Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2236749--Georges-hot-and-steamy-adventure
Rated: E · Chapter · Activity · #2236749
George embarks onto a adventure hoping to snap a picture, George is a photographer.
Chapter 1:The Beginning. M.rs Sparks: Ok class what do we know about volcanos? anybody? Emily! Emily: Yes, did you know volcanos are basically a opening place for the earth? It shoots out lava and ash which the lava can reach thousands of degrees of Fahrenheit. basically a rocket of magma and ash. M.rs Sparks: Very good Emily! Anyone else? *George slightly raises his hand while he's a little nervous* M.rs Sparks: George go ahead! Tell us what you know. George: Well first off volcanos are easily one of the most dangerous things or natural disasters in the world. They can be very devastating, look at Pompeii. It's covered in ash and hundreds of body's have been discovered from the spot they were before their inevitable demise. M.rs Sparks: Ok Geo- George: And not to mention the super volcano under Yellowstone Park. Which if erupts the entire planet will go into a long winter that will last for countless years. The sky covered in black, the oxygen hard to breath, and even Texas will be under 5 feet of ash. M.rs Sparks: Ok George, you seem to know quite a bit about volcanos. George: Well i have visited a few, but the one that stands out the most is Llullaillaco. M.rs Sparks: Care to tell us the story? George: No not at all. So a year ago in Argentina I went to a volcano called "Llullaillaco" which is a stratovolcano, Llullaillaco is standing at 22,110 feet tall. My goal was to get the top and snap a picture of the inside, it did not go so well which I found out pretty soon...I was about 10% up there when I started to hear weird noises coming from inside. It was some difficult terrain to say the least. about a quarter up there I started hearing more and more noises coming from the volcano. I began to get really nervous and freaked out, " What if theirs a eruption?" "What if theirs a earth quake?" I was pretty frightened, but i thought to myself "if their was gonna be a eruption we would've gotten further notice, right?" So I looked ahead and started putting my legs to work almost rushing to get to the peak of this volcano, I was determined. Chapter 2:The Noises. I was 30% up there and the noises got more strange. At that point it didn't even sound like a eruption was about to happen, but I continued to climb and climb. I met this other family climbing believe it or not. The Carta's, I asked them questions about the strange noises, they said they thought it could just be some rock or something. I was confused of how rock could've made that type of noise. Maybe they were just crazy, I don't know... about 40% up I got really really curious of the noises. We decided to take a few hour nap because my family and I were drained, but I couldn't really sleep because the noise just kept going, i still ended up with a couple hours of sleep. We woke up and got ready for the new day, I say to my dad "Hey dad, what do you really think that noise is?" He reply's with "Well son there's only one way to find out. and that's to get to the top and do what we have to." It was a smart answer, so we started going along and about half way up there we start hearing it more clearly, almost as somethings crying up there. We pick up the pace and as we get closer and closer the sound gets clearer and clearer, with every step i was able to hear it more and more. Chapter 3: The Discovery. We were very close to the top maybe just a mile and a half to go, we start joking about the noises and what it could be Georges Brother: "If volcanos could fart it would totally sound like that" *The family laughs* George "What do you call a child volcano" "What" Says the family "A Project!" *The family laughs* Well they were bad jokes but its alright. As we're a few feet from the massive hole we hear the noise as clear as a crystal, "Is-Is that a llama" Says Georges Brother. I look down and i see a llama trapped and scared, I panic, i don't want to leave the llama but i don't know how to get it to safety, but then i remember there's a bunch of rope we brought just incase for descending, we strapped the rope around my waist and begin to descend. I realized that the llama is allot further down and llamas can withstand heat allot better than i could. I was freaking out while getting lowered, but i still couldn't rap my head around how the llama got down there, their really sneaky, and somewhat smart. Chapter 4,The Save. stressed because of the weight and eventually snap. i get down to the level of the llama in my hazmat suit, and i go for the safer option and strap it on the llama but now, i have to climb back up without the rope around me. This is a challenge, i'm horrible in PE, but i do have some experience in hiking, i begin to climb. "come on son you got this" Said my dad, "come on honey" said my mom. I was struggling big time, *weird cracking noise in the distance* "What was that" I asked. *rock begins falling down* "uhh some rock is collapsing*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2236749--Georges-hot-and-steamy-adventure