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Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #2202334
Protagonist Profile

Name: Mordecai

Birthday: N/A
Place of birth: (Place Holder) The North Woods
Parents: Unknown Father, Mothers Name (Place Holder)
What was essential to the people who raised him: Survival in a Harsh Land
Siblings: Dietrich, his twin Brother
Economic/social status growing up: N/A
Ethnic background: Human

Friends: Elrich Hamm
How do people view this character: They become Best Friends
Fights with: His Brother
Spends time with: Elrich
What people does he most admire: (Place Holder)
Enemies: The Dark Ones (Possibly reverse Magic used by opposite mages?)

Overall outlook on life: Positive looking out to the future of surroundings
Does this character like himself: Self Doubt, lack of confidence
What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: More Courage
What personal demons haunt him: His upbringing, not knowing his father.
Is he lying to himself about something: N/A
Optimistic/pessimistic: Generally optimistic about future, pessimistic about his role in it.
Real/feigned: N/A
Morality level: Neutral/Good
Confidence level: Low

Physical appearance
Body type: Average
Posture: Straight
Head shape: Angular
Eyes: Brown
Nose: Slightly protruding
Mouth: Thin Lipped
Hair: Sandy Brown
Skin: Fair
Tattoos/piercings/scars: None
Voice: Deep, resonating, can speak forcefully with effect.
What people notice first: Fiery eyes, has the ability to focus attention on someone that can be slightly unnerving.
Clothing: Prefers loose clothing brown/orange-tinted robes etc.
How would he describe himself: (Place Holder)
Health/disabilities/handicaps: (place Holder)

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): type A, +Phlegmatic?
Strongest/weakest character traits: (Place Holder)
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: (Place Holder)
How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: (Place Holder)
What makes him irrationally angry: Misuse of Power and Magic, a lack of compassion for others irritates him as he feels all races should be treated equally.
What makes him cry: the loss of relationship with Dietrich
Fears: He is not strong enough for the destiny that calls him.
Talents: Powerful Fire Mage Magic followed by earth Magic
What people like best about him: Compassion towards others

Interests and favorites
Food, drink: Appreciates fine beverages, not a heavy drinker.
Music: (Place Holder)
Books: Collects ancient writings and history's

Typical expressions
When happy: Occasional smile
When angry: No expression usually.
When frustrated: Tends to be abrupt in speech.
When sad: (Place Holder)

Laughs or jeers at: (Place Holder)
Ways to cheer up this person: Allow him to talk without interruption
Ways to annoy this person: Interrupt his speaking.
Hopes and dreams: (Place Holder)
How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: (Place Holder)
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: (Place Holder)
Greatest success: (Place Holder)
Biggest trauma: Confrontation and separation from his brother.
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: (Place Holder)
What does he care about most in the world: To end his brother's desire to rule the realms
Does he have a secret: His brother.
If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: (Place Holder)
He is the kind of person who: (Place Holder)
What do you love most about this character: His willingness to confront issues even when he doubts himself.
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: We all struggle with self-doubt.
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: (Place Holder)
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: (Place Holder)

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