Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2195341-To-live-another-day
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #2195341
What started like a romantic trip was actually just the beginning of a nightmare.
I happened so many years ago, i'm not sure how many though. Even though i can't remember how many years i still remember it all like i happened yesterday. I'm going to tell you the story of how we let robots take over our planet. I can't promise you a happy ending, there are still 72 hours left before we head out. I don't even know if anyone will ever read this, but I will leave this story here to tell anyone who finds it how it all began.

My name is Maria, I don't know how old I was when this all happened nor how old i am now.
I lived with my mom in a small town, which I can't remember the name of. I think it started with an H.
Me and my mom lived alone, my dad died of cancer when I was a teenager. It was a great tragedy for our little family. Me and my mom never truly healed though I think my mom felt a lot worse than I. She swamped herself at work instead of taking a break to let herself heal. Sometimes I wouldn't see her for a week or more. She worked as a nurse at our local hospital. They were always short on staff but not short of patients. I knew there was nothing I could do to help her, she had to do this on her own. She had her ways and I had mine. I had John. John was my boyfriend, he was a year older than me.
He was the love of my life and I was with him when it all begun.

I woke up to sunlight filling my room. I checked my clock, it was 9 in the morning. I couldn't hear mom, she probably already left for work. It was summer break and I didn't have a job. My mom wanted me to live a little before grounding myself with work. I put on a pair of jogging pants, a T-shirt and a shirt. It was warm so I didn't bother putting on any socks.
I jumped downstairs and the sun filled our little house, every corner so all the shadows ran away. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, no milk. Mom had forgotten to buy some before coming home from work last night. I didn't blame her. I didn't know when she had come home, I had already fallen asleep. It was like that sometimes, she would leave before I woke up and come home after I was asleep.
I grabbed my wallet and put on some sneakers. It was warm outside and I didn't lock the doors, we lived in a quiet neighbourhood where everyone knew everyone. I walked down the street, the trees were tall and covered in green leaves and pink and white flowers. I remember some of the petals were falling off, it looked like snow, so beautiful.
I regret not stopping for a moment there and just admire the beauty but then again, I didn't know I would never see it again.
I entered the local store and and elderly man greeted me. I can't remember his name but he was nice. I went to the cooler and grabbed two L of milk, that should be enough for now. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and a beautiful voice whispered in my ear.
"Well hello there beautiful, what are you doing here so early?"
I smiled and turned around and face John. His blond hair stood up in the air, he could never get it to behave, I loved it.
He had these bright blue eyes and very cute, kissable lips.
"Hello there handsome. I'm just buy some milk."
I kissed him on the lips and then on the forehead. He was so tall I had to stand on my toes to reach, he also had to bend over a little.
He walked with me to the cashier and then escorted me home. He held the bag with one hand and my hand with the other one.
When we got home he brought the milk to the kitchen and took some eggs and bacon out of the fridge.
John had stayed with me a lot these past few months, when my mom had been the bussiest. It just felt right to have him here, he made this place more alive. I just loved watching him cook, he looked so sexy. He was tall and well built. Not muscular but not chubby, he was just perfect.
"How many do you want?"
John snapped me out of my daydreaming. He laughed, walked to me and grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him.
"I asked, how many eggs do you want, lovely?"
"Well, lovely, I'll take two."
He looked at me and smiled.
"You always have such an appetite."
"What? I just haven't had breakfast."
He laughed a little and put three eggs on the pan. After he had finished cooking the eggs he put the bacon on the pan. Meanwhile I went to the fridge and grabbed an orange juice and two glasses and put them on the table along with two dishes. John put two eggs on one plate and some bacon and one egg on the other plate.
We sat down and ate together and talked.
We mostly talked about the trip the two of us were going on. We had rented a little summerhouse for 4 days. It was by a beautiful lake.
John was going to pick me up at 9 the next morning. It would take about 3 hours to drive there. John had burned some new CD's to take with.
Suddenly the phone rang. I jumped up and ran into the living room and grabbed the phone.
"Hi love, how's everything?"
"Hi mom, it's great. John came over and we cooked some egg's and bacon for breakfast. When will you be home?"
"I don't know sweety, I'm sorry. The hospital called early and I see no end to this."
"I know mom, it's okay."
"When are you guys leaving tomorrow?"
"John is going to pick me up around 9, it's a 3 hour drive so we want to leave early."
"Okay, that's great honey."
"Will you wake me up before you leave tomorrow?"
" Of course sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning?"
"Yes! I love you mom."
"I love you to honey."
I hung up the phone and John was standing behind me. He didn't have to ask nor say anything. He just hugged me and kissed my forehead. I missed my mom. I hoped that tomorrow we could eat breakfast together.

The next morning mom woke me up. The sun shined through my window and I could smell coffee and toast.
"Morning sweety, breakfast's ready."
"Thanx mom." I smiled at her and she smiled back. It's been a while since I saw her smile or just since I saw her. Mom went downstairs while i put some clothes. When I got downstairs she was taking bread out of the bag and put in the toaster.
"Do you want coffee or tea?"
"Coffee would be nice."
She handed me a cup and I walked over to the table and sat down.
Me and mom talked about the past few days over breakfast. What I had been doing and how John was doing. She talked about the hospital and her coworkers.
This felt amazing, just me and mom, talking about life while the sun slowly started to shine in the kitchen window, kissing our cheeks good morning.

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