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Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #2209625
About grades and rankings.
People say, grades is just a number. But still, students will give their best for the sake of having good grades. Students will have their sleepless nights in order to have good grades. Although they're tired they will still push their limits to have good grades. Everything for the reason of having good grades. Wanna know why? Because if they won't get good grades society will judge them. People will say, they're neglectful of their studies, they're just wasting their parents' money, and the worst is people will say that they won't have a good future. A future is the time where no one knows what will happen. But how can people tell us our future just by knowing our grades and rankings as a student. Some says those things can be seen as motivation for students to strive harder. But it's not motivation anymore that pushes them, it's the pressure that comes from the people around them.

People don't know that just by saying, "keep up the good work" already pressures a student. Because students will think that people around them will be disappointed if they won't be able to maintain their high grades, and that's tiring.

Rankings doesn't define who you are. But why do people tell us to be an accountant, to be an engineer, to be a lawyer or even to be a doctor if rankings doesn't define who we are. And our family will be disappointed if we choose the course that we want, rather than choosing the course that they thinks suits us. Without knowing what will happen to the future, some will take the risk and fight for what they want. While others will be pressured thinking that maybe their family is right. That they won't have a good future and earn a good amount of money with what they want, and that's sad.

Why does it feel that having good grades is better than learning? Why does having a good future is better than being happy? Why students are being pressured just for the sake of what they say "just numbers"?

We students have to do our responsibilities as a student. We have to do the requirements that was given to us and pass them on time. But always remember, that grades and rankings are not equal to your capabilities as a student and as a person.
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