Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2230167-The-Twilight-Zone-2020
Rated: E · Article · News · #2230167
a changed world.
Like something out of a Steven King book, our world has changed in every facet of life. The way you view your neighbor, the stranger on the bus, a person walking towards you on the street, the people you pass in the supermarket. They all can potentially be carrying the killer virus. Why is it they say that some have an immunity to it, but are carriers? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but this is some out of worldly stuff. As I ponder, how often i should really be going shopping for food or whatever, some establishments making it mandatory that you wear a mask. When I went to the bank the other day, I was told to take a seat, and they would call my name. These new rituals are very abusive in so many ways. I hate the feeling of a mask over my nose and mouth. The shopping experience has now become strained. It used to be somewhat entertaining to go to the supermarket or the mall for some retail therapy. Not for me anymore. Will they soon make a vaccine mandatory, or you will be refused to fly, or otherwise mingle in society? I am noticing a lot of things that are giving me the creeps. For starters I am not taking a vaccine, or will I be bullied into a chip under the skin so they can track my every movement. This is more than any of us know, but i can see it is about control. We are all living in a communist like community now, with a boss call Covid.

Don't take your life for granted, but also be ready for what is coming. Can't put a finger on it just yet, but it is not looking good. If we can overcome this pandemic, be ready for the next wave of.........killer flu.
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