Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2219742-A-Love-For-Me
Rated: E · Poetry · Arts · #2219742
A love for me talks about a man who finally get over a broken heart.
A love for me!

Now that the day is over,
And men have come back home from work,
Sleep has gone from my eyes.
Many pictures are playing on my mind,
Many voices;
Many names;
Different floating faces.

Has there ever been love?
Is this feeling not an illusion,
Akin to the closing of the day?
Oh! My heart, why hath thou so forgiven?
Going back to your vomit,
Chasing after shadows,
Seeing affection where there is none!

Closing now the page of her life,
Opening an empty page of my life:
Just cannot wait – I can’t wait.
Out there – there is love for me.
Someone to call own,
The bone of my bone.
Someone to write my story with.

(24th July 2010)
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