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by Logan
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2221066
Praise be the Skylarks
Skylarks [Aviery, part I]

There's something in the air tonight,
a whisper on the wind;
with chimes that sound through silver light
and skylarks on the wing

Something waiting out of reach,
silent... in the dark
Hidden in our bleakest breach,
a cold wind blows through stark

Whispers on a lonely wind,
sung careless on black nights
Never knew how dark it was
until I saw your light

Burning off such well worn paths,
a beacon I can't win;
but when your light shines down in shafts,
the gravity falls in

Leaving needles, compass points,
spinning whilst we pray
When cries are met with silent voids,
there's nothing left to say

Muted are the colours drawn,
through woods, the hollows grow;
for now, a forest empty yawns
and wolves starved, howl low

Punctured, flat and duller... cold,
lodged 'tween dark and light
'midst colour, punctuated bold,
branched, bordered, black and white

with magpies and their shinies sought,
the spoils of the day;
whilst skylarks show how time is caught,
its functions... how it plays

Swooping ever onward, forth,
forever forward, flew
Teaching past fixed lessons, flawed,
the things we thought we knew

The things that we were missing, lacked,
we didn't know were there
These things... they could well kill me
... I'm not sure that I care

for in the fire, passions grow,
the pages, they will turn
In the end, when light burns low,
in books our dreams are earnt

Through memories of brighter days,
our former chapters play;
with silver linings spent in swathes
and cloudbursts on the way

with thunder rolling in the night,
as lightning rides despair;
with skylarks winging out of sight
... and something in the air
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2221066-Skylarks-Aviery-part-I