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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2225925
You learn too much about your mother Martha and friend Able due to science gone wrong.
"You sure you don't need anything else, sweetie?" Your Mom, Martha, asked you before you left for your new research internship. "Are you going to get enough to eat at this place? You know I can't have my boy goin' hungry on his first day!"

“I got it, got my lunch already packed,” you replied with a little embarrassed, your Mom making a bit of a scene in front of you friend Able. “If I need anything else I’ll holla, okay?”

Martha flashed a brilliant white smile, going from her place leaning against the door frame and quickly to your side, smothering you with a big hug, and kissing the top of your head. You enjoyed the affection and loved your mother, but your best friend Able was there and it was double embarrassing as he looked on, stifling a chuckle.

“What about your Ma?” You said, disconnecting yourself from the grasp. “You doin’ anything fun today?”

Martha was a bit surprised by the question, but gave a professional looking smile and checked her phone. “You know it, sweetie. I’ve got a meeting today with our radiologic technician, I get to give him a piece of my mind. That should be a good time!”

Your Mom’s enthusiasm didn’t diminish, but you knew that she was overworking herself. When you were a kid, she was always the doting parent, being a solo parent after your Dad passed away early on, but now that you have graduated from high school and are learning the ropes to adulthood, she has thrown herself into her work as head surgeon for the Sisters of Mercy Hospital even more. You never really knew your Dad, but she loved him a ton, and he had never been replaced. Knowing what you know about your Mom, it’s likely that she really didn’t know what to do with her time now that she didn’t have you around to dote on.

“Well alright then,” You said, hoping that she would play some video games or something actually relaxing with her time. “We’re off! Take care, Ma!”

“You too Ben!” Martha shouted back, already having moved to her office space. “Good luck my big scientist man!”


You began walking to your new research position at Penchro Labs, a marine biology laboratory in an odd, conical building down the docks in the small town of Bar Harbor, Maine. It was autumn, and the large star shaped leaves crunch satisfying against your sneakers. While the two of you walked, you voiced your concerns to your best friend Able. He was a caucasion guy, two months older than you were, with tons of freckles and crazy dirty-blonde hair.

“I get it, my Dad was kind of like that for a few months into high school,” he mused, as his sandals snapped against a patch of sand that had invaded the sidewalk, “thankfully, Mom was around to keep him sane and eventually he moved onto woodworking for his midlife crisis… How old is your Mom anyway?”

“Mm… 36 I think,” you replied.

“Oh, wow!” Able responded in sincere surprise. “She had you young, dude, holy shit. Well… in reference to her plans… I mean, objectively… she is pretty hot.”

“Hey!” You quickly lambasted, giving him a playful punch on the arm, “Dude, not cool!”

“Sorry!” He said, playfully rubbing his arm, “It's true! I won’t deny it! If she wanted to go on dates with guys, she totally could! There aren’t too many who live in this part of the world with that dark skin, either. I’m sure there are some guys who are attracted to that, it’s pretty unique up here. All I’m sayin’ is that if she wanted to go have a good time, meet some people… she could. Sounds like she’s just working to distract herself at this point.”

That last thought hit home for you. It did feel like there wasn’t much that you could do. Your Mom and yourself never got much along in regards to interests. She liked hokey sci-fi and romance novels, and you were always a big fan of first person shooter video games. Maybe time was all she needed?

Your thoughts on your Mom quickly disappeared as your feet touched the dock, with the strange conical building in sight. Able and yourself, after taking a year off after graduation, both decided to start your college education by getting some credits working for Penchro Labs before going to the local community college. While the place was bizarre looking and people who worked there were all the stranger, it was nearby to the neighborhood which you both shared, so it was an easy choice for convenience sake. The two set foot, together, and began orientation.


You and Able worked together with various scientists acting as lab assistants, making observations together on the deep sea marine biology with a Doctor by the name of Pruitt, an Indian woman in her mid 50’s who was so eager and excited about the simplest things, it was contagious. In week two, Doctor Pruitt introduced the two of her new assistants to her biggest new discovery.

“This is it, gentleman,” she stated, standing in front of a small glass enclosure that sat on the table in her personal office. “What you have unknowingly worked towards all of your lives! Behold!” She pointed toward the sea-water filled enclosure. It bubbled ominously at belt level, but didn’t seem to hold any sea life. You looked at Able confused as he shrugged.

“Doctor,” you questioned. “I don’t see anything in here.”

“Exactly!” Pruitt replied excitedly. “It is almost imperceptible… but what you see before you is an entirely new species. The Encephalon Scyphozoa. A newly discovered species of jellyfish. Please, if you would, Mister Able, place your head next to the enclosure.”

Able did so, albeit nervously, and then you saw it. Still, only barely, a near imperceptible ripple in the water approached Able’s head, glomming onto the glass of the enclosure like a piece of saran wrap.

“Woah,” you breathed. “What is it?”

“I’m still determining that!” Pruitt spat excitedly. “But, it is almost parasitic in nature. The creature in question appears to live off of… get this, brain waves!”

Able quickly moved back from the case. “What?!”

“Indeed!” Pruitt repeated, “Brain waves! It doesn’t seem to do any actual harm to the hosted fish that we used for our preliminary experiments. They simply go on like nothing is happening as it sits right above the hosts brain or spine. Then, once the creature is satisfied, the “mind jelly” simply goes about its business.”

Pruitt put her face close to the glass and the slight plastic ripple, almost excitedly, moved towards her obviously huge mind. “We believe that this little fellow, with its non-invasive method of entering a creature’s nervous system, could hold the key to brain surgery or even nervous repair… it is exciting. To that end, you must keep this secret my wonderful learning minds!” She clapped the two of you on the back, joyously. “Now, I have your first big task for our little jelly friend. Not to be eaten with peanut butter!”

That wasn’t the first time you heard that Dad joke, as the Doctor handed you a small case of four vials. “Now, bring these to the centrifuge downstairs! They contain the DNA of the mind jelly, so do be careful!”

The two of you quickly began making your way across the compound. You handed the small velvet case containing the small brittle vial with the liquid cells, almost indistinguishable to the fluid it was kept in, floating ominously. You observed it carefully as the two of you made your way down the stairs to the lab.

“So strange,” you said, almost mystified by the liquid and this new discovery. “Maybe I should get a career in marine biology? This stuff is fascinat-”

Your thoughts were interrupted by the second to last step, which you thought was the last step, and you fell flat on your face. Able laughed for a moment, then looked at the cut in your hand from the broken vial.
“Ah shit,” he stated. “Did any get on you?”

You quickly looked down to the broken vial. The fluid was on the floor where you took your tumble, next to a small bloodstain. “I don’t think so,” you quickly said, noting that the vial broken in your hand, that probably wasn’t true, but you didn’t want to worry Able.
The two of you called the Doctor, who gave you a friendly scolding for your improper handling of test materials, disinfected and bandaged the wound after about a two hour observation period. Nothing of note happened, though you would state you saw strange flashes at the side of your eye every once and awhile. The two of you were eventually sent home with no further issue.


It was dinner time at your four bedroom brownstone, and you regaled your Mom Martha with the day events as she sat attentively, enjoying the lasagna you made together. You had eaten about a slice, but didn’t feel like eating more. Still, you felt hungry. Maybe it was time for desert?

“Everything goin’ okay?” Your mother asked, concernedly. “You look like you’ve got somethin’ on your mind. Want to talk about it?”

“Naw, I’m alright Ma,” You respond. “Thanks though. You want I should do the dishes?”

Your Mom gave another big smile. “No worries, my big, strong, workin’ man. Let Mama take care of that. You focus on getting the ice-cream.”

You were thinking the same thing as you began to collect the dishes and put them in the sink with the soaking lasagna pan. Martha gave you a thumbs up as she put on her on her comically large yellow gloves and got to work, putting even professional dishwashers to shame with her efficiency.

You reached for the ice-cream scoop in the utensils drawer but stopped. The lights were back, sitting on the corner of your eyes. Putting two hands on the counter, you looked directly at it, but ended up just seeing your Mom, busy at work in the sink, long, curly brown hair bobbing to music that only she could hear. You shook your head to grab the scoop, but… there the light was again, this time even brighter. You closed your eyes and focused on the lights, keeping your eyes shut this time. You look towards them, and really put focus on the bright sparks. Now you could see them clearly, floating there, beautifully blowing up like fireworks. Finally, you reach out to touch them, and the lights… vanish.


The first thing you remember hearing is your mother’s voice, but not in your ears- in your mind. Like an obtrusive thought. Her voice sounded different though. Clearer.

“I hope everything is okay, he seems to be distracted…” you heard in your head. “I wonder if him and Able had a fight. Those two boys really like eachother. I wonder if he’s gay? What would I do if he was… Support him, of course. Stupid. Man, to even think about dating again is j-”

Then the thoughts stopped abruptly. You chuckled at the thought of you being gay for Able. Best friends yes but… the chuckle that you chuckled was not your chuckle. You felt different. You felt strange.

Your eyes flew open at once, focused on your idle hands in the sink. “My hands?” You thought, hearing the thoughts back, again in Martha’s voice. They were indeed the hands attached to your body… but they weren’t your hands. Slowly, shakily, ignoring the new curves of your torso, you removed the yellow gloves to reveal your mother’s carefully painted and manicured hands. “Holy shit,” you verbalised, feeling their smoothness. The colors from the yellow gloves seemed brighter, more vibrant than ever, as was your mother’s bright purple blouse. Upon inspection of the blouse, you also felt newly top heavy… and bottom heavy. You staggered as you attempted to step, your balance feeling all wrong, your body jiggling in new and strange ways.

“Oh shit oh shit oh shit,” you stammered unintentionally, feeling very strange. You looked back, expecting to find your body sitting next to the utensil drawer. Nothing, the freezer door lay open where you expected to grab the rocky road but a moment ago. You shut it, and started to freak out, looking in a nearby mirror in surprise, making faces using your mother’s face. Martha’s face. Your big, glossy lips creased into a smile, then into a frown, you bat your mascara covered eyelashes, it was like you were controlling your mother, or turned into her. You put your hands on your face, and she did the same. It was bizarre. Your curiosity was overwhelming but your main concern was if this was permanent, if you were permanently stuck from your Mom’s perspective. It must have been the mind jelly dna, messing with your brain or something. You didn’t know, but there was only one person to call.

You practically leaped for your phone you left on the dining room table, and attempted to get it to open. After fives attempts, the fingerprint reader put a soft lock on your phone. “Of course that doesn’t work, calm down, think rationally…” You entered your pin into the phone and messaged Able.

Hey, need help, kind of big emergency, please come quick, you typed.

After about the longest six minutes of waiting, your front door flew open and Able rushed in, looking slightly winded, his bike thrown unceremoniously down on the porch behind him.

“Oh, Mrs. B,” he breathed a sigh of relief. “Sorry, my boy Ben needs me, is he around anywhere?”

Calmly, you stood up from the chair you were white knuckling a moment before, and pulled his bike inside, gently closing the door behind you. Then you went into meltdown mode.

“Able! It’s me! It’s Ben” You yelled, putting your new hands on his taught shoulders. “I’m my mom! I don’t know what happened!” Tears began to stream down your eyes, clouding your view of your friend’s face. “I was just looking at her and then suddenly I was her! I don’t know what’s happening! I may be stuck like this!”

Able’s face scrunched, and took a minute to take the info in, as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve. “Oh… okay… uh… B-Ben…” He shakily stated. “Uh… so, describe what you saw. Let’s… figure this out.”

You began to explain as Able got you a glass of water, he was quiet during the explanation about the lights and the ice cream scoop. Then, after you mentioned the text, he finally spoke.

“Yeah… I’m still doubtful,” Able confirmed, “but… you texted me first. This wouldn’t be a Ben move. The dude… y-you, don’t like pranks at all.”

You nodded, sniffling, and pushed the curly locks out of your face that got misplaced.

“So…” Able continued, “It must be the jellyfish. You got that stuff in your bloodstream, and now something funky is happening. It sounds so… sci-fi, but I can’t think of anything else. Look directly at me and close your eyes.”

You nodded your consent and attempted to regain your focus. After a moment, you saw the lights again. A bit duller than they were previously, but you could see the signals going off where your friend was standing. “I… see them,” you stated flatly, more elegantly than you imagined. “They are so beautiful.”

“Uhh… right,” Able stated. “Okay, so… just to confirm, let’s do an experiment. I trust you, Ben. Reach out like you did before. If anything happens-”

Able speech was cut off when you did so. A moment passed. Then you heard them again. The intrusive thoughts. But this time, in the voice of your friend Able.

“This situation is so bizarre,” they began, mimicking his cadence. “God his Mom is so hot. What? He’s so hot? What is even happening, maybe this jelly fish thing has-”

Like before, the conversation stopped mid thought. You looked at your hands, the skin much light than your own, and coarse from all the bike riding they did. The torn jeans, the teal sweater, it was Able. You were Able. You looked up to your Mom, Martha, sitting in the seat you were sitting in previously. Good, not stuck. She was busy staring towards the kitchen.

“Mo- uhh, Mrs. B., are you okay?” You managed to stammer out.

Martha looked towards you and grinned, shaking her head, and letting out a sigh. “Oh! Able! Yes, I’m quite well, thanks. Just lost in thought for a moment. Man, I could really use that ice cream! Where did my son get off to?”

“Oh, well, B-Ben just ran upstairs to his room,” You replied awkwardly. “But how are you doin’?” That second question was meant to sound more worried, but it came out almost like a come on. You just weren’t used to talking with Able’s voice yet, you figured.

Martha batted her eyelashes as she stood. “Such the charmer! Those girls better watch out!” She laughed, before touching her eyelid to feel the dampness caused by your freakout. “Ah geez. Must be allergies, my mascara is running. I’ll be right back dear, tell Ben to get the ice cream ready!”

You blinked in disbelief as you watched your mother swagger away, eyes transfixed on the body you just inhabited. Martha had no idea what just happened, moving on with her day like she didn’t freak out with you piloting her. But now you were stuck inside Able, which, while less awkward than pulling your Mom around, was still strange. You needed to figure out how to get back to yourself and quickly. So an idea formed, a hypothesis to test.

Pulling out a napkin, you wrote down “this is Able. I am a huge dweeb. I would take my own lunch money if I could..” The handwriting was distinctly yours, even using Able’s slightly bigger hands. Then, you said aloud, “My favorite condiment is my own toenails!” A few seconds passed. Finally, you decided to go find your Mom, which didn’t take long as she was finishing applying her mascara, as she found herself back down the stairs. As she turned the corner towards the kitchen, you found her lights, she turned to greet Able, only to have your eyes fly open, staring at Able, once again.

“It seems like Mr. Able is following me around the house, I wonder if he has a question?” You heard your Mom’s thoughts once again, as they cycled through your head almost like a conversation. “He sure is over late, I wonder if my Ben really does prefer men? Or maybe he’s here for me? Ha, well I doubt th-”

You blinked and Able blinked back. He took a moment, looked around, and then asked, “...Ben?”

You nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief. “So… I need you to do me a favor…” You stated, moving over to the table, jiggling uncomfortably once again in areas you were growing increasingly curious to explore. You held up the napkin. “Why did you write this?”

Able shrugged. “Uh… I thought it would be funny to write a note in your handwriting.”

“And that comment about the condiments?” You followed up.

“Oh! Well, I thought that would be funny too… I don’t eat toenails.” Able took a moment and looked confused. “Why did I do that… Wait, you had control over ME didn’t you?”

You nodded, leaning against the dining table and playing with your curly locks idly. “Yeah… it seems like the person who is being controlled will make up memories to account for their own behavior… as far as I can tell. Super weird.”

Able snapped. “It’s the thing about the fish! Remember what Dr. Pruitt told us? They go about their business like nothing happened. Must be that… the jelly DNA entering your bloodstream caused some change inside you so… maybe you just have to think a bunch and you’ll just leave naturally? After you’ve eaten enough brain waves?”

“Hm… makes sense, let’s go to the living room,” you said, “Mom has a stack of books she can use.” You said uncertainly in Martha’s sweet timbre. “Actually, you find the smartest books you can find. My… back is utterly killing me.”

Able nodded but then looked back at you. “Wait, why?”

Martha’s dark skinned face flushed red slightly, and you responded, uncomfortably. “I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be in here, but considering you’re the only other person here and I can’t use your help while simultaneously helping myself… I need to stay in… in Mom. And that means that I needed to get ready for the long haul. I… I’m going to take off this bra. This shit hurts.”

Able nodded again before his pale face flushed red, looking up at you. “Wait- no, do you really need-? … Can I hel-”

“Yes, I need to,” you snapped back, “and I don’t need your help!”

You retreated to the downstairs bathroom and shut the door behind you. You looked at your Mother’s face in the mirror with another moment of confusion, before realizing that was the face you were wearing. “Weird,” you said under your breath. But you found the pain biting into your shoulder to be too much to bear. Did Mom live with this all day?

You looked down at your chest from the bathroom mirror and your face turned a deeper brown-red from embarrassment… and… something else.

“Damn,” you heard your mother’s internal dialogue once again. “I look good.”

You ripped the band-aid off and pulled off the blouse constricting you, revealing your mother’s upper torso almost fully naked, sans her lacy purple bra. You gulped nervously and pushed her breasts together, causing a strange sensation coursing through your body. “Holy shit, they’re massive,” you breathed, never considering her shapely tits before. You struggled, reaching to her back to undo her bra. You tried. You tried until you were red in the face. But this was your first time attempting to undo any bra. Twenty minutes must have passed.

“Hey Ben,” you hear Able from the other side of the door. “You sure you don’t need-”

His question was interrupted when the door flew open, revealing the red faced Martha. “Woah!” He exclaimed.

You quickly turned, putting your hands over your breasts and revealing the bras straps to Able. “Okay, but make it quick,” you conceded.

With shaking hands, Able undid the bra’s hooks and the purple straps fell to both sides. “Holy shit,” he whispered, noting the tag, “34 DD that’s-”

The door quickly closed in front of him. You closed your eyes, not wanting to ruin your Mom’s modesty, and slid her purple blouse over her head. The outlines of her nipples could not be seen from behind the fabric, and the jiggling was definitely worse than before, but it was near instant relief to have that thing off.

You found Able in the living room section, face still reddened from the encounter. “Here’s-your-book-Mrs. B!” He spat, pulling out a book on heart surgery from under the pillow he had on his lap.

You looked at the book. John Hopkins on Cardiothoracic Surgery. You blinked, turning to the first page. “I know this one already,” you stated as you idly flipped through the book. Then your eyes widened. You did know this already. You can remember with perfect clarity almost every word from that book. Then all the info came rushing into you of every surgery you’ve ever performed. Every text you’ve read or written. All at once. It was so much information simultaneously, rushing into you all at the same time.

“Ow…” you stammered, buckling from your seat on the couch to your knees. “Owwwww! Too much!”

“Hey!” Able quickly came to your side. “You okay Ben? Hey, listen to my voice, it’s going to be okay.”

Able spoke quietly and carefully, and eventually you came out of the strange knowledge stupor. Your head still ached, but the biting pain was gone. You looked up with admiration.

“How did you learn to do that bro?” You breathed.

Able shrugged. “My sister has anxiety. I learned crisis management from her so I could help her better.”

You stammered a thank you and got to your feet. “So… I don’t think I want to try that again. I think I may have my Mom’s entire knowledge of surgery now… but like simultaneously. It was too much. Let’s do something else to engage my brain so I can get outta here.”

Able stood. “What did you have in mind?”

You grinned. “Video. Games.”


Still observing Martha’s modesty, you wanted to change into some pajamas, but realized your Mom didn’t have traditional pajamas, only nightgowns. Knowing you didn’t want to mess with that, especially with Able around, you went to your room instead, and dug out a pair of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. You thought you would have to use the drawstring more, but no, Martha apparently had been doing squats recently.

You set up your game station and put in the latest first person shooter. This was good. This was familiar. And it would be just like hanging out like normal. As Able came into your room, and the way he looked at you as he entered, it didn’t feel normal. He quickly moved his attention to the screen of the small tv and grabbed a controller. The situation was certainly unusual. Playing video games like nothing was wrong, even though you were inhabiting the body of an admittedly buxom mid-thirties woman who gave birth to you. If this didn’t work, you would have to call Dr. Pruitt, but that also ran its own risks. What if the greater scientific community found out about this? Would they dissect you?

You shook your head, again knocking out a few strands of brown curly hair. Those questions were going to have to wait. Let’s figure out the situation here and now, and that would be a last resort.

Able did his best to make the situation as normal as possible. The two of you leaned against your bed frame while sitting on the floor, drinking sugary drinks and eating snacks. You noted that your mother’s taste buds didn’t seem as fond of the surgery drinks. After about an hour, nothing had changed. But it was fun, and the colors were more vivid than ever.

A thought popped into your head. “Okay, new plan, same as the old plan but with a slight change.” You disappeared from your room for a moment and returned… with wine bottles and an opener.

“Oh hell yeah,” Able exclaimed. “My folks don’t let me bring booze home. You think you’ll be able to drink yourself out of your own Mother? Man that was weird to say.”

You shrugged. “It’s worth a shot. I’m running out of ideas.”

Popping the cork of the first bottle, you continued to play online, getting progressively worse as the second bottle was popped. You felt sloshy, and Able’s face was flushed, but you were buzzed, not drunk.

“Damn it,” you sighed, sticking another cheese puff in your mouth. “S’not working.”

“You’re not being competitive enough!” Able yelled.
“C’mon, let’s one v. one with some stakes,” he stated confidently turning on local multiplayer. “Whaddya want? Normal bet?”

You sat up attentively. You’ve beaten him every time since he suggested this tactic, and you loved to win. “Fine then, you owe me a pizza, stuffed crust. If you win, which you ain’t, what do you want?”

Able sobered up for a second and succinctly stated “motorboat.”

You scoffed for a moment thinking “I don’t own a boat myself, how will I-”

“Wait, hold on-” You quickly retorted in a moment of realization.

“No you hold on!” Able pleaded defensively, “This is a once and a lifetime opportunity! How will I know if I’m ever gonna get a chance with such a hot, older woman again? Especially one being piloted by my best f-friend?” He slurred. “I would do the same for you, c’mon-”

“It’s my Mom, dude!” You exclaimed, sounding so strange coming from your mother’s sweet voice.
“I would- do- the- same!” He stated. “Unless you’re gonna puss out on th-”

“Fine!” You retorted, “But you ain’t gonna win!”

The two of you squared off on your favored map “Oxidation” and while you were distracted with the thought of your best friend man-handling your Mom, you were confident in your skills. You took the first two rounds, but then you heard your Mother’s voice again, at the back of your mind. “He’s so young and he’s into me,” you heard her coo, “I didn’t know I still had that effect on people.” You looked at your friend as round three started; handsome, strong square chin, decently in shape due to all his cycling, so many great features put in a single package, it was hard to deny that-

“Yes!” Able exclaimed taking round 4, making the score 2 to 2. “C’mon, I need the keys to that boat!”

That last pigheaded compliment put you back into focus. You had him surrounded with one way out. You just had to wait out the clock or wait for him to leap out of his building. But the opportunity struck. And you hesitated. And you lost- it seems, on purpose.

“Finally!” He cheered, he grinned a brilliant smile at you, before that smile vanished, and he looked sheepishly. “I was… just kidding,” he said. “I mean… I know this situation...”

You looked hard at him, pursing your glossy lips. Opportunity was knocking. This body, while it was familiar to you, wasn’t explored, and the temptation was always sitting at the back of your mind. Your Mom’s subconscious seemed to be begging for it to be explored, to let her loose. You didn’t know how long you were going to be in this body for, or if you were trapped here.

“Fuck it,” you stated flatly, sitting at the edge your bed, pulling off the ill fitting black tshirt, revealing your beautiful, bouncing breasts to yourself and to your friend, who blanched at the sight. You looked at them casually at first, giving them a test bounce with your soft manicured hands. Then you felt that feeling again. Arousal. You were being unleashed from all your worries. You sat up straight, looking at your friend, red faced on the floor. You bat your eyelashes and looked wryly at him, pulling some seduction skills from the corners of Martha's mind unintentionally.

“Oh, Mister Able,” you teased. “I thought you had the keys to the boat? You’re not just going to let it idle here are you?”

Able was aroused but indecisive. You decided to take matters into your own hands. He won the bet after all. You stood from the bed and moved over to him, sitting flatly on his lap so his face was eye level with your beautiful tits. You pushed your body against his face, and another wave of pleasure coursed through your body. You audibly gasped, feeling his own bit of hardness between your legs, pushing against you.

You knew at that moment that, even as yourself, even as Ben, this is something you wanted. You couldn’t deny this attraction. Able was handsome and fuckable. You were definitely bisexual, and from his reaction, he probably was too. Finally, mustering the courage, Able grabbed both breasts in his hands and stuck his face between them. You gasped again, feeling the lace panties you were wearing under your sweatpants grow wet. Your mother’s subconscious was spurring you on.

“Yes, yes, please keep going,” it nearly screamed. Then you realized that you verbalized this. She was more in control than you suspected. You felt Able’s coarse hands grasp your hips, and his full lips kissing your neck, you stuck your hands in his long, dirty-blonde hair and ran it through, smelling his shampoo, you were lost in these new sensations. You caught his gaze and locked lips with him, sticking your tongue into his as you grabbed onto his sides and began grinding your hips against his.

“Tell Mama what you want,” Your mother hissed in his ear, detaching from you almost completely. “What can mama do for you, sweet Able?”

Able didn’t respond for a moment, face contorted with ecstasy. “Ride me, Martha,” he said, biting his lip.

You smiled now, grasping that control back, pulling him onto the bed, and pulling his pants from his legs. You saw his truth, an unkempt bush and uncircumsized dick, twitching every time his heart beat. You pulled off your sweatpants and panties, revealing your own unkempt bush, ready to be riding again for the first time in seventeen years. You wanted it, you knew, to become active, to find someone to love you again, but the dating scene had changed so much since you last entered it, you weren’t sure if your confidence would hold. This was evidence enough it didn’t matter.

You tried to shake your thoughts from Martha’s but they were intertwined now, both wanting the same thing. You began to rub your mound against the staff in front of you. Not the largest you’ve seen, but it would do more than enough. You lowered yourself onto it and started to squirm as it entered, you couldn’t help but let a loud moan escape, and Able cemented your place there with two strong hands on your hips. You couldn’t handle it, and you began to shiver, causing Able to let out a forceful sigh as the eruptions shook him too. Your wide, birthing hips easily fit on top of your friend’s slender frame, as if they were meant to be there, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Using your leg strength alone, you began to thrust up and down, as the hands reached up to fondle your breasts, quickly followed by an eager mouth.

It didn’t take long for the effect to reach your core as you felt Martha’s eager vagina begin to quake over and over, you grabbed onto Able's chest and let forth an “Oh God!” before falling forward, soaking the man below you and your bedsheets. You grabbed hold of his firm body and continued to shake for a few moments, wrapped up in your first orgasm, until you finally stopped to breathe.

You about to say something snarky, when quickly, Able flipped the two of you around, now with you on your back. You looked up at him in a whole new light, aroused and impressed. “Wait… how are… you not…”

Able wasn’t done, and that much was obviously when he thrust into your sensitive new area. You grabbed the bedsheets in sudden surprise and ecstasy and let out a laugh of pure joy. “Oh Daddy! Take me!” You crooned.

“That’s the plan,” Able smirked, corny as ever as he thrust again and again, not allowing your body a moment to process what was about to happen. You moaned loudly, not letting any awkwardness ruin your fun, feeling the force of the penetration and eating up every moment of it. He got on all fours for more impact, pushing himself deeper into your eager vagina and grabbing you by the shoulders.

“Are you ready?” He breathed in your ear, your chests touching, feeling the sweat, and smelling his hair once again.

“Yesss,” you hissed back, wrapping your legs around his hips. “Give it to me Daddyyy-”

The last thought was interrupted by another orgasm, quickly followed by one of his own as his endurance finally quick, his hot, wet semen shooting into you. Wave after wave of pleasure hit. One after another, until your essence was shot out of Martha's gasping mouth, causing you, fully reformed and fully clothed after a brief moment of liquidity, to be shot out into the hallway.

You tried to stand, but you felt the alcohol. All the booze you seemed to drink as Martha came along with you. You pulled yourself into the nearby linen closet, and passed out.


The next morning you awoke at around 11 AM, to find your Mom changing your sheets, beaming like the day you graduated high school.

“Good morning, sweetie!” She greeted. “Sorry, your friend Able came over last night and slept in your bed while you were sleeping downstairs. I’m just cleaning your sheets because he used them. Is that okay?”

“Uh… yeah,” you stated, figuring that you sleeping downstairs was the excuse Able gave your Mom as to why he was in your room. But there were other questions. “You feeling okay, Ma?”

She pulled off the stained comforter from your bed and folded it into the basket. “Feelin’ fine, sweet pea.” She responded. “Though I’m sad we never got to eat that ice cream last night.”

“Yeah,” you agreed, breathing a sigh of relief. “Me too.”

Things resumed to normal after that. You didn’t try to use your power again, for fear of having to do something extreme to get out of it again. Dr. Pruitt never knew exactly what happened to you, but you tried to learn all that you could about these strange fish, and started the process to begin your associates in marine biology. Able didn’t bring up what happened again, the both of you deciding to sit on any weird feelings. Or at least so you thought.

Three months later, after a short paddle boat date with a former classmate which didn’t go anywhere, you came home and were greeted with a strange sight. Able answered the door.

“Hey dude, have a nice trip?” He asked nonchalantly.

“I mean, it was okay,” you responded. “Why are you-”

“Hey darling, come on in!” You Mom called from behind Able. “Come sit down!”

You sat down on the sectional, and Able sat next to you. Your Mom sat… next to Able.

“What is going on?” You questioned suspiciously.

“So, sweet pea,” Your Mom began, face flushed slightly. “I just wanted to let you know that, Able and myself, we… well, we’ve been seeing each other for about three months now.”

“What- no-” you started.

“Yep,” Able verified.

“Yes, and well, he’s proposed, last night at this beautiful spot at the docks” she continued with a twinkle in her eye and a smile in her face as she looked at the cheap ring on her manicured finger.

“What… no…” You stammered, stunned.

“Yep,” Able verified.

“I figured it would come as somewhat of a short, so we decided to get all of the news out of the way at the same time, as you were going to figure out sooner rather than later,” she continued. “It was a moment of passion that led to a fulfilling relationship with this wonderful man, I’m sorry we kept it a secret but we weren’t sure it was going to last.”

“I mean,” you struggled, “I mean… I guess… but… wait, there’s more news?”

“Yep,” Able verified.

“Yes!” Your mother said delightedly, holding her slightly bulging stomach. “You are going to have siblings!”

“What… wait… siblings? … Two?”

“Yep,” Able verified.

You put on your best smile but couldn’t help keep your angry eyes leveled at your friend keeping a secret relationship with your Mom going for three months. “I’m so happy for you,” you said through gritted teeth.

Martha gave a single kiss on your forehead. “Thanks sweetie! I’m excited to! Let me go get some ice cream to celebrate.

Able gave a loving smile to Martha as she left, then looked back at you. “Nice right? Man who woulda guessed.” He looked back at you, but your eyes were firmly shut now. “Wait hold on, no-”

You grasped at the lights behind your eyelids.

You heard the familiar sound of your friend's internal monologue.

‘“Ah, shit.”


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