Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2225171-You-never-would-have-known-Part-1
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #2225171
Perfect life, perfect wife, She tried to kill him and may now have brought out a monster.
A crimson puddle formed at his feet as Liam fell to his knees, spent in exhaustion. The room seemed to spin around him as he tried to steady himself. He felt this urge to grab on to something; if he didn't, his body would crumple upon the floor. Once he was able to see straight, he saw her laying motionless in front of him. 'Dear god, what have I done?' There was so much blood, all over the place, everywhere. Liam touched the floor, raised his blood stained hands to his face. In front of him, on the cold wooden floor, lay his dead wife. How could have this happened? Did he do this? Liam's head started to spin again as the questions flooded rapidly into his head. She couldn't be dead. Was this a dream or was he seeing things? This was the love of his life, and he couldn't have killed her. He reached up and touched his head above the eye feeling a large lump. How did he get that? Pain started to radiate through his body. The room started to spin as he slipped back into darkness.

She has a smile that could light up a room and Liam knew he was the luckiest guy in the world every time he looked at her. As an artist, this woman had become his muse along with his wife. She was Liam's inspiration in a world that before she walked into it was bleak and unforgiving. Every time he found himself thinking about her he would always flash back to the day they met. How he knew from the minute she literally walked into his life it was fate. It was just about 5 years ago, he was sitting at the counter at his favourite coffee shop drinking a cup of coffee, and eating a piece of their famous cherry pie. She walked in and sat beside him, ordered a piece of cherry pie before turning to him and saying to a six-foot three-inch Liam.

"You do know coffee stunts your growth right?"

Liam had to laugh, and after that the conversation managed to flow between them smoothly. They talked about everything and by the time the sun had set it had felt to Liam that he had known her all his life. They made plans for the next day to go to dinner and a movie. The dinner was good. Great conversation. They saw some bad cheesy horror movie and ended up getting kicked out of the theatre for talking too much as they made fun of the film the entire time. To him it was the perfect date. The parted ways that night with the promise to text or call. He wanted to play it cool and try to wait a day or two before making the next move but that plan didn't go to well because by the time he got home that night his fingers danced across the phone sending messages to set up another date. This time a rooftop picnic on his apartment building. That night with thoughts of the perfect night he had playing on loop in his mind he painted like a madman, and that painting became his first painting in years to sell. At his next art show that he was showcased in. A rich art collector saw promise in it and paid a hefty price tag of ten thousand dollars for it.

The blackness began to evaporate around him, and he was laying on the floor in his house again. The blood puddle had grown even deeper and now he lay in it. He tried to move and a stabbing pain shot like a bolt of lightning in the sky hit him hard and fast. He crumpled back to the ground with the pain he felt threatening to send him back into the darkness again. Liam glanced around as his vision began to come back with red floaters in front of every blink he took. His wife was no longer on the floor, that part had been a dream or something, but she sat across the room from him in a chair holding a gun in one hand and a knife stained with blood. It looked thick and heavy but his wife handled it with ease it seemed.

"Why are you so hard to kill?" His wife asked getting up and sauntering slowly over to him.

He felt what felt like a heavy boot slam into his stomach over and over. He coughed and felt something wen spill from his lips, blood. Suddenly a new kind of pain was introduced into this body. Over and over it felt like his insides were being ripped apart. The pain was so intense. He closed his eyes as he cried out for death to take him already. To stop this torture. Blackness came to him. Was the darkness finally his saviour?

She had become his muse and with her in his life Liam painted like a brilliant madman. Suddenly galleries around the city wanted to display his work, everyone who was anyone knew his name. Hit paintings sold for thousands the minute they went on sale and it seemed everyone just wanted an original painting by him.

Six months after they had met, Liam felt he was ready to pop that big question, and he had no doubts in his head that he wanted forever with her. He had recently sold his first painting in the six digit mark, a quarter of a million dollars and the money was burning a hole in his pocket. Some businessman had paid handsomely for latest piece. So armed with a huge diamond ring he started to prepare the ultimate proposal. He knew he wanted to do something big, something so extravagant it would knock her off her feet. His mind went back to when they met, their first date and the movie they had seen. There was a sequel to the movie out recently, so he set his mind into action and decided to rent out the whole theatre for just him and her.

Liam almost didn't propose that day though, the movie sucked. It had been given a bigger budget the original based on the first ones success but as they watched the credits, he sat there waiting as patiently as he could. The screen went black and his future wife got up to leave, he pulled her back down to the seat and got her to look at the screen one last time as upon it in a black background the words began to appear in a large white font.

"The day I met you, my life became complete and you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I know now that my life would be empty without you in it and every day you inspire me to be a better me and my art to be perfection. Will you do me the honour of spending forever with me and baby will you marry me?"

He pulled out the ring box from his pocket and got down on one knee on what was unfortunately a sticky movie theatre floor. Liam opened the box and waited for a reply.

"Yes I'll marry you!!!"

They wasted no time getting married, within a week they stood before a justice of the peace at city hall. They had rushed into it, but they had no doubts about their love for each other, they had declared it to be some mystical epic love that would last the test of time or, so he believed back then. For a honeymoon they rented a small but beautiful lake front cable deep in the woods with lots of privacy. They made love all day and night, hiked, she would settle in front the fire with what she called a fantastic book, while he would be inspired to paint.

As the years went on, for her his love never lessened. If anything it grew more and more each day but lately his wife had grown distant, he suspected at times maybe she was having an affair. Liam told himself that if she was it would pass, and it was his fault for he spent so much time painting to give her the life she had wanted, after all now a painting from him was pulling in millions.

Liam came to again but this time the house was quiet and dark with the only light coming in was a dull reflection from a streetlight outside. He tried to roll on to his back but couldn't for the pain was so bad. He knew he was going to expire and that his wife was getting what she seemed to want. He could understand why, but he knew now he needed to call for help, that was his only hope, and he needed to do it now. Weak from the tremendous amount of blood loss he felt around for his phone that he usually kept in his front pocket and cried out in a mixture of joy and pain when felt the solid mass of it there resting in its normal spot. Slowly he pulled his phone from his pocket as spasms of pain shot through his body. Covered in blood from himself Liam managed to dial 9-1-1. His eyes started to blur, and he heard a female voice answer.

"Help please"… He managed to speak then his address before everything faded to black again.

The first thing Liam saw when he awoke was the sun shinning in from a window in what else could be considered a very sterile white room. An Iv drip was beside him and the low hum of machines almost lulled him to sleep. A nurse came into the room, and he looked at her, she smiled at him and left. Not long after that a doctor came in.

"Well you are finally awake, you gave everyone quite a scare." The doctor explained. "The police have been waiting for weeks to talk to you now. You should know that they have arrested your wife in connection with your assault. I'll let them know you have woken."

Liam leaned back in bed when a few minutes later a man walked into the room. Not to tall kind of lanky even. He walked up to Liam and extended his hand.

"Hi Liam, it sure is nice to see that you're finally awake. "I'm detective Jackson."

Liam moved to reach out but his body was racked with pain and sunk dejected back into the bed, but he managed to find his voice, which was good because he had lots of questions and no answers.

"I don't know if you have heard yet, but we have arrested your wife and an accomplice, in regards with your attack. " The Detective started. It seems your wife really wanted you dead. Her accomplice turned out to be a man she was having an affair with. I understand you worth quite a lot of money sir,"

Liam's mouth dropped open. It all made sense now. Their bank account was the motive. All his years of painting, the Hundreds of millions in their joint bank account. That evil bitch wanted his money alone for her and her pathetic little boyfriend.

"How did you know it was her? " Liam ask.

"Well it's kind of funny in a very sad way but your wife made one fatal flaw." Detective Jackson started, "She left your guys security system running. The cameras recorded everything.

Liam closed his eyes. Memories of his attack started to flood back into his head, The pain, the knife in his soon to be ex wifes hand, the gun, the blackness and every other little thing. It flood back like someone opened a dam gate of emotions that he wanted to close off instantly but could not no matter how much he tried.

"She is being charged with First degree attempted murder, assault causing bodily harm, aggravated assault, uttering threats to kill, Possession of a stolen weapon, and about ten other crimes. The DA really threw the book at her. She will not be seeing the outside of of a prison cell for many years. I know that won't bring you much peace but I hope that is a start," Detective Jackson spoke as he shuffled to the door.

Something deep in Liams mind snapped. Knowing that did not make him feel better. His life would never be the same. He wanted that soon to be ex wife of his to suffer, he wanted her to die. He wanted to kill her and kill every other evil person who deserved to die a long with her. There were so many evil and horrible people out there that it wasn't fair. When he got out of here maybe it was his turn to help fix the world. Maybe it was time now for true calling in life. Yes it was time, soon the world would get a real hero, one that they really needed.

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