Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2221813-Why-study-and-live-in-Germany-by-Ras
by Ras
Rated: E · Other · Educational · #2221813
Why choose Germany for your next study destination and life. This is a portray of Germany.

Why choose Germany for your next study destination and life. This is a portray of Germany.

Hey, salamualaikum. I saw in many groups that many people are looking to get admission in Germany specially at Bachelor level because it is the only country in the world where the education is free at all level. Germany has a long academic tradition, and the country’s universities have educated some of the smartest minds in the world. Honestly It is a really matter of courage to study in Germany at undergraduate level☺️. I think many people are so much confused about choosing university and deciding about their future stay. First of all this is not a professional writing it just an ECA of my own. And yeah before starting let me share something, my distant cousin and my elder sibling is doing their Master's there. So I think I can give you a brief knowledge about the German system and I also have researched by myself about studying abroad. At first I'll be focusing more on some measuring figures. I assume you already know the difference between HS (Hochschule/University of applied Science), university and Technical University. Let's begin, firstly does ranking matter in Germany.!? For ranking the German university system is like running all of it's boats at the same pace in the sea. Sure, lists ranking German schools are out there, but any German would tell you that it basically makes no difference if you go to one public university vs. the other. All public universities are thought to give you an equal quality education. Let me give you an example, Germany have the 3rd highest top 200 ranked universities according to THE 2024 Ranking right after US, and UK. US have 100+ universities in top 300 place Which is obvious because it is the 3rd largest country in the world after Russia and Canada. USA (includes 50 large states) is 28% bigger than Germany (but Germany challenges US in every sect whether it's health/education/science sect comparing their size) and UK have 25 and Germany have 21 university ranked in top 200. I took Top 200 indicator because there is a most prestigious fellowship/scholarship by BD Prime Minister which says to be eligible for the application for the scholarship your intend university has to be in Top 200 place according to THE ranking. Though this scholarship/fellowship is only for PhD/Master's students. And there is also another fact to compare and that is most Nobel prize winning country. Most Nobel prize winner Germany again ranks 3rd after obvious US and UK. US have 400 laureate whereas UK, Germany have following 137 and 114. And 4th most most Nobel laureate winning country quant starts at 68 which is France. Most Innovative Research Institutions 2019 ranking by Forbes, Germany leads the list with five institutions in the top 25 but US institution is in no.1 position and then the German institution in 2nd position. USA have many world famous institutions as well. US will always position 1st in terms of science but so as Germany in the top positions but when we keep in mind the size and population of each country both countries ranks best, they are head to head competitor. Also Germany have one of the many top ranked old universities like U of Heidelberg, Leipzig, LMU Munich, Tubingen etc which are right after the founding of U of Oxford and Cambridge. 90% of the university are state funded and are public university means all of them maintain a same level of standard of each university but the main factor is EDUCATION IS FREE IN GERMANY which is why becoming one of the most sought after study and living destination nowadays. unlike US because they around more than 5000 university but 3000+ are like our country private universities (not this level tho, just kidding)😛 and they charge very high tuition I mean really very high and the most in the world. Their university tuition system is like a business model. Many of US universitie's rank really high mainstream universities like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Michigan etc. I think this also reflect how powerful German's education system is! They are the 4th largest economy as well like US, China, Japan, Germany, UK, France, India (20Trillion, 14 Trillion, 5 Tr and 4 Tr, 2.9 Tr, 2.8 Tr, 2.7 Tr). I think Japan and Germany have one of the best economy by looking at their country size and Germany is the global export leader🙂 best economy means more jobs means less unemployed means a better country system. If you want to know more about the German varsity ranking then read this page -

As you can see Germany alone can't be compared with US (which have 50 States sizing very large), so obviously Europe is comparable with the USA then the competition matches (even Trump says in his campaign we will beat Europe if I win, I mean he is a businessman dude😂). Infact Barack Obama said " we should learn from Germany how to govern our nation." Well Europe wins in most of the scenario. European countries have the most powerful passports, you can visit 189 countries in the world by a German passport which ranks 2nd and 1st place S. Korea, Japan and Singapore passport holders can enter 190 country without visa. EU passport is the heaviest one. If Germany didn't had the German language😅then they could have become the most sought after destination right after US, their research or many renowned institution are in their own language that's why they don't get that much publicity by English Media. You have to also keep in mind that how Germany bounced back after losing ww2, also Japan. There is NO DENY that US pays the double the amount Germany pays it's FULL TIME tech savy workers but there is a proverb for jobs in the US, that's " Be fast in hiring and be fast in firing " but US lower income peoples remains poor and millionaire becomes Billionaire. But anyway this is not the case everytime. if money is not the 1st priority and so inter racial environment and you want a high standards of life at cheap and happiness then you can definitely choose Europe over America. Look at the UN HDI index who have scores the best. When you learn about Germany then you will must hear about the skilled work force of germany. Besides I can strongly condemn that Germany has the best working culture, not only Germany but also the Europe has the best working culture than US, Canada, Australia. They work no linger more than 40 hours a week in office or home unlike US which have much more extra time of working hour. German believes in efficiency rather than extra hour working. They are tend to do no work in holiday or in off time. Germany professionals get 30 vacation days on average which is one of the most (also Spain, Norway, France, Finland, Denmark, Swiss, Austria, Australia, UK, UAE, Brazil gets average 30 days whereas U.S. workers gets an average of 17 vacation days, Canada 19 days) and up to three years maternity leaves, which ranks Germany 6th family friendly country according to UN (United Nations) OECD Ranking, Europe dominates the list and for maternity US policy is worst on list of the world's richest countries (this maternity stat is helpful for womans). You can definitely have good stress free, efficient, leisure time in Germany, also this is same in Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Netherlands etc, as we all know they are the happiest countries. Germany have one of the best welfare system. Honestly US have pretty bad labour regulations, you can Google it. Anyway there is pros and cons of every country and no country is perfect in every angle in the world. In this comparison I didn't bring Canada or Australia because they lags behind in showed stats. It's just matter of English 🙄 Though these are the main sought after countries. If you learn the German language then you have good access to world's most GDP countries like Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein. Also I didn't include other European countries Switzerland,Finland, Netherlands, Norway etc because you can the see the Economy and Education and Health system stats (Germany have the second most ICU beds per 100k inhabitants, 1st US have 34.7 and 2nd Germany have 29.2 according to Forbes) and also these countries are not welcoming skilled workers like Germany and Germany is currently booming for jobs because there is many job vacancy. Let me share some more statistics. When you search in LinkedIn by searching software engineer as the key word then you will see the whole Canada which is world's 2nd largest country have only 8307 job vacancy...can you believe it! Whereas In Germany- 20510,
Netherlands - 18000,
Australia - 2755 ( yeah this is true! ),
UK - 25105 ( UK have kind of low salary ),
USA - 128750,
EU - 113870 (27 Member States).
It's like we can't compare a 50 States with 1 states but still look at the difference. We can't even take Canada and Australia in the count. I didn't mention other two big nation India and China in job vacancy because these two are not considered developed country. India have 60k+ vacancy and China have around 50k. This is why I only count Germany with USA and UK. Yet Germany is less popular in my home country and in my region because of influence of British Colony in the past and it has great influence over us. Anyway Germany is heaven for Mechanical field, all top brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, VW, Opel etc are German. So Mechanical grads have best root companies there. Another fact is that UK have pretty low wage and Australia doesn't worth nowadays because it's recently started blowing new exapts, it's like come here, study and leave. But Canada is doing pretty good in welcoming new skilled expats like Germany but they lags behind Germany except they are English. My perception is that If you don't mind the language then Europe is the happiest and beautiful continent in the world till now to live. If you have doubts about these stats then you can definitely google these statistics.

Now let me describe about the university system. My brother's told me that if you have just passing grades (50% is passing grade, our country's medical students passing grade is 60% and it is considered as 1st class and Germany's whole varsity passing grade is 50%) you can apply anywhere. As you can apply to anywhere in Germany and they won't even see your grades moreover in many scenarios there might not be any GPA mentioned in your CV. The story is, my cousin got job as an werkstudent (working student) in an IT firm in Düsseldorf and he didn't mention any of his grades in his CV. It's like '"OK you have German degree from here and have proficiency and skill, we don't need to see your grades'" the company HR's have that much confidence in their education. Yes this is
true 🤗 . These had happened with many people over there. And also he told me one can even become a officer if he just have Ausbildung(means training certificate). They give priority more to skills rather than your university name or fame. Because it is not easy to pass in the German varsity exam. Most students say passing is considered as an achievement here, it's tricky. You can see your books or formula sheets in the exams 😁 . There is relatively little hand holding at German universities. You don’t get points just for attending, or for small daily assignments. Rather, typically, your entire grade depends on one or two exams or papers and going to lectures is not mandatory. Everyone says that German education culture is different . Btw I forget to tell you my cousin is in HS Rhein Waal ( His BSc GPA is 3.98, there were some issues why he didn't apply to other universities, he had only applied to HS Rhein Waal and TU Chemnitz and obviously accepted in both. He went to the university which suited his field of interest the most) and my sibling is in HS Berlin and have got Student Assistant fundings from the University. See both of them are skilled and got their prize too. Both of them had completed their Bachelor from Malaysia. And both of their German university is not ranked so called top 10/20 ranked university but yet they get the same facility and opportunity as they would in other public universities in Germany whether it's top ranked uni or not. It is just the system and skill. This is the best part of the German university and education system.

I guess I am able to make you understand about the German system from my in depth perspective. I think I fit for this analysis because my 2 brothers are in there. This writing is for those who need motivation and inspiration to choose Germany to study and live in Germany, no offense to anyone and again no country is perfect in everyway.
Yeah thank you for reading this.😺
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