Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2219757-A-pare-of-aces-and-the-talking-peanut
by n.lea
Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #2219757
story of mentally unstable 15 year old Mary. Writing prompt
Writing prompt for today.
Place: A cafeteria
Actor: A talking peanut
Object: A pair of Aces
Mood: Wary

Mary sat in the cafeteria not eating the lunch her mother packed. she was feeling off, not her usual self.

She looked to the left and right; she could feel eyes watching her but had no idea from where they followed her every move.

Feeling self conscious she pulled out her art pad and began to sketch to make the feeling of unease dissipate.

As she finished drawing a pair of aces, she hears the squeaky high pitched cartoonish voice of the peanut in a top hat she drew yesterday.
She has to do a double glance to clarify what she is seeing and hearing. Freaking out, she jams the palms of her hands to her ears, hoping she's not losing her mind again.

Her thoughts race and memories flood in of the white coat with all the buckle that kept her arms across her chest. The smell of rubbing alcohol fills her nares, and the flickering of a florescent bulb in dire need of changing irritates her eyes. She rembers peanut dancing in the window to taunt her into attempting to smash her head into the chicken wired pane to make him stop singing whatever gibberish song it was he sang.

Afraid shes going to scream for him to shut up and leave her alone, she grabs her bag and shoves her pencil in the spiral of her notebooke and flies from the lunchroom. As the crowds start rushing in she darts to the library, her sanctuary in a place of cliques of gossip girls, and jock bullies boys.

The only place she feels understood. The voice fades away and her heart rate slows as she grabs her favorite book from its hidden shelf. She's startled awake from her very strange dream by the ringing of her phone rattling on the floor.
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