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Rated: E · Article · Writing · #2195128
Don't sit around and dream about writing, write.
To Dream or Not To Dream

An article for the success-oriented writer

The subject of my title is possibly the most pertinent quandary confronting all would-be writers and accomplished ones. Think about it. All writers, especially the most successful writers, are "dreamers." They are such accomplished dreamers that they even dream when awake, which can sometimes be detrimental.


People are lazy. Most imaginative individuals dream about "Endgame" too often. The "Goal" is too enticing for them to resist. Dreaming is a writer's core tool other than some knowledge of grammar, sentence structure, word meaning, and choice. I'm sure I neglected other aspects of the art, of which I will undoubtedly be reminded, but for now, let us assume that between word processors, crutches like Grammarly, Editors, and so forth, anyone could be an accomplished writer unless they cannot dream, or, stated another way--imagine.

Because of this ability, talented writers who possess a natural talent in the art must learn to control the aspect of dreaming of succeeding. By that, I mean that the best writers in the world may fail if they continually desire, especially when they dream about being successful. They fail to apply their imaginative talents to create a desirable writing piece. These results often occur when ambition becomes more important than creating. As a writer and a dreamer, I am familiar with this concept. However, understanding is not always beneficial until that "understanding" translates into "action."

My lifetime has been spent dreaming about being a writer, but I only "dreamed." I justified this behavior due to my obligations to my family. I accepted that I was the person who HAD to bring home the paycheck. But that was a capitulation, not a reality. I could have worked and written, but that scenario left too little time for my family. I love them, so I made the only choice I could. Another excuse was that those dreams might rob my family of the success I achieved in my initially chosen career. Therefore, my "writing" became secondary to my family, and I was okay with that because I love my family above all else.

After retirement, I pursued my lifelong "dream" and started writing earnestly. So I have. That is why I am here on Writing.com, and that is also why I am writing this little blurb for anyone who stumbles across it and wants to share a moment inside my head. It's a strange and confusing place to experience, I know. This short "spilling of my guts" aims to leave those who suffer the same with the knowledge that you are not alone. I also wanted to let you know there is hope, but only if you decide to "write" and stop dreaming about writing and write. I have not abandoned my "dreams of fame and fortune," but I have lowered my expectations of achieving that ambition. Everything will fall into place, or it won't, but I promise I'll have fun, and you can too.

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