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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #2221862
Robbie's birthday and a friend's shocking health issue.
          It's nearly 10PM the last Saturday in July. There's a small crowd on the dance floor at Club Cosmic. Thong Song by Sisqo plays. Up on the stage there are tables pushed together for Robbie's twenty-ninth birthday party. All of his friends are in attendance - Greg, Adam, Eli, Zander, Roland, AJ, and The Burton Twins - Ryan and Kyle.
         Kandi the bartender emerges from the kitchen carrying a large cake. She carries it up the stairs and puts it on a table that has paper plates and napkins on it.

"There you go, guys," said Kandi.
"Thanks for taking such good care of our cake," said Eli.
"No problem, sweetie."

         Kandi leaves the stage. Eli and Adam stand up.

"Robbie, this is your cake, bro. Adam and I worked all day making it for you. It was not an easy feat in the ridiculously small kitchen here."
"I really appreciate it guys," said Robbie. "It looks amazing. You guys did a great job."

         The song finished playing.

"Welcome to Club Cosmic. I'm DJ Lionel. Let's all sing Happy Birthday to our own DJ Robbie."

         The crowd begins singing Happy Birthday. Adam sticks a two candle and a nine candle into the cake and lights them. As they finished signing Robbie got up and blew the candles out. Everyone cheered and clapped. Robbie wears khaki shorts, sneakers, a Yankees hat at a slight angle, and an unbuttoned Yankees jersey that showed off his abs.

"Happy 29th Birthday Robbie," said DJ Lionel. "This one is going out to you."

         Birthday Sex by Jeremih begins playing. Robbie and Eli sit down. Adam begins slicing the cake and hands out the slices to everyone. He gives a large piece to Robbie. He sits down.

"Robbie, what did you wish for?" asked Adam.
"I know it's kind of cheesy, but I wished that we all could be friends forever."

         Everyone raised their beer bottles and klinked them. They begin eating cake.

          The next day Robbie wakes up at 1:45PM. He staggers out to the family room wearing basketball shorts. Adam sits on the couch shirtless and drinking from a large bottle of coconut flavored vodka.

"Feeling a little self destructive?"
"Work sucked. Pam got fired Friday night, so they brought in a CDH from another store. She wasn't even on the clock when she started barking orders."
"Like what?"
"She told me I looked unprofessional because the top three buttons of my shirt were unbuttoned."

         Robbie groans.

"Why did Pam get fired?"
"Zander caught her Friday night trying to get a minor to buy her beer."

         Robbie laughs. Adam takes his phone off the coffee table. He sees he has a text.

"Zander texted me. He's stopping by and wants to know if he should bring anything."
"Tell him to bring over a couple of pizzas."

          Thirty minutes later Zander arrived. Robbie, who had put on a blue T-shirt let him in. He carried the pizza boxes into the kitchen. He wears khaki pants, work boots, and a green T-shirt.

"Robbie, I had a good time at Club Cosmic last night. It was my first time there."
"Glad you enjoyed it. How's work?"
"Day from hell. The new CDH - ugh."

         Adam came down the hall. He had changed into basketball shorts and a New York Giants T-shirt. Everyone grabs a paper plate and digs into the pizza.

"Adam did Desiree give you a hard time over stupid shit?"
"Bro, she wasn't even on the clock when she started with me about the buttons on my shirt and when I came back from my break she stuck me on register stating there's no need for two CDHs on the sales floor. She also took my CDH keys."
"She said something about the buttons on my shirt too. Then she said she couldn't find my name on the schedule. I showed her it's on the schedule under Alexander, so she gave me a new name badge that says Alexander. She said Zander is an unprofessional name."
"I met you when you were two years old and you've always been Alex and only recently changed it to Zander.

"Your new boss sounds crazy." interrupted Robbie.
"She is so hung up on names and appearances. Can you imagine if I still had my man bun?"
"A lot of people are. Last year while dealing with a crazy customer she went after me because I have spiked bleached blonde hair, diamond stud earrings in my ears, and because my name badge says Robbie not Robert so I couldn't possibly be a manager."
"I've known you since high school. You never go by Robert."
"I've always gone by Robbie."
"It doesn't matter to me what your name is, nor should it matter to anyone else."

"By the way, Zander, Desiree can't work past 4PM, so new work schedules starting tomorrow for both of us."
"Say what?"
"I'm working 3:30PM-Midnight Monday-Saturday and 6PM-Midnight on Sundays. You're working Middays Monday-Saturday 10:30AM-7PM and Sundays on Self Check out 8AM-1PM."

          Robbie's landline rings.

"Who's calling your landline?" asked Adam.
"My grandma," said Robbie checking the caller ID.

         Robbie answers the phone.

"Happy Birthday, Robert."
"Thanks, Nana."
"What are you up to, honey?"
"Having pizza with a couple friends."
"Is it alright if I stop by?"
"Of course, Nana."
"I'll be by in about fifteen minutes."
"Alright, Nana. See you then."

         Robbie hangs up the phone.

"Guys, my Nana is going to be here in fifteen minutes."
"Do you want us to leave?" asked Adam.
"That's up to you."
"We'll leave."
"Nana doesn't know that I smoke weed, so take my stash with you. It's in the drawer in the kitchen by the slider."

         Fifteen minutes later Robbie's grandma Nancy was knocking on his front door. He lets her in. They walk up stairs to the family room and sit on the couch.

"Robert, you changed your hair!" exclaimed Nancy.
"Yeah, I did, Nana. Do you like it?"
"It's nice."
"How are you and Grandpa doing?"
"We're okay. He's got one more year before he retires."
"That's nice."
"I got you something," said Nancy.

         She takes an envelope out of her purse. She gives it to Robbie. He opens it. It's a birthday card containing five one hundred dollar bills.

"Thanks, Nana," said Robbie.
"You're welcome, Robert."

         They hug.

"Where did your friends go?"
"They wanted to give us some privacy, so they took off."
"Oh okay."
"You said Grandpa is retiring next year. What about you?"
"I'm going to wait a few more years."

         They sat in silence for a moment.

"Are you dating anyone, Robert?"
"No, Nana. I haven't dated since Kayla broke up with me five years ago."
"Why not? You're a handsome young man. Surely you have no trouble attracting women."
"Nana, Kayla and I dated almost four years. I thought she was the one. Then she dumped me."
"Why did she dump you?"
"Her father caught her smoking weed and blamed me for it."
"Were you to blame?"
"Of course not." Robbie said indignantly. "I'm sure you know how it is. When a father finds out his daughter is doing something he objects to it's always the boyfriend's fault."
"Did you know she smoked weed?"
"No. She hid it from me."
"What about you?"
"No, Nana, I don't smoke weed. Back in high school I tried it once and didn't like it. I never did it again."
"You're such a good boy, Robert."
"I don't smoke or use any drugs. Occasionally I'll have a couple beers or a mixed drink, but never when I have to drive. Drunk driving isn't cool."
"You're such a good boy," Nancy repeated.
"Thanks, Nana. There are two things that I want to tell you, but I'm afraid of what your reaction is going to be."
"What is it, sweetie?"
"My best friend Adam is staying here. He's having some issues with his family. I told him he could stay for free, but he insists on giving me three hundred a month."
"You're a good friend, Robert. What is the other thing you wanted to tell me?"
"I'm a DJ Friday and Saturday Nights at Club Cosmic in Wolcott."
"You're a DJ? How did that come to be?"
"My friend Greg asked me to DJ his wedding. Someone from Club Cosmic saw me and the following week they hired me to be their Friday and Saturday DJ."
"Are you happy with your life?"
"Of course. I love both my jobs and have great friends."
"What do you and you friends like to do?"
"Last night my friends took me up to Club Cosmic to celebrate my birthday. Then we went to Denny's. After that we came back here and chilled. Sometimes my friends and I travel. In June Adam and I went to Richmond for his birthday. Last summer my friends Roland, Ryan, Kyle, and I went to the Lehigh Valley and Baltimore. Sometimes they come here and we watch sports on TV."
"Sounds like you have lot of fun with your friends."
"I do, Nana, but sometimes I also enjoy some alone time to read."
"You like reading, Robert? Good for you. I remember you used to read a lot growing up."
"I vaguely remember you and Grandpa taking me to the old mall in Bristol when The Berenstain Bears came. I was so excited."
"What do you like to read now?"
"I've just started reading Lisa Gardner. Most of her books are about a Boston homicide detective."
"That sounds so interesting. I want to start reading again and will have to look her up. I'm going to get going now, Robert. Happy Birthday, again."
"Thanks, Nana. It was nice seeing you."
"I love you, Robert."
"Love you too. You know you're my favorite gal."

         Robbie walks his Grandma out to her SUV - a dark blue Kia Sportage. She gets in, backs out of the driveway, and takes off down Pleasant Street. She waves to Robbie and he waves back. He goes back in the house and sits on the couch. He takes his cellphone off the table and sees he has a text from Roland. - Chill after I get out of work? Robbie sent a reply - Pick u up @ Marketplace @ 4PM.

         Robbie goes into the bathroom to take a shower. When he comes out fifteen minutes later he's dressed in khaki cargo shorts and an unbuttoned green plaid shirt. Out in the family room he puts on his socks and sneakers. He puts his wallet, keys, and cellphone in his pocket. He walks outside and gets in his SUV. He backs out of the driveway and takes off down Pleasant Street.

         It's twenty minutes to four when Robbie arrives at The Marketplace. He smokes a joint before putting on his New York Giants hat and going inside the store. It's crowded. He finds Roland in the office sitting at his desk drinking a bottle of water. He wears black jeans, sneakers, and his light blue work T-shirt. As usual his bleached blonde hair is spiked and he has a gold hoop earring in each ear. His wears black frame glasses.

"Happy Birthday, Robbie."
"Thanks, Roland."
"I had a good time at your party last night."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."
"I wanted to treat you to Buffalo Wild Wings for your birthday today. You've been a good friend to me in the years we've known each other. "
"You're a good guy, Roland."
"I appreciate that."
"Any more hits on your online dating profile?"
"No. I guess no one wants to date a short, fat guy with bleached blonde hair and glasses."
"There's someone out there for you, bro. You fell in love once. You'll fall in love again."
"What about you, Robbie? You have the looks a lot of women want."
"I'm not looking for love right now."
"Fair enough."
"Anything exciting here at work?"
"Nah. Just an email Greg forwarded to all the Customer Service Managers letting them know The J.M. Smucker Company released a statement that the coupon circulating on social media for a free twenty-two pound bag of Meow Mix cat food is fraudulent."
"I hate scammers and the ones that target animal lovers are the worst."

         Roland leaves the office and goes back to the sales floor. Robbie sits at his desk and checks his work email. He had several wishing him a Happy Birthday, which he would look at later. He also saw the email from Greg. While he didn't have any pets of his own, Robbie was an animal lover.
         He momentarily flashed back in his mind to the day he and Greg came home from school and they had discovered Greg's cat Millie had passed away. It was so sad. She was only seven.They put her in a QVC box and buried her in the backyard before Mr. and Mrs. Peterson got home.
          Robbie printed out the email and left it on his desk for when he returned to work the next day. He logs off the computer. He grabs a bottle of water out of the mini fridge and takes a few sips. Roland returns to the office. He had taken off his work T-shirt and now wears a New York Giants t-shirt.

"You ready Robbie?"
"Yeah, let's go bro."

         The two friends walk out of the store and get into Robbie's SUV. They begin the drive to Buffalo Wild Wings.

"Robbie, I need to tell you something, but I'm afraid of ruining your birthday," said Roland.
"What's on your mind?"
"I'm dying."
"I went the doctor the other day. He told me my heart is badly damaged."
"From what?"
"When I was a teenager I went through a rough time and fell in with the wrong crowd. I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and did some other things. The doctor said the smoking really fucked up my heart. It's also why I'm only five foot seven.
"I'm so sorry, bro. Can't they get you on a list for a heart transplant?"
"The doctor won't do it unless I lose sixty pounds, so there's no hope."
"You can't do that?"
"Bro, you don't think I've tried to lose weight in the past?"
"Since I've known you I've seen your weight go down and up".
"Right and I can't keep it off!"
"Can't you try harder to lose the weight?"
"I can't Robbie."
"You need to do this for yourself and for your friends. I don't want one of my best friends to die at age twenty-six!"

         Robbie was practically in tears. He makes a right into ShopRite Plaza where Buffalo Wild Wings is located in a space at the end of the plaza. He finds a parking space on the side of the building. He takes a bag that has a joint in it out of the center console. He lights it and smokes it, while still thinking about what Roland told him. Robbie finishes his joint and the two friends go inside the restaurant.

         The next day Roland was ringing up customers at the cash register. A blonde woman was unloading her shopping cart. She had a small child strapped in the cart. Roland begins scanning her groceries.

"How are you today?"

          The customer ignores Roland. She finishes loading her groceries onto the conveyor belt and pushes her cart to the bagging area. Roland notices the little boy has a stuffed Clifford the Big Red Dog.

"Hey little, man. I liked Clifford when I was your age."

          The child doesn't respond

"Don't talk to my child, you fucking pervert," said the customer in an irritated tone of voice.
"Excuse me?" responds Roland. He sounds dumbfounded.
"I said don't talk to my child, you fucking pervert!"
"I'm done handling your transaction. I'm calling the manager to finish ringing your order."

         Roland leaves the register.

"Get back here and finish ringing up my order you fucking punk!" The woman yells, drawing looks of shock and disbelief from other customers at her attitude.

         Roland picks up the phone and presses page - "AJ Mancini to Register Seven please. AJ Mancini to Register Seven."

"Get your ass over here and finish ringing up my order!" the woman screams loudly,

         AJ comes to the front of the store. He's dressed in khaki pants, a blue plaid shirt, and sneakers. His black hair is combed and styled with gel. He has a diamond stud earring in each ear. Roland tells AJ what happened. AJ walks over to the register and finishes ringing up the customer.

"About time someone rang up my groceries!" screams the customer. "That fucking punk should be fired." She points at Roland.

"One more word out of you and you're not going to be welcome back here ever again," said AJ."
"Mommy, why does that man have earrings like a lady?" asks the customer's demon spawn.
"Because he's a punk. Only guys who are punks wear earrings."

          AJ quickly finished scanning and bagging the woman's order.

"You're not allowed to shop here any more. If we see you again we'll have you arrested for trespassing."
"How dare you speak to me like that! Do you know who my husband is?"
"I don't give a shit who he is. Now pay for your groceries and get the hell out of here!"

         The woman swiped her debit card. Then she stormed off with her grocery cart in a huff. AJ walked back to the podium where Roland was standing.

"She was a bitch," said Roland.
"No shit."
"I'm going to take a quick breather. I'll be back in a few."

         They go into the office where Robbie sits at his desk eating lunch - a turkey club wrap.

"What's up guys?" asked Robbie.
"There was a woman who was very nasty to Roland and I," said AJ.
"That can't be good for Roland's health."
"What's wrong with his health?"

"I went to the doctor last week. Turns out I have a bad heart. The doctor won't put me on a transplant list unless I lose sixty pounds," replied Roland.
"I'm sorry to hear that Roland. I will help you lose the weight," said AJ.
"I hope you can. I've tried many times and I can't keep it off."

         Three months later after AJ talked to Roland's doctor, Roland was put on the heart transplant list. With AJ's help Roland was able to lose forty of the sixty pounds he needed to lose. It wasn't an easy task. Although Roland constantly told AJ he felt fine, AJ was concerned about making an exercise routine for Roland that was too strenuous.

         It's a cool early November evening. It's forty five degrees at 7PM. AJ and Robbie sit on lounge chairs on Robbie's back deck. They both smoke a joint. Hip-hop music plays on the stereo. Robbie wears basketball shorts and flip flops, while AJ wears jeans and work boots. Robbie had also shaved off his signature bleached blonde hair.

"I still can't get over how different you look without your hair," said AJ. "Why did you do that?"
"It was time for a change."
"That's a major change."
"I'm glad you were able to help Roland lose weight and get him on the transplant list," said Robbie changing the subject.
"The easy part is over. Now comes the hard part - waiting for a donor heart."
"How long will he have to wait?"
"It could be a while. There are many people on the list ahead of him."
"I know this may sound selfish, but isn't there anyway to get him to move up the list?"
"What? You want a twenty-six year old single guy, with no family to move up the list ahead of say a mother of three?"
"No, but...," began Robbie. "Forget I even mentioned it."
"I give Roland respect for losing the weight and keeping it off," said AJ. "I tried getting Eli to lose weight and he's not too motivated. I got him down to three twenty-five and he's been staying in that range. Who would've thought that I would be the Mancini Brother that was in shape and Eli would be the obese one?"
"It's hard, bro. You have to be committed to it."
"I know that. Look at myself."
"Yeah, I know. You were chubby little Tony Mancini. Now you're muscular in shape AJ Mancini."
"Look at yourself. You're still muscular and in shape. Just like you were in high school."
"I'm muscular and in shape now, but for a while I had the dad bod look and didn't care to change that."

         Adam walks out the sliding door and joined Robbie and AJ on the back deck. He wears black jeans, work boots, and a sleeveless T-shirt that show off his muscular arms. He does a double take when he sees Robbie without his signature bleached blonde hair.

"How can someone so smart be so stupid?" said Adam.
"Who?" asked Robbie.
"Zander Taylor."
"What about him?"
"I just had to give his stupid ass a ride home from work because when he went to start his car it blew up."
"How did it blow up?"
"Dumb ass has owned the car for about four years and he told me he never got an oil change and he had been driving around with the oil light on since and I quote "who the fuck knows?"
"So how is dumb ass Zander going to get to work?"
"He thinks I'm going to take him. That ain't happening."
"I could sell him my Terrain. I'll let him have if for ten grand. He can pay me fifty bucks a week for a little over four years."
"What will you drive?"
"I've been thinking bout getting a new SUV. In the mean time as long as the winter weather holds off I'll drive the Camaro."
"Are you sure?"

"I'll sign the title to my Civic over to Zander for free," interrupted AJ. "I've been looking to get rid of it ever since I got my Equinox eight months ago."
"AJ, that's very generous of you to give Zander your car," said Adam.
"Zander is a good guy. He made a stupid mistake. He shouldn't have to suffer."
"That's where we disagree."
"Hard ass."

"Robbie, are you okay?"
"Never better, why do you ask?"
"Because you shaved off all your hair."
"It was time for a change, bro."
"That's a major change."
"It was a major change for you when you used to have that man bun."
"Why wouldn't I be okay just because I shaved my hair off?"
"Don't you remember? Britney Spears shaved off all her hair after she suffered a mental break down."
"I'm not Britney Spears, Adam. Anyway you seem more obsessed with my hair than I was and I was the one going to the salon every four to six weeks to make sure the blonde color never faded."

"What's new with Roland?" asked Adam changing the subject.
"He's down forty pounds and is now on the transplant list," responded AJ.
"As hard as it was for him to lose the weight, the easy part is now over. The waiting for a donor heart is the hard part." Adam sighs.
"There are like eight people on the list ahead of him," Robbie added.
"We need to think positive thoughts for our friend."

         The following week an early season snow storm dumped a foot of snow on Central Connecticut. However after that the temperatures warmed a bit and remained around fifty. Thanksgiving came and went. Robbie hosted all his friends at his house.

         Soon it was twelve days before Christmas. Roland calls Robbie at five in the morning.

"Robbie, I got a message from my doctor they found a heart for me."
"That's great news! "
"I need to get to Midstate Medical Center by eight. My Mom can't leave work early to bring me."
I'll be there shortly to give you a ride."
"Thanks, bro."

         Robbie pushes "end call" on his phone. He puts his jeans on and walks into the bathroom to wash his face, put on deodorant, and gargle with mouthwash.
         Back in his bedroom he puts on his green plaid shirt and buttons the bottom four buttons. He slips on a pair of flip flops and puts on his New York Giants hat at a slight angle. He walks down the hall and out the front door. He gets in his SUV and texts Greg that he was taking the day off. He fastened his seat belt, backs out of the driveway, and takes off down Pleasant Street.
         Robbie hits the drive-thru at the Dunkin near the Days Inn where he orders a Strawberry Coolota. From there it was an eight minute drive to Roland's house in Plainville.
         Robbie pulls up to the curb and honks the horn. Roland came out of the house he shared with his mom. He wears basketball shorts, a red hoodie with the hood up, and sneakers. He opens the door to the SUV and gets in. Robbie takes off.

"Thanks for the ride, bro."
"Not a problem. Anything for a friend."
"My Mom works as a third shift Baker at Panera."
"You nervous?"
"I'm terrified."
"You'll be fine bro."
"I hope so. Bad luck runs in my family. My dad, his brother, and their parents were killed in an accident in New Hampshire when a moose ran into their car. My Mom was five months pregnant with me."
"And you already know the tragic story about my fiance."
"You've had some good luck too. You've got great friends including myself. You have a good job. You were able to lose weight and get on the transplant list."
"You're right."

         They rode in silence the rest of the way to the hospital.

"Good luck, Roland."
"Thanks, Robbie. You're a great friend."
"I'll be back later."

         Roland gets out of the SUV and goes inside the hospital. Robbie takes off. His cell phone rings and he pulls into the parking lot of the mall across the street to answer it.

"What's up Adam?"
"Where are you?"
"In Meriden. I just brought Roland to the hospital. "
"They got a donor heart for him?"
"Yeah. They called him earlier and then he asked me to give him a ride."
"That's great news."
"It is, but he's terrified."
"That's understandable."
"I took today off."
"Want to get breakfast?"
"Sure. Where?"
"The New Britain Diner on Corbin Ave."
"Can you believe in all these years that I've worked in New Britain I've never eaten there?"
"Meet me in the parking lot in about twenty minutes."
"See you then."

         Robbie arrived at The Diner first. The parking lot only had a few cars. He sat in his SUV. About two mins later Adam's Nissan Rogue pulled in and parked next to his.
         They both get out of their vehicles. Adam wears basketball shorts, a blue hoodie, moccasin style slippers, and a backwards Yankees hat.

"Hey, Robbie."
"Hey, bro."

         They fist bump and walk inside the diner. They are seated by an attractive young woman with black hair.

"I'm Jolene. I'll be your waitress this morning. Can I start you off with a beverage?" said the waitress.

          Robbie and Adam both order orange juice. The waitress leaves,the table.

"There's another reason Roland is terrified by this surgery. There's a lot of bad luck surrounding his family," said Robbie.
"Such as?"
"His father, uncle, and grandparents died four months before he was born. Their vehicle collided with a moose. Then there's the tragic accident that killed his fiance."
"I totally get why he's terrified of the surgery."

         The waitress returned with the Robbie and Adam's juices. She took their order - ham and cheese omelette for Robbie. Pancakes with a double order of bacon for Adam.

"We're finally getting a permanent new Assistant CDH. He starts January second," said Adam.
"It's about time. Wasn't it the end of July when Pam got fired?"
"Yeah. They've been rotating CDHs through there every two weeks since then. No one wanted the part time position. The new Assistant CDH is Matt Tomlin. Remember him from high school?"
"Yeah. He was in the Electric Shop, right?"
"Yeah. After graduation he worked for his father's electrical company. When he was twenty-one his father died of a stroke and he inherited the company. Less than a year later he bankrupt the company and at age twenty-two he started working for Stop and Shop in Cromwell."
"How old was his father when he died?"
"How long is Roland's surgery going to take?"
"I don't know for sure, but I looked online and it said up to six hours and he'll most likely be hospitalized for two weeks."
"So he'll miss Christmas."
"That sucks."
"I wish we could do something about it."
"Maybe we can throw together a Christmas feast for him."
"That's not a bad idea."

         Roland's heart transplant surgery was a success and he got out of the hospital two days after Christmas. His doctor recommend waiting at least three months before returning to work and only part time and light duty for the first three months back.
         December 27th was a mild fifty degrees at 2PM. Adam and Robbie sit on the back deck sharing a joint. They both wear basketball shorts and a hoodie. Robbie gets a text.

"Adam, Roland wants to know if he can move in with us."
"He's a nice guy and I have no problem with him moving in."
"Okay, cool. His mom doesn't want him to have any visitors while he's home recovering. That coupled with her no visitor rule at the hospital along with some other things so he's sick of her."
"That pissed me off that we weren't allowed to visit him in the hospital."
"I'll text him back and tell him he can move in with us."

         Forty five minutes later Roland's Dodge Durango pulled up to the curb in front of Robbie's house. Roland gets out of the SUV and walks up to Robbie's front door. He wears jeans, a grey T-shirt, sneakers, and a leather jacket. He rings the bell. Robbie opens the door.

"Roland! Great to see you!" exclaimed Robbie.
"Great to see you too, Robbie!"

         They shake hands and go in the house. In the family room Roland takes off his leather jacket and sits on a recliner. Robbie sits on the other recliner.

"How do you feel?"
"Truthfully, a little tired. I think I over did it today. I packed up all my clothes and belongings by myself."
"You need to be careful, bro. You don't want to end up back in the hospital."
"I know, but how else was I gonna get my stuff here? My Mom won't let you or Adam in the house."
"What's her problem anyway?"
"She's being over protective of me because I'm her only child, but that's her fault for not dating after my Dad died."
"You're twenty-six. She needs to let you live your life. Didn't you tell me you lived on your own before?"
"Yeah, but I didn't have any health problems then."
"Where did you get the leather jacket?"
"After I got discharged from the hospital, I hit the mall and bought it. On sale for two hundred at Macy's."
"Are you crazy? You just had surgery that costs $1.4 million!"
"Yeah and my insurance is covering 75% of that."
"You're still going to have to pay $350,000 out of your pocket. Didn't you know that?"
"Um, no?"
"What did you think was going to happen to the remaining amount that wasn't covered by insurance?"
"I thought it was just going to disappear."

         Robbie felt his brain explode at the stupid thing Roland just said.

"You seriously thought it was going to disappear?"
"That's not how it works, Roland. When something is not covered fully by insurance you have to pay the difference."
"Where the hell am I supposed to get $350,000?"
"Make payment arrangements with the hospital."
"Robbie, you have a lot of money, can't you just give me the $350,000?"

         Robbie gives Roland a look that could have frozen the ears off a snowman.

"Why are you giving me that look, Robbie?"
"You have a lot of fucking nerve asking me for that kind of money!"
"You can afford it."
"I do have a lot of money and I think I'm pretty generous with it. I take you and my other friends out to lunch and on trips. I pay for food and drinks when you all come over for bro time. I donate food to the local food pantry and cat food to the local humane society. I donate to the local festivals in town."

         Adam comes out of the kitchen.

"What's going on guys?" asked Adam.
"This little prick thinks I'm going to give him $350,000 to pay off his medical bills."
"Whoa. How high is he?"
"I know, right?"

         They are silent for a minute.

"Okay. This is what I'm going to do. Roland," said Robbie. "I am going to give you $390,000. You're going to take $40,000 and pay off the Durango. Then you're going to take the remaining $350,000 and pay your medical bill. You will pay me $200 a week. You will also buy a couple of lotto tickets a week and hope you win. Then you will pay me back the $390,000 in full. Got it?"
"I think that's a fair deal, Roland," said Adam. "You should take it."
"I guess I have no other choice do I?"
"You really don't. Meet me outside. We're going to my bank."

         Roland goes out the front door.

"I can't believe you're actually giving him the money. What was that whole deal with you acting angry for him asking?" asked Adam.
"I was going to offer him the money, but then he asked."
"Why are you doing this anyway?"
"I don't want him to be in debt for the rest of his life. If he were to pay thirty grand a year it would take twelve years to pay off that medical debt."

         Robbie goes outside and gets into his SUV. Roland sits in the passenger seat. Robbie starts the SUV and they take off down Pleasant Street

"While I was in the hospital I met a cousin I never knew existed," said Roland.
"Yeah. His name is Jon and he's my Mom's sister's son."
"Your Mom's sister's son?"
"Yeah. My Mom told me her sister died before I was born. Turns out they had a falling out and my Mom disowned her."
"So how did this Jon find you?"
"So are you going to be friends?"
"I think so. That's just another reason why I decided to move in with you and Adam. She's not fucking sane."

         Four days later it was New Year's Eve. Robbie and Adam are DJing The Club Cosmic Throwback New Year's Eve Bash. Doors opened at 8, party started at 9. $15 cover charge per person or $25 per couple. Included a free buffet and a champagne toast at Midnight.
         Robbie wore baggy blue jeans, a lime green Club Cosmic T-shirt, and work boots. As usual he has a diamond stud earring in each ear. Adam wore khaki pants, sneakers, and a blue Club Cosmic T-shirt.

         Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch finished playing. Adam turned on the Mic.

"That was the popular Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. The official Club Cosmic time is 10PM. Two hours til Midnight and our New Year's Eve Bash continues with this one."

         Adam clicked play on the laptop and Here Comes the Heat Stepper by Ini Kamoze began playing. Robbie drinks from a bottle of beer and belches loudly.

"Robbie, how you doing over there?"
"I'm doing okay, bro," Robbie lies.

         At 11:58PM Robbie lay passed out on the floor of the DJ booth. Night Fever by The Bee Gees is winding down. Adam turns on the Mic as the song finishes.

"That was one of my favorites by the Bee Gees. Official Club Cosmic time less than a minute to go before Midnight. We will begin the countdown at 10 seconds before midnight. Champagne Toast. And here we go."

         Adam lead the crowd into a countdown to Midnight and a Happy New Year cheer. Adam pushed play on the laptop and Auld Lang Syne began playing. He gulps down a cup of Ginger Ale. He never liked champagne.
         Robbie remained passed out on the floor of the DJ booth. Adam programmed the laptop to play YMCA by the Village People next. He ran from the DJ booth out to the employee restroom in the lobby. When he was finished doing his business he ran back to the DJ booth. Robbie remained passed out.

"Wake up, you lazy mother fucker," said Adam.

         Adam kicks Robbie lightly, but he still lay on the floor. Adam set the laptop to play Gansta's Paradise by Coolio and Now that we've found Love by Heavy D and the Boys back to back. Kandi the bartender came up to the window of the DJ booth.

"Can I get you anything else sweetie?" she asked.
"Just a pitcher of ice water. I've got to drive home."
"Where's Robbie?"
"Passed out."

         Kandi left the DJ booth. She returned with the pitcher of water less than two minutes later. Adam dumps the pitcher of water all over Robbie. He jumps up off the floor.

"What the fuck bro?"
"You've been passed out for nearly two hours."
"For real?"
"Yeah, bro. For real."
"What time is it?"
"A quarter past Midnight."
"So I missed New Year's?"
"Fuck me."

         Adam turns on the microphone.

"Last call for alcohol. Thanks for coming out to The Club Cosmic Throwback New Year's Eve Party."

         Adam begins shutting down all the equipment. As the dance floor cleared out he and Robbie leave the DJ booth. They go outside and get into Adam's SUV. He starts it and they take off down Wolcott Road.

"What happened Robbie?"
"I drank too much alcohol."
"You're not becoming an alcoholic are you?"
"Of course not. It's New Year's Eve and I wasn't going to turn down free drinks."

         Adam decided to drop the issue. He turns on the stereo. The hip-Hop station 93.7 comes on and they're airing a throwback hip-Hop mix show.

"Any goals for the new year, Robbie?"
"Not really, bro. My health us good and I'm in great physical shape. I have two jobs that I enjoy and I have great friends like Roland, Zander, and you. What more can a guy ask for?"
"What about a girlfriend?"
"That's not important to me, bro. Sure at one time I wanted a wife and kids, but now it's not on my list. The world is crazy and I can't see bringing kids into it. How 'bout you? What are your goals?"
"I want to move on from the Forestville Stop and Shop. You know it's an under performing store. I want to be the head CDH at another location."
"You're going to leave Zander behind?"
"I'm hoping he'll come with me."

         Adam parks his SUV at the curb in front of Robbie's house as Roland's SUV is parked in the driveway next to Robbie's. The two friends get out of the SUV and go inside the house.
         Robbie takes off his t-shirt and work boots. He leaves his boots by the front door and puts his T-shirt in the hamper next to the washing machine. He puts on New York Yankees slippers and goes outside to the back deck, where he finds Roland asleep sitting in a lounge chair. He wears basketball shorts, flip-flops, and a Plainville High School hoodie. Adam joins them outside as Roland wakes up.

"Hey guys. How was Club Cosmic?"
"It was alright," said Adam.

"How was everything here?" asked Robbie.
"Lonely. Can I ask you guys a question?"
"How long have you guys been friends?"
"Adam and I met Freshmen year in high school. Why do you ask?"
"I saw that picture of the two of you at the beach and I was curious about it."
"That was the summer before Senior year. Adam, Eli, and I went to Misquamicut Beach. Eli took that picture. That's why he's not in it. "

"Eli, Greg, and I were on the EC Goodwin baseball team together," said Adam. "I don't know why Greg and Zander didn't come with us."
"I don't know why they didn't come with us either. We hung out together a lot," said Robbie.
"A bunch of us went the following April. Greg came, but got a ride from Aaron Buckley," said Adam. "During the drive back Aaron crashed his car. He was drunk. He and Greg both survived, but Greg's arm was broken and he had to sit out the rest of the baseball season. He missed a chance to play professional baseball. Aaron never got over the guilt of ruining Greg's chance of playing professional baseball, so the afternoon before prom he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger."
"We ended up not having prom. I tried to convince Greg and Aaron to ride back with me. I didn't drink that day, but neither listened. You know how it is. When you're that age you think nothing bad can happened to you," said Robbie.
"Yeah and that's why at twenty-six I had to have a heart transplant. It's also sad about prom," said Roland.
"I have never once driven while drunk," said Adam. "Not even when I was in high school and back then I used to drink a lot of beer. Aaron's accident convinced me without a doubt that drinking and driving is not cool. It also got me to stop drinking as much. Then when I was working in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and I saw something horrible that I will never forget for the rest of my life. Giant Supermarket had just bought the store I was working at. I was sweeping the sidewalk and a drunk driver struck and killed an elderly woman crossing the parking lot. That doubly convinced me that drunk driving isn't cool."

         Adam and Robbie sit down.

"Any resolutions or goals for the new year, Roland?" asked Robbie.
"I have two goals - continue living with my new heart and winning the lottery to pay you back the money you lent me."
"You continuing to live is very important to me," said Robbie. "You're one of my best friends. As for the money it's not very important."
"Thanks, Robbie. You're one of my best friends too."
© Copyright 2020 Marc B 1982 (slydogg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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