Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2209283-Tomorrow-Now
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2209283
Could this be our ultimate fate?
"Tomorrow Now"

"Tomorrow now, we will have looked back on the coming of a new day.
It will have been a day when we all had forgotten the evils of war, famine, and
many other pains of humanity, which illicit breeding introduced into our genome…."

These words streamed through multiple blue screens in brilliant white letters, over and over again.

A stagnant, lifeless silence imbued the atmosphere pressing against walls in the corridors, dissecting the ship. Nothing moved, only the streaming words, scrolling down hundreds of monitors lining each wall. Air, stratified by years free of disturbance, pressed against beads of moisture, clinging to the ceilings and walls. The only sound came from splashes when beads of condensed fluid gathered into droplets that fell into an ocean of condensation, flooding the halls and rooms of the ship. Columns of steam spiraled from spigots. Drips of scalding water momentarily floated in mid-air above burgeoning clouds, which fell from relief valves on pressurized storage units. The cacophony fed a growing fog, clinging to the floor inside the ship's belly.

"Tomorrow now will have been a time when we were set free.
A time when souls merged. A time when generations cumulate,
souls merge while walking the lush fields of our new Earth.
We will have risen from our endless sleep revolving around this
Hopelessly, devastated planet. Looking to stretch ourselves
under its Sun's warming glow once more. Then, we would
assume the task of procreating our new world."

A blank screen appeared while an all-consuming emptiness expanded to fill all the screens.

Abruptly, the screen lit anew, with an image framed over a downward attitude in front of the ship. The view revealed a clear blue sky with clouds rushing toward the witness, hurtling past and out of sight. Moments later, a forward thermal shield, barely visible, strained against the friction presented by the atmosphere. With a sudden eruption, the shield shattered into dust as the outer hull ignited against the clear-blue, oxygen-rich atmosphere. A stream of cinders dripped toward the lush green surface below as the ship exploded into bits of molten metal that showered toward their new home. Last hopes vanished without awakened breaths, loosened into pristine air….The End

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2209283-Tomorrow-Now