Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2235262-Broken-Hearted
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #2235262
Loooong day segregation is alive and well.
Today was hard I saw a segregated playground in 2020 was broken hearted babies don't know that they taught that. Who does that? Shame on the parents watched the whole thing unfold until I could take it no longer and left. Tried to escape to the church and it was no better and my mom kind of said in a round about way I got what I deserved for continuing to put myself in those spots. Watched the white mom pull her 3 babies off the playground away from the brown babies one set of African American and the others Indian/Spanish kids. Watched the whole thing from the start the white ones were there first then the black kids than the Indian/Spanish came last. The white kids were happily playing until the black kids showed up then the stopped and ran to the swings but keep looking and circling the jungle gym like we want to play here but not with you and we were here first. Then once the mom who was busy on her phone became aware of the situation instead of her making it better she pulls them off the playground period into the nearby field to play alone with her. So what have you taught them nothing and the little brown babies weren't playing with the other brown babies either but at least they kept play on the same jungle gym. Every kid was playing with their on culture it was sad I watched hoping they would all play together they didn't I left. this must stop this is not cool and it sure isn't Godly. These be some of the same folk in church on Sunday saying thank you Jesus and what not really? I noticed these folk in this town like it segregated in almost every area of life now there are some here that don't care but most care even when they say they don't care about race and it's no big deal. This is not a reflection of Christ or his true Body of believers but it's still hurtful that this seems to still be a reflection of the American way. There's no segregated Heaven folks so those planning to go need to learn to love all. You however will be segregated in Hell if you are planning to go, you going to be all by yourself there, though many will be there.
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