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by jonewe
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2216626
Third chapter of Loki.
Loki scans the area as he proceeds. Sensing only silence and peace, he proceeds to move forward. He walks carefully, avoiding the tree roots that litter the floor. Above him hangs tall trees, filled with lush green leaves. Sounds of birds and insects fill the atmosphere as Loki continues to scan his surroundings as he proceeds.

"It's clear, guys!"

Loki looks to the young girl who shouted. Two other people are also present.

Loki is currently travelling with Fai, a female cadet skilled with flame magic, and the girl who shouted just now, Varena, a skilled female cadet, and Greg, a fine male cadet.

Loki thinks back to when they were discussing about their operation this time.

"So remember, we are supposed to find Od herbs in these woods." Greg, assuming the initiative, was the first to speak up. "We may be skilled and the teachers might interfere when necessary, but that doesn't mean we can be careless. We are all skilled cadets, but I suggest we introduce ourselves and try and come up with maneuvers that make use of our strengths ."

After their briefing, the groups moved on to introductions.

Greg was the first to start. Greg was a tall and muscular man. He has long brown hair, but his face and vision remain unhindered.

"I am skilled with spear and shield. I can also use some magic of various elements, but mainly as an offense. Naturally, I can use Barrier well too."

Fai was next. Fai has beautiful brown hair and is a beautiful maiden. She is well built and slightly shorter than Loki.

"A scythe, combined with my awesome fire magic! I can also use fire magic to power up my shield and burn all the bad guys who dare attack me! Like this!" Fai spoke as she lit up her shield. She was full of vigor and loud.

Varena spoke softly, a stark contrast to Fai. Varena's hair is long and brown as well. She is also beautiful, and is very fit.

"I am skilled with sword and shield. I am fast and strong, and am good when it comes to group battles. I also have sharp senses, and have some basic magic. I am also part of the Wulfhed."

Loki was shocked when he heard the term Wulfhed. The clan has always been famous in Asgard, and is one of the best among Odin's armies. They specifically serve his step-father, and their skills, might, and ferocity are nothing to scoff off.

"By the Allfathers..." Greg spoke up, but was interrupted by Fai.

"The Allfathers must be looking after us! A Wulfhed! Not to mention..." Fai shouted while looking over to Loki.

Loki, last but not least, started introducing himself.

"Loki Odinson, step-son of Odin Allfather, and a Demon. I am skilled with the blade, though I do not fancy a shield. I am skilled with various sorcery spells."

"I believed that is not all you are capable of." Greg spoke kindly, while Fai kept on shouting.

"You defeated Thor! That's a feat!"

Loki wasn't entirely thrilled. "It was a draw..."

"We might be able to hold our ground, but to defeat Thor is a separate matter." Greg spoke.

Fai continued. "Ya, you are awesome, Loki!"

"Thank you." Loki replied kindly.

Loki feels himself smiling. He enjoys the company, thinking it a nice change from his usual one. Plus, having Varena and Fai with him is delightful. 'Oh, and Greg too, I guess?' Loki thinks as he continues walking.

As the group travel through the woods, they encounter various animals but nothing malicious. Therefore, they haven't engaged in combat so far. Their goal is a deep part of the forest, where the Od plants reside in.

The battle tactic they decided on is simple, which is to coordinate offense and defense. As they are unfamiliar with each other, complex maneuvers were put aside for simple yet effective ones.

Some of the animals that the group encounter during their hike includes wolves, which choose to leave them alone, and other herbivorous animals, such as deers and rabbits, which either ignore or run away from the group. Sounds of birds and insects can also be heard, but very rarely can they be seen. Plants are also scattered around the forest, though Loki could not really recognize most of them. He takes a few looks around, recognizing some and going to pick them up.

"What u up to?" Fai asks as Loki put the plants away.

"I am collecting plants so that I can use them for Alchemy in the future."

"Alchemy, huh?" Fai's gaze moves upwards. "That's amazing! I never could wrap my head around that!"

Smiling, Loki follows behind the group, with Fai walking behind him.

As they proceed through the woods, Greg, Loki, and Varena keeps their guard up, even with their weapons sheathed. Varena uses her heightened senses to keep track of potential threats. Loki also scans the surroundings, using his senses to back Varena up. Fai is really relaxed, looking around the forest.

'This is actually pretty fun.' Loki thinks to himself as he scans the area. 'Though this will change soon.'

Eventually the calm and soothing atmosphere fades away. Strong magical energy can be sensed in the air, a sign that the group are approaching magical territory.

© Copyright 2020 jonewe (jonewe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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