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Rated: E · Short Story · Philosophy · #2239328
Eyes wide open..........
They are ones who cannot be seen,but who's illusions effect all of mankind.

From behind the veil of invisibility they look down from their perch, and rejoice in the perfection of their spells.

From the malice in their hearts they are made drunk, hypnotized by their own image.

The One who rules them has given them great powers,that they may fulfill that which must be.

Destruction is their mission,their part has been cast,and they will play their roles.

Their powers are dividing all that can be divided, and no one is immune.

Left against right,man against woman, in a never ending journey of futility and division.

Red pill,blue pill,which one will you choose?

As the fog that settles in the valleys, the illusion of division has covered the inhabitants,and has made it's abode among them.

If we put away all allegiances for awhile, and think,be honest with yourself.

Can you see the slow, but steady transition into the bowels of a hate filled darkness?

All sense of justice and morals is slowly vanishing before your very eyes.

All beliefs are being systematically subdued.

And the wizards will continue making their brew,stronger with each batch.

While their victims below continue the fight,blinded by the illusion that obscures the light.

A population that is preoccupied on survival, and the taste of all the pleasures this world is offering.

Fulfilling what has already been written, the future that fulfills the past.

Aimlessly treading on the same path that perplexed us from the beginning.

Different situations ,with different actors, who unknowingly take part in the same illusion.

Each side in judgement of each other, that is only made manifest by the self God illusion.

One that deceives, while slowly destroying the soul from within.

Who is it that is without stain, that they may judge another?

Here is where the truth is......when one ceases
to judge then,and only then, will the truth be seen.

And the birth of a new world will be realized......

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