Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2208794-My-Tiny-Gospel-Book-of-Poetrycenter
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #2208794
I am writing this sacredone book to share with the reader my own poetry.
My Tiny Gospel Sacredone Book of My Poetry

By David Wayne Olsen

I am writing this little sacredone book about the Gospel to share with the reader my own poetry. I love to write poetry and every poem in this book has never been written by myself before! So here is my best works as I give it an excellent shot:

Too Sacred

Have you ever not shared with others your experiences because of their sacredness,
Does not suprise me because I do this also:
No doubts, no questions cause tell just anyone...
And you may get a scoff or unkind words from that person.
Better to keep these things to yourself and trusted significant others,
Simply practice this; it is the greatest way.

Faith, charity, love, and only trust your loving God Amighty and His son, Jesus Christ. Simply, reply on the Lord.

Do Not Ever End Writing a Book

You think to yourself...
"Oh, I forgot to write this" or just maybe,
You say outloud, "I need to proofread and edit my book."
Hense, you write more in your book because...
Writing is a process, not a means to an end!
Besides the ancient and modern Prophets and Apostles...
Never did or have not ever stopped writing:
And it came to pass! It has and it will continue to occur.

Don't Like Physical or Mental Pain

I do not know anyone who does!
Go to see a doctor, but...
Please endure as you rely upon the Lord,
Ask Him to relieve some of your pain,
even if it only a little bit,
maybe solely getting relief daily for five minutes.
But His spirtual relief - His peace - lasts forever:
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger (Friedrich Nietzsche).
These things are true, I know.

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