Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2215274-Woman
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #2215274
This poem is about woman's role, position and deeds
In ancient times the world was sad and gray,
And with a drama life could be equated;
But everything did change in a good way
Right when from Adam’s rib Eve was created.
The Earth has been so beautiful in space
From the beginning and until the present,
But if the women weren’t upon its face,
The life on it would never be so pleasant.
The secret of existence on the earth
Is deeply kept inside of woman’s body,
That’s why she is so honored to give birth
To a new life whose shape she does embody.
The woman brings a baby from above,
And with her heart she warms this little treasure.
When mother holds a child, gives him her love,
Observing such a scene must be a pleasure.
Though woman’s vessel’s delicate and weak,
Her mighty deeds astonish all beholders.
She has the strength to conquer every peak
And carry every burden on her shoulders.
The woman starts to labor at sunrise,
Her diligence deserves to be admired.
Until sunset she does not close her eyes,
But does not seem exhausted and too tired.
In any circumstances she looks great.
Her beauty makes a lot of hearts beat stronger.
And seeing it the flowers start to fade,
So jealous, they can’t blossom any longer.
The woman makes our world a pleasant place,
To spoil her charm time current is not able.
Her physical and inner beauty stays
In every age unchangeable and stable.
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