel shocked and disgusted.
Then why was it feeling so good ?

Why did it feel so fucking good to have her pussy filled by some kind of girl cock, why was she feeling so horny ? Why were her cries of protest turning into moans of pleasure ?
Her eyes rolled up and beads of sweat appeared on her face.

Hot. So hot. She was… So horny… Burning up. Needing…Fuck.

Nikita she thought gotta… keep… he is… what, can't think… cock… in my pussy

The cum in her stomach was heating up, boiling, and the heat began to spread to her whole body
Drown in the pleasure, she didn't realised she had been contaminated, and her body was transforming as well.

With snaps and popping sounds, her bones started to lengthen. It was real slow, almost imperceptible, but she was undeniably becoming taller.

Her waist began to shrink, her chubby tummy flattened and got toned as the fat began to migrate to her breasts.

Very quickly, they started to inflate, growing bigger, bigger, but also firmer and perkier, and more surprising, rounder.

Moaning, Nellie pressed her massive chest on the floor, raising her ass in the air to make Emily fuck her harder.
She was feeling so dizzy, her whole body was insanely sensitive…

Her butt began to expand, her hips widened and her cheeks swelled, muscles and fat multiplying, until her ass was so perfectly heart-shaped that any pornstar would be jealous of it.

In less than a minute, Nellie had gone from a medium chubby girl to a gorgeous tall bimbo with a sexual appetite worthy of the biggest sluts.

"yes…YES !! Harder !! Fuck me harder" she yelled, embracing her new luscious self.

Emily happily tried to oblige, but found Nellie's pussy becoming tighter and tighter, each thrust brought her less and less deep until her massive cock couldn't fit in her pussy anymore.

Nellie crawled to a nearby piece of furniture, and heisted herself on her knees.
Only then she seemed to realised how much she had changed.

She fondled her boobs, bigger than basketballs, and amorously caressed her big juicy ass…

"What's happening to meeeeeeeee…" her question was lost in the shriek of pleasure erupting from her lips as heat suddenly blazed in her nether regions.

Pressing her both hands on her pussy, she began to spasm, her mouth opened in a O of bliss and shock.


She threw her head back and her hands spread, pulled apart by her growing clit. As Emily before, Nellie moaned and orgasmed as a big cock erupted from her crotch, bigger than any male's ever, with huge balls sealing what was left of her pussy.

Nellie, had become a futa too.

But the weirdness was far from over. As her lust momentarily satiated started to ignite again, something impossible started to happen.
Her sweat began to glow, shining more and more, appearing like a translucide veil quickly taking a white color.

The veil got denser, more present and visible and seemed to become a fabric of some kind. Soon it started undulating, waving as if some invisible hand was caressing it, then twisting it and shaping it into clothes.

On her arms it formed sleeves, just white sleeves of lace not attached to anything but reaching and encircling the roots of her fingers…

On her gorgeous body, it wrapped up tight, very tight, forming what could only be a wedding dress but far more…opened…
In fact it was even slutty… It seemed like the garment was made to emphasise her massive curves, revealing lots of flesh from her boobs, and hugging her bubble butt tight before splitting on the sides, letting her thighs exposed for everyone to see.

Finally, in her hairs, grew a classic bride veil, falling back as she threw her head and moaned lusciously, her libido back at it again.

Her eyes blurred by a lust so great it could only belong to a bimbo futa, she got on all fours and presented her massive ass to her friend.

"Please Emily… Fuck me… I'm like… so hot, so horny…"

Not needing to be asked twice, Emily grabbed her and slid her cock in Nellie's ass who threw her head back and moaned, overwhelmed by a new form of pleasure.
Better than her pussy, better than her clit, her new futa body was MADE to be fucked in the ass. She began pressing her butt back responding to Emily's eager thrusts, wanting, needing more of that pleasure.

She felt reborn, slutty, lustful, ready to be fucked all day long by her new partner.

Soon, far too soon, Emily's moans turned to grunts and she grabbed her ass like a vice, before spasming and cumming in her, her huge cock spurting loads and load of cum in her.
She then slid out, and fell on the floor, exhausted.

Nellie still sweaty from the sex, turned around and jumped on her, pressing their cocks together.

They were interrupted by a ringtone. It was Nellie's phone, laying right besides them.
She picked it up and answered the call.

"Helooooo" she asked in a dizzy and playful tone.

It was her boyfriend, worried than she had stop replying.

"Oh, I'm like, so sorry hon…" She looked down at Emily, and their gorgeous bodies screaming to be fucked.

"But I'm not needing you anymore. I've found someone else to fuck my ass and make me cum…"

And not even caring about the confused protests of her ex, she tossed the phone aside and planted her lips against her new lover's, who eagerly responded.
Nellie began to bring her ass against the rising cock of Emily.
This was gonna be great.
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