Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2195847-Poems-of-an-autistic
by Talleo
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2195847
A series of haiku's written by me, an autistic
Here’s a list of haikus I have wrote over the past year or so. They are not in any real order, but I have to say the first one is my favourite. The rules for writing a haiku are based around the syllable count, First line should have 5, next 7 and finally 5 again.


I’m wagging my tail
I’m bouncing around with joy
When they say good boy

Forever spinning
Atoms, building blocks of life
Life circling round

I strive to help all
Yet am rewarded with pain
Truth will always shine

Stillness & calming
Tranquillity is peaceful
To meditate on

Open up flower
Grow and let your petals bloom
Let your brilliance shine

Spread you wings out wide
Let the wind lift you up high
Saw and see the earth

A subtle spell cast
Its magic released and spreads
The earth now blossoms

It starts with a thought
To clench a muscle up tight
Stretch a leg and walk

A crown on his head
Sat upon his thrown of gold
King of all he sees

80 mph
Faster than a Jaguar
The emu runs free

Waves crash on the boat
Sailors yell as thunder cracks
The boat capsizes

An ocean above
Never ending pressure
Deep at the bottom

Darkness no more light
The void, blackness engulfs all
Never see the sun

A footprint not seen
Still leaves a mark on the land
Not known but still felt

Shining stars of the night
Hiding in the bright day light
Beams of time passed

Info you my know
A feast is an Ice Lolly
And is quite tasty

Out of comfort zone
Verity spice of life
And that’s a good thing

I see in a way
Not like others some will say
I know its cliché

Friendship with others
I value it most of all
To be a true pal

To possess money
To be able to have all
Means nothing to me

To have a purpose
A destination to go
It’s journey that’s more

When I look at me
I feel like a stranger
Looking back at me

Start with a story
Add time to build into myth
Then twist with whispers

To know what time is
It must be threatened with loss
Appreciate it

Legend changed meaning
For most people that is true
For me it hasn’t

He who stops and helps
Pays attention to his world
He who does not, splat

Noise is always there
Sound requires an ear
Silence is vacuum

His fluffy tail
His obscure outward view

It’s all hopping mad
All the people are jumping
Kangaroo nation

Knowable, kind
Understanding of others
Generous oddball

When one has cut hair
Why not gather it all up
Make a wig and share

Hair irritates me
You cut it get it just right
Just for it to grow

There’s shower hair there
In the plug, blocking it up
The sight is not rare

Stress when there’s no hair
It’s a good thing after all
Nowt to grip and tear

How are you feeling
Im tired confused, pained

When one beams with pride
Some may shun you and hate you
But true friends remain

Football is boring
I'm just not made for running
Or F***ing boo-boos

Understanding helps

Walking aimlessly
Through the dreamland that is sleep
To avoid my life

Dreaming distant lands
Footprints on far flung beaches
The magic of flight

Stop and watch life flow
Look up and behold the stars
Learn from what you see

Jump before you look
Fly as a star through the sky
And flow with the stream

I wait on a plan
Don’t know where I'm going to
But cant wait to see

I need inspiring
I cant see what I should write
The joys of blank page

It’s cold hard logic
I do not grieve for the lost
For it is pointless

What are fingerprints
Imprinted skin of the whom
Toughed when unborn

I don’t want to leave
I like it here it's warm
*Crys* can I go back

To let the mind drift
As body flows like water
Only the kata

The blade strikes downwards
The air splits to either side
My mind is at peace
© Copyright 2019 Talleo (talleo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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