Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2204293-love-at-NOT-first-glance-chapter-1
Rated: NPL · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2204293
she wishes for romance.. and is shipped with her enemy.. what could possibly be worse?
"love at first sight isn't true! its just infatuation!" everyone has told me the same old thing, i dont believe that, they're just trying to stop me stop me from finding a love, the thing ive been longing for all of these years!, every time i confess to the boy i love he rejects me, "im sorry but i dont feel that towards you". they always respond, either im going after the wrong guys or their making the wrong girl fall in love, "love" everyone's heard it, everyone's felt it, but what exactly is it? is it a meaning of life? or a chemical reaction?, or is it a poison getting ready to strike?. ive put deep thought into that question, nothing wrong with that i suppose, a few months ago my dad got a new job, meaning i had to move to a smallish town, kind of a deadbeat town, as in lonely but its fun so i guess i dont mind, the boys are cute and ive fell for some. but somethings still missing, it isn't friends i have plenty, nor is it fun things maybe.., maybe im missing a deeper purpose, maybe im meant for something but.. what is it?, cold-stone lake, the smallish lonely town i live in, the schools are pretty nice and decently sized. i haven't been bullied, however i have felt like the odd one out, i know why that is too, its because im so fascinated by romance, or as my parents say "infatuated" with it, that mystical thing i love romance, its out there but when will my time shine?, the day when a boy will love me?. im standing by my locker, waiting for the bright red bell to ring loudly, that dusty old timely looking bell, im standing awkwardly waiting for it to signal me to class, quietly fidgeting nervously as i feel peoples eyes on me, why're they staring at me?. sweat starts beading up on my forehead, i look around nervously as my breathing speeds up, then that bell rings loudly and everyone starts running, walking, pushing people out of the way, a guy gets shoved into me from the crowd which results in my stuff getting spilled across the glossy floor. i groan loudly, seriously? why'd this have to happen?, this seriously blows! i scramble quickly to grab my stuff, my eyebrows curl from that recent incident, after all the stuff ends up in my hands again the tardy bell rings!, great.. just when i thought it couldn't get worse. i dash quickly to my classroom door, i knock awkwardly on the door and wait, thats when the teacher mr.brent opens the door, "ah! did those zombie squirrels get you again?", mr.brent asks with a chuckle in his voice the whole class bursts into laughter. my face turns a tomato red, sweat starts beading on my forehead, my hands are getting clammy from the unwanted attention, "hehe anyway enough with the jokes, why were you late?" mr.brent asks me, his voice is now serious, "i got pushed to the floor and my stuff fell on the ground", i say awkwardly. everyone's eyes are pointed onto me, suddenly a guy stands up, "sorry! i didn't mean to push him into you", some random guy towards the back of the class says, "that idiot needed to get a tutoring lesson on attitude adjustment so i gave it to him". the guy says with a smirk, "yeah? well i think you need one to!" i yell at him, his eyes wided slightly "why're you so rude? geese! i said i was sorry", he says with rage in his voice "just hit her!". someone yells loudly, "no i dont hurt girls" he says with a polite tone, "and if anyone's wondering im Ethan holster, 13 i got held back so that explains why im a old man" Ethan says jokingly, everyone bursts out into laughter then Ethan looks at me "what about you?". he asks me curiously, "Olivia" i say quietly, he gives me a small smile "well dont give me any attitude adjustments alright?" he asks me, "as long as you aren't a jerk!" i yell back at him, he then stares at me, "alright" he says with a smirk then he sits back down "ahem! lets uh.. continue on shall we?". mr.brent says awkwardly, i sit down still enraged from that annoying guy, "psst Olivia" my friend Jane whispers to me, "what?" i ask her curiously, "Ethan could totally be your type" she says nudging me slightly "heck no! a jerk like him? no way!". i tell Jane fastly, "how about Ethan? care to answer the math equation 8 x 7?", mr.brent asks curiously Ethan nods, his arms are flapping loudly "its! this!" he shouts, he then says the answer and the teacher agrees, if that annoying jerk is here it'll be a long day!.
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