Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2200661-The-Tortoise-and-The-Hare
by Norman
Rated: E · Poetry · Entertainment · #2200661
Slow and steady wins the race
We all have heard of the story of
the tortoise and the hare.
The tortoise said the hare was slow.
The hare took up the dare.

We all know this was crazy ‘cause
the hare would always win.
The hare was nicknamed Lightening Bolt.
To lose would be a sin.

A tortoise is a turtle with
a cute and fancy name,
for underneath that shell they wear
they both look just the same.

A hare has much in common with
the rabbits that we know.
But they are somewhat bigger and
they’re anything but slow.

The big race was promoted with
large banners far and wide.
The hare was the big favorite with
his rapid pace and stride.

The money came in fast and free.
The hare just couldn’t lose,
‘cause in a race with anyone
the hare’s the one you’d choose.

Las Vegas had the early odds -
the hare: eighty to one.
Unless he had a heart attack
the hare already won.

And since there was big money there,
the betting world found out.
The wise guys had a hand in this,
of that there is no doubt.

The only way the hare could lose
was if he would connive,
and pretty soon the fix was in.
The hare would take a dive.

The tortoise knew something was up.
He didn’t know just what.
So he bet fifty on himself.
He shrugged and said, “Why not?”

The big race had a frenzied crowd.
The starting gun went BLAST.
The hare went like a lightening bolt.
Oh man, that hare was fast.

The tortoise was content to crawl
and plod at his own pace.
The crowd had settled down to watch
A long, eventful race.

Now we all know what happened next:
the tortoise won the race.
The hare had napped along the way
and came in second place.

Don’t always trust in sure things when
you’re betting your last buck.
And bring your rabbit foot along;
it may just give you luck.

The tortoise made a tidy sum.
He was so glad he won.
He moved down to Miami and
now frolics in the sun.

The hare received his pay off too,
collecting from the mob.
His racing days were over though.
He’d done too good a job.

And he was so embarrassed ‘cause
his friends were so upset.
They all had thought that he would win
and they’d all lost their bets.

So now the hare is hiding out.
You won’t see him around.
He doesn’t stick his neck out far;
he’s hiding under ground.

The moral of this story is:
No matter what they say,
don’t gamble with your hard-earned cash.
Avoid a bad hare day.

© Copyright 2019 Norman (jimmynee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2200661-The-Tortoise-and-The-Hare